Uses of Class

Packages that use UTF8
org.apache.nutch.db Web database: tracks page fetches and link structure. 
org.apache.nutch.fetcher The Nutch robot. Generic i/o code for use when reading and writing data to the network, to databases, and to files. 

Uses of UTF8 in org.apache.nutch.db

Methods in org.apache.nutch.db that return UTF8
 UTF8 Link.getURL()
 UTF8 Link.getAnchorText()
 UTF8 Page.getURL()

Methods in org.apache.nutch.db with parameters of type UTF8
 Page DBSectionReader.getPage(UTF8 url, Page p)
          Fetch a Page with the given URL, and fill it into the pre-allocated Page 'p'.
 Vector DBSectionReader.getLinks(UTF8 url)
          Get all the hyperlinks that link TO the indicated URL.
 Link[] WebDBReader.getLinks(UTF8 url)
          Get all the hyperlinks that link TO the indicated URL.
 String[] WebDBAnchors.getAnchors(UTF8 url)
          Return the anchor texts of links in the db that point to this URL.
 Link[] IWebDBReader.getLinks(UTF8 url)
          Return any Link objects that point to the given URL.
 Link[] DistributedWebDBReader.getLinks(UTF8 url)
          Get all the hyperlinks that link TO the indicated URL.

Uses of UTF8 in org.apache.nutch.fetcher

Methods in org.apache.nutch.fetcher that return UTF8
 UTF8 FetcherOutput.getUrl()

Uses of UTF8 in

Methods in with parameters of type UTF8
static MD5Hash MD5Hash.digest(UTF8 utf8)
          Construct a hash value for a String.
 void UTF8.set(UTF8 other)
          Set to contain the contents of a string.

Constructors in with parameters of type UTF8
UTF8(UTF8 utf8)
          Construct from a given string.

Uses of UTF8 in org.apache.nutch.ndfs

Methods in org.apache.nutch.ndfs that return UTF8
 UTF8 DatanodeInfo.getName()
 UTF8 DatanodeInfo.getHost()
 UTF8 HeartbeatData.getName()
 UTF8[] FSNamesystem.getDatanodeHints(UTF8 src, long offset)
          Figure out a few hosts that are likely to contain the block referred to by the given filename, offset pair.

Methods in org.apache.nutch.ndfs with parameters of type UTF8
 boolean FSDirectory.addFile(UTF8 src, Block[] blocks)
          Add the given filename to the fs.
 boolean FSDirectory.renameTo(UTF8 src, UTF8 dst)
          Change the filename
 Block[] FSDirectory.delete(UTF8 src)
          Remove the file from management, return blocks
 int FSDirectory.obtainLock(UTF8 src, UTF8 holder, boolean exclusive)
 int FSDirectory.releaseLock(UTF8 src, UTF8 holder)
 NDFSFileInfo[] FSDirectory.getListing(UTF8 src)
          Get a listing of files given path 'src' This function is admittedly very inefficient right now.
 Block[] FSDirectory.getFile(UTF8 src)
          Get the blocks associated with the file
 boolean FSDirectory.isValidToCreate(UTF8 src)
          Check whether the filepath could be created
 boolean FSDirectory.isDir(UTF8 src)
          Check whether it's a directory
 boolean FSDirectory.mkdirs(UTF8 src)
          Create the given directory and all its parent dirs.
 NFSInputStream src)
          Create an input stream that obtains a nodelist from the namenode, and then reads from all the right places.
 NFSOutputStream NDFSClient.create(UTF8 src)
          Create an output stream that writes to all the right places.
 NFSOutputStream NDFSClient.create(UTF8 src, boolean overwrite)
 boolean NDFSClient.rename(UTF8 src, UTF8 dst)
          Make a direct connection to namenode and manipulate structures there.
 boolean NDFSClient.delete(UTF8 src)
          Make a direct connection to namenode and manipulate structures there.
 boolean NDFSClient.exists(UTF8 src)
 boolean NDFSClient.isDirectory(UTF8 src)
 NDFSFileInfo[] NDFSClient.listFiles(UTF8 src)
 boolean NDFSClient.mkdirs(UTF8 src)
 void NDFSClient.lock(UTF8 src, boolean exclusive)
 void NDFSClient.release(UTF8 src)
 Object[] src)
          The client wants to open the given filename.
 Object[] FSNamesystem.startFile(UTF8 src, UTF8 holder, boolean overwrite)
          The client would like to create a new block for the indicated filename.
 Object[] FSNamesystem.getAdditionalBlock(UTF8 src)
          The client would like to obtain an additional block for the indicated filename (which is being written-to).
 boolean FSNamesystem.abandonBlock(Block b, UTF8 src)
          The client would like to let go of the given block
 int FSNamesystem.completeFile(UTF8 src, UTF8 holder)
          Finalize the created file and make it world-accessible.
 boolean FSNamesystem.renameTo(UTF8 src, UTF8 dst)
          Change the indicated filename.
 boolean FSNamesystem.delete(UTF8 src)
          Remove the indicated filename from the namespace.
 boolean FSNamesystem.exists(UTF8 src)
          Return whether the given filename exists
 boolean FSNamesystem.isDir(UTF8 src)
          Whether the given name is a directory
 boolean FSNamesystem.mkdirs(UTF8 src)
          Create all the necessary directories
 UTF8[] FSNamesystem.getDatanodeHints(UTF8 src, long offset)
          Figure out a few hosts that are likely to contain the block referred to by the given filename, offset pair.
 int FSNamesystem.obtainLock(UTF8 src, UTF8 holder, boolean exclusive)
          Get a lock (perhaps exclusive) on the given file
 int FSNamesystem.releaseLock(UTF8 src, UTF8 holder)
          Release the lock on the given file
 void FSNamesystem.renewLease(UTF8 holder)
          Renew the lease(s) held by the given client
 NDFSFileInfo[] FSNamesystem.getListing(UTF8 src)
          Get a listing of all files at 'src'.
 void FSNamesystem.gotHeartbeat(UTF8 name, long capacity, long remaining)
          The given node has reported in.
 void FSNamesystem.processReport(Block[] newReport, UTF8 name)
          The given node is reporting all its blocks.
 void FSNamesystem.blockReceived(Block block, UTF8 name)
          The given node is reporting that it received a certain block.
 Block[] FSNamesystem.recentlyInvalidBlocks(UTF8 name)
          Return with a list of Blocks that should be invalidated at the given node.
 Block[] FSNamesystem.checkObsoleteBlocks(UTF8 name)
          If the node has not been checked in some time, go through its blocks and find which ones are neither valid nor pending.

Constructors in org.apache.nutch.ndfs with parameters of type UTF8
NDFSFileInfo(UTF8 path, long len, long contentsLen, boolean isDir)
DatanodeInfo(UTF8 name)
DatanodeInfo(UTF8 name, long capacity, long remaining)

Uses of UTF8 in org.apache.nutch.pagedb

Methods in org.apache.nutch.pagedb that return UTF8
 UTF8 FetchListEntry.getUrl()

Uses of UTF8 in

Methods in with parameters of type UTF8
 void UpdateSegmentsFromDb.SegmentPage.set(UTF8 url, UTF8 segment, int doc)

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