Uses of Class

Packages that use SequenceFile.Writer
org.apache.nutch.db Web database: tracks page fetches and link structure. 

Uses of SequenceFile.Writer in org.apache.nutch.db

Methods in org.apache.nutch.db with parameters of type SequenceFile.Writer
 void WebDBWriter.PageInstructionWriter.appendInstructionInfo(SequenceFile.Writer writer, Page page, int opcode, Writable val)
          Append the PageInstruction info to the indicated SequenceFile, and keep the PI for later reuse.
 void WebDBWriter.PageInstructionWriter.appendInstructionInfo(SequenceFile.Writer writer, Page page, Link link, int opcode, Writable val)
          Append the PageInstruction info to the indicated SequenceFile, and keep the PI for later reuse.
 void WebDBWriter.LinkInstructionWriter.appendInstructionInfo(SequenceFile.Writer writer, Link link, int opcode, Writable val)
          Append the LinkInstruction info to the indicated SequenceFile and keep the LI for later reuse.

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