Uses of Class

Packages that use NFSOutputStream

Uses of NFSOutputStream in org.apache.nutch.fs

Methods in org.apache.nutch.fs that return NFSOutputStream
 NFSOutputStream LocalFileSystem.create(File f)
          Create the file at f.
 NFSOutputStream LocalFileSystem.create(File f, boolean overwrite)
abstract  NFSOutputStream NutchFileSystem.create(File f)
          Opens an OutputStream at the indicated File, whether local or via NDFS.
abstract  NFSOutputStream NutchFileSystem.create(File f, boolean overwrite)
 NFSOutputStream NDFSFileSystem.create(File f)
          Create the file at f.
 NFSOutputStream NDFSFileSystem.create(File f, boolean overwrite)

Constructors in org.apache.nutch.fs with parameters of type NFSOutputStream
NFSDataOutputStream(NFSOutputStream out)
NFSDataOutputStream(NFSOutputStream out, int bufferSize)

Uses of NFSOutputStream in org.apache.nutch.ndfs

Methods in org.apache.nutch.ndfs that return NFSOutputStream
 NFSOutputStream NDFSClient.create(UTF8 src)
          Create an output stream that writes to all the right places.
 NFSOutputStream NDFSClient.create(UTF8 src, boolean overwrite)

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