Class WritableComparator

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BooleanWritable.Comparator, DeleteDuplicates.IndexedDoc.ByHashDoc, DeleteDuplicates.IndexedDoc.ByHashScore, DistributedWebDBWriter.LinkInstruction.MD5Comparator, DistributedWebDBWriter.LinkInstruction.UrlComparator, DistributedWebDBWriter.PageInstruction.PageComparator, DistributedWebDBWriter.PageInstruction.UrlComparator, FloatWritable.Comparator, IntWritable.Comparator, Link.MD5Comparator, Link.UrlComparator, LongWritable.Comparator, MD5Hash.Comparator, Page.Comparator, Page.UrlComparator, UpdateSegmentsFromDb.BySegmentComparator, UpdateSegmentsFromDb.ByUrlComparator, UTF8.Comparator, WebDBWriter.LinkInstruction.MD5Comparator, WebDBWriter.LinkInstruction.UrlComparator, WebDBWriter.PageInstruction.PageComparator, WebDBWriter.PageInstruction.UrlComparator

public class WritableComparator
extends Object
implements Comparator

A Comparator for WritableComparables.

This base implemenation uses the natural ordering. To define alternate orderings, override compare(WritableComparable,WritableComparable).

One may optimize compare-intensive operations by overriding compare(byte[],int,int,byte[],int,int). Static utility methods are provided to assist in optimized implementations of this method.

Constructor Summary
protected WritableComparator(Class keyClass)
          Construct for a WritableComparable implementation.
Method Summary
 int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2)
          Optimization hook.
 int compare(Object a, Object b)
 int compare(WritableComparable a, WritableComparable b)
          Compare two WritableComparables.
static int compareBytes(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2)
          Lexicographic order of binary data.
static void define(Class c, WritableComparator comparator)
          Register an optimized comparator for a WritableComparable implementation.
static WritableComparator get(Class c)
          Get a comparator for a WritableComparable implementation.
 Class getKeyClass()
          Returns the WritableComparable implementation class.
 WritableComparable newKey()
          Construct a new WritableComparable instance.
static float readFloat(byte[] bytes, int start)
          Parse a float from a byte array.
static int readInt(byte[] bytes, int start)
          Parse an integer from a byte array.
static long readLong(byte[] bytes, int start)
          Parse a long from a byte array.
static int readUnsignedShort(byte[] bytes, int start)
          Parse an unsigned short from a byte array.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Comparator

Constructor Detail


protected WritableComparator(Class keyClass)
Construct for a WritableComparable implementation.

Method Detail


public static WritableComparator get(Class c)
Get a comparator for a WritableComparable implementation.


public static void define(Class c,
                          WritableComparator comparator)
Register an optimized comparator for a WritableComparable implementation.


public Class getKeyClass()
Returns the WritableComparable implementation class.


public WritableComparable newKey()
Construct a new WritableComparable instance.


public int compare(byte[] b1,
                   int s1,
                   int l1,
                   byte[] b2,
                   int s2,
                   int l2)
Optimization hook. Override this to make SequenceFile.Sorter's scream.

The default implementation reads the data into two WritableComparables (using Writable.readFields(DataInput), then calls compare(WritableComparable,WritableComparable).


public int compare(WritableComparable a,
                   WritableComparable b)
Compare two WritableComparables.

The default implementation uses the natural ordering, calling Comparable.compareTo(Object).


public int compare(Object a,
                   Object b)
Specified by:
compare in interface Comparator


public static int compareBytes(byte[] b1,
                               int s1,
                               int l1,
                               byte[] b2,
                               int s2,
                               int l2)
Lexicographic order of binary data.


public static int readUnsignedShort(byte[] bytes,
                                    int start)
Parse an unsigned short from a byte array.


public static int readInt(byte[] bytes,
                          int start)
Parse an integer from a byte array.


public static float readFloat(byte[] bytes,
                              int start)
Parse a float from a byte array.


public static long readLong(byte[] bytes,
                            int start)
Parse a long from a byte array.

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