Uses of Interface

Packages that use HitsCluster

Uses of HitsCluster in org.apache.nutch.clustering

Methods in org.apache.nutch.clustering that return HitsCluster
 HitsCluster[] OnlineClusterer.clusterHits(HitDetails[] hitDetails, String[] descriptions)
          Clusters an array of hits (HitDetails objects) and their previously extracted summaries (Strings).
 HitsCluster[] HitsCluster.getSubclusters()

Uses of HitsCluster in org.apache.nutch.clustering.carrot2

Classes in org.apache.nutch.clustering.carrot2 that implement HitsCluster
 class HitsClusterAdapter
          An adapter of Carrot2's RawCluster interface to HitsCluster interface.

Methods in org.apache.nutch.clustering.carrot2 that return HitsCluster
 HitsCluster[] HitsClusterAdapter.getSubclusters()
 HitsCluster[] Clusterer.clusterHits(HitDetails[] hitDetails, String[] descriptions)
          See OnlineClusterer for documentation.

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