Uses of Class

Packages that use Block

Uses of Block in org.apache.nutch.ndfs

Methods in org.apache.nutch.ndfs that return Block
 Block[] FSDirectory.delete(UTF8 src)
          Remove the file from management, return blocks
 Block[] FSDirectory.getFile(UTF8 src)
          Get the blocks associated with the file
 Block[] DatanodeInfo.getBlocks()
 Block[] FSNamesystem.recentlyInvalidBlocks(UTF8 name)
          Return with a list of Blocks that should be invalidated at the given node.
 Block[] FSNamesystem.checkObsoleteBlocks(UTF8 name)
          If the node has not been checked in some time, go through its blocks and find which ones are neither valid nor pending.
 Block[] FSDataset.getBlockReport()
          Return a table of block data

Methods in org.apache.nutch.ndfs with parameters of type Block
 boolean FSDirectory.addFile(UTF8 src, Block[] blocks)
          Add the given filename to the fs.
 boolean FSDirectory.isValidBlock(Block b)
          Returns whether the given block is one pointed-to by a file.
 void DatanodeInfo.updateBlocks(Block[] newBlocks)
 void DatanodeInfo.addBlock(Block b)
 boolean FSNamesystem.abandonBlock(Block b, UTF8 src)
          The client would like to let go of the given block
 void FSNamesystem.processReport(Block[] newReport, UTF8 name)
          The given node is reporting all its blocks.
 void FSNamesystem.blockReceived(Block block, UTF8 name)
          The given node is reporting that it received a certain block.
 long FSDataset.getLength(Block b)
          Find the block's on-disk length
 InputStream FSDataset.getBlockData(Block b)
          Get a stream of data from the indicated block.
 boolean FSDataset.startBlock(Block b)
          A Block b will be coming soon!
 OutputStream FSDataset.writeToBlock(Block b)
          Start writing to a block file
 void FSDataset.finalizeBlock(Block b)
          Complete the block write!
 boolean FSDataset.isValidBlock(Block b)
          Check whether the given block is a valid one.
 void FSDataset.invalidate(Block[] invalidBlks)
          We're informed that a block is no longer valid.

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