Uses of Class

Packages that use MD5Hash
org.apache.nutch.db Web database: tracks page fetches and link structure. 
org.apache.nutch.fetcher The Nutch robot. Generic i/o code for use when reading and writing data to the network, to databases, and to files. 

Uses of MD5Hash in org.apache.nutch.db

Fields in org.apache.nutch.db declared as MD5Hash
static MD5Hash[] DBKeyDivision.MD5_KEYSPACE_DIVIDERS

Methods in org.apache.nutch.db that return MD5Hash
 MD5Hash Link.getFromID()
 MD5Hash Page.getMD5()

Methods in org.apache.nutch.db with parameters of type MD5Hash
 Vector DBSectionReader.getPages(MD5Hash md5)
          Get Pages from the db according to their content hash.
 boolean DBSectionReader.pageExists(MD5Hash md5)
          Test whether a certain piece of content is in the db, but don't bother returning it.
 Vector DBSectionReader.getLinks(MD5Hash md5)
          Grab all the links from the given MD5 hash.
 void WebDBWriter.deleteLink(MD5Hash md5)
          Remove links with the given MD5 from the db.
 Page[] WebDBReader.getPages(MD5Hash md5)
          Get Pages from the pagedb according to their content hash.
 boolean WebDBReader.pageExists(MD5Hash md5)
          Test whether a certain piece of content is in the database, but don't bother returning the Page(s) itself.
 Link[] WebDBReader.getLinks(MD5Hash md5)
          Grab all the links from the given MD5 hash.
static int DBKeyDivision.findMD5Section(MD5Hash md5, int numSections)
          Find the right section index for the given MD5, and the number of sections in the db overall.
 void Page.setMD5(MD5Hash md5)
 Page[] IWebDBReader.getPages(MD5Hash md5)
          Return any Pages with the given MD5 checksum.
 boolean IWebDBReader.pageExists(MD5Hash md5)
          Returns whether a Page with the given MD5 checksum is in the db.
 Link[] IWebDBReader.getLinks(MD5Hash md5)
          Return all the Link objects that originate from a document with the given MD5 checksum.
 Page[] DistributedWebDBReader.getPages(MD5Hash md5)
          Get all the Pages according to their content hash.
 boolean DistributedWebDBReader.pageExists(MD5Hash md5)
          Test whether a certain piece of content is in the database, but don't bother returning the Page(s) itself.
 Link[] DistributedWebDBReader.getLinks(MD5Hash md5)
          Grab all the links from the given MD5 hash.

Constructors in org.apache.nutch.db with parameters of type MD5Hash
Link(MD5Hash fromID, long domainID, String urlString, String anchorText)
          Create the record
Page(String urlString, MD5Hash md5)
          Construct a new, default page, due to be fetched.

Uses of MD5Hash in org.apache.nutch.fetcher

Methods in org.apache.nutch.fetcher that return MD5Hash
 MD5Hash FetcherOutput.getMD5Hash()

Constructors in org.apache.nutch.fetcher with parameters of type MD5Hash
FetcherOutput(FetchListEntry fetchListEntry, MD5Hash md5Hash, ProtocolStatus protocolStatus)

Uses of MD5Hash in

Methods in that return MD5Hash
static MD5Hash in)
          Constructs, reads and returns an instance.
static MD5Hash MD5Hash.digest(byte[] data)
          Construct a hash value for a byte array.
static MD5Hash MD5Hash.digest(byte[] data, int start, int len)
          Construct a hash value for a byte array.
static MD5Hash MD5Hash.digest(String string)
          Construct a hash value for a String.
static MD5Hash MD5Hash.digest(UTF8 utf8)
          Construct a hash value for a String.

Methods in with parameters of type MD5Hash
 void MD5Hash.set(MD5Hash that)
          Copy the contents of another instance into this instance.

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