Uses of Class

Packages that use PluginDescriptor

Uses of PluginDescriptor in org.apache.nutch.plugin

Methods in org.apache.nutch.plugin that return PluginDescriptor
 PluginDescriptor Plugin.getDescriptor()
          Returns the plugin descriptor
 PluginDescriptor[] PluginRepository.getPluginDescriptors()
          Returns all registed plugin descriptors.
 PluginDescriptor PluginRepository.getPluginDescriptor(String pPluginId)
          Returns the descriptor of one plugin identified by a plugin id.
 PluginDescriptor Extension.getDiscriptor()
          Deprecated. Use #{getDescriptor()} instead.
 PluginDescriptor Extension.getDescriptor()
          return the plugin descriptor.

Methods in org.apache.nutch.plugin with parameters of type PluginDescriptor
 Plugin PluginRepository.getPluginInstance(PluginDescriptor pDescriptor)
          Returns a instance of a plugin.
 void Extension.setDescriptor(PluginDescriptor pDescriptor)
          Sets the plugin descriptor and is only used until model creation at system start up.

Constructors in org.apache.nutch.plugin with parameters of type PluginDescriptor
Plugin(PluginDescriptor pDescriptor)
Extension(PluginDescriptor pDescriptor, String pExtensionPoint, String pId, String pExtensionClass)

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