Uses of Interface

Packages that use Parser
org.apache.nutch.parse.html An HTML document parsing plugin. 
org.apache.nutch.parse.msword A Word document parsing plugin. 
org.apache.nutch.parse.pdf A pdf parsing plugin. 
org.apache.nutch.parse.text A plain text parsing plugin. 

Uses of Parser in org.apache.nutch.parse

Methods in org.apache.nutch.parse that return Parser
static Parser ParserFactory.getParser(String contentType, String url)
          Returns the appropriate Parser implementation given a content type and url.

Uses of Parser in org.apache.nutch.parse.html

Classes in org.apache.nutch.parse.html that implement Parser
 class HtmlParser

Uses of Parser in org.apache.nutch.parse.js

Classes in org.apache.nutch.parse.js that implement Parser
 class JSParseFilter
          This class is a heuristic link extractor for JavaScript files and code snippets.

Uses of Parser in org.apache.nutch.parse.msword

Classes in org.apache.nutch.parse.msword that implement Parser
 class MSWordParser
          parser for mime type application/msword.

Uses of Parser in org.apache.nutch.parse.pdf

Classes in org.apache.nutch.parse.pdf that implement Parser
 class PdfParser
          parser for mime type application/pdf.

Uses of Parser in org.apache.nutch.parse.text

Classes in org.apache.nutch.parse.text that implement Parser
 class TextParser

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