Uses of Class

Packages that use ProtocolException
org.apache.nutch.protocol.file Protocol plugin which supports retrieving local file resources. 
org.apache.nutch.protocol.ftp Protocol plugin which supports retrieving documents via the ftp protocol. 
org.apache.nutch.protocol.http Protocol plugin which supports retrieving documents via the http protocol. 
org.apache.nutch.protocol.httpclient Protocol plugin which supports retrieving documents via the HTTP protocol. 

Uses of ProtocolException in org.apache.nutch.protocol

Subclasses of ProtocolException in org.apache.nutch.protocol
 class ProtocolNotFound
 class ResourceGone
          Thrown when a resource is invalid.
 class RetryLater
          Thrown when a resource should be retried later.

Uses of ProtocolException in org.apache.nutch.protocol.file

Subclasses of ProtocolException in org.apache.nutch.protocol.file
 class FileError
          Thrown for File error codes.
 class FileException

Uses of ProtocolException in org.apache.nutch.protocol.ftp

Subclasses of ProtocolException in org.apache.nutch.protocol.ftp
 class FtpError
          Thrown for Ftp error codes.
 class FtpException
          Superclass for important exceptions thrown during FTP talk, that must be handled with care.
 class FtpExceptionBadSystResponse
          Exception indicating bad reply of SYST command.
 class FtpExceptionCanNotHaveDataConnection
          Exception indicating failure of opening data connection.
 class FtpExceptionControlClosedByForcedDataClose
          Exception indicating control channel is closed by server end, due to forced closure of data channel at client (our) end.
 class FtpExceptionUnknownForcedDataClose
          Exception indicating unrecognizable reply from server after forced closure of data channel by client (our) side.

Uses of ProtocolException in org.apache.nutch.protocol.http

Subclasses of ProtocolException in org.apache.nutch.protocol.http
 class HttpError
          Thrown for HTTP error codes.
 class HttpException

Methods in org.apache.nutch.protocol.http that throw ProtocolException
static boolean RobotRulesParser.isAllowed(URL url)

Constructors in org.apache.nutch.protocol.http that throw ProtocolException
HttpResponse(URL url)
HttpResponse(String orig, URL url)

Uses of ProtocolException in org.apache.nutch.protocol.httpclient

Methods in org.apache.nutch.protocol.httpclient that throw ProtocolException
static boolean RobotRulesParser.isAllowed(URL url)

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