Class HttpBasicAuthentication

  extended byorg.apache.nutch.protocol.httpclient.HttpBasicAuthentication
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HttpBasicAuthentication
extends Object
implements HttpAuthentication

Implementation of RFC 2617 Basic Authentication. Usernames and passwords are stored in standard Nutch configuration files using the following properties: http.auth.basic..user http.auth.basic..pass

Matt Tencati

Field Summary
static Logger LOG
Constructor Summary
protected HttpBasicAuthentication(String challenge)
          Construct an HttpBasicAuthentication for the given challenge parameters.
Method Summary
static HttpBasicAuthentication getAuthentication(String challenge)
          This method is responsible for providing Basic authentication information.
static Pattern getBasicPattern()
          Provides a pattern which can be used by an outside resource to determine if this class can provide credentials based on simple header information.
 List getCredentials()
          Gets the Basic credentials generated by this HttpBasicAuthentication object
 String getRealm()
          Gets the realm attribute of the HttpBasicAuthentication object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final Logger LOG
Constructor Detail


protected HttpBasicAuthentication(String challenge)
                           throws HttpAuthenticationException
Construct an HttpBasicAuthentication for the given challenge parameters. The challenge parameters are returned by the web server using a WWW-Authenticate header. This will typically be represented by single line of the form WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="myrealm"

challenge - WWW-Authenticate header from web server
Method Detail


public List getCredentials()
Gets the Basic credentials generated by this HttpBasicAuthentication object

Specified by:
getCredentials in interface HttpAuthentication
Credentials in the form of Authorization: Basic <Base64 encoded userid:password>


public String getRealm()
Gets the realm attribute of the HttpBasicAuthentication object. This should have been supplied to the getAuthentication(String) static method

Specified by:
getRealm in interface HttpAuthentication
The realm


public static HttpBasicAuthentication getAuthentication(String challenge)
This method is responsible for providing Basic authentication information. The method caches authentication information for each realm so that the required authentication information does not need to be regenerated for every request.

challenge - The challenge string provided by the webserver. This is the text which follows the WWW-Authenticate header, including the Basic tag.
An HttpBasicAuthentication object or null if unable to generate appropriate credentials.


public static final Pattern getBasicPattern()
Provides a pattern which can be used by an outside resource to determine if this class can provide credentials based on simple header information. It does not calculate any information regarding realms or challenges.

Returns a Pattern which will match a Basic WWW-Authenticate header.

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