Package org.apache.nutch.searcher

Search API


Interface Summary
DistributedSearch.Protocol The distributed search protocol.
HitContent Service that returns the content of a hit.
HitDetailer Service that returns details of a hit within an index.
HitSummarizer Service that builds a summary for a hit on a query.
QueryFilter Extension point for query translation.
Searcher Service that searches.

Class Summary
DistributedSearch Implements the search API over IPC connnections.
DistributedSearch.Client The search client.
DistributedSearch.Server The search server.
FetchedSegments Implements HitSummarizer and HitContent for a set of fetched segments.
FieldQueryFilter Translate query fields to search the same-named field, as indexed by an IndexingFilter.
Hit A document which matched a query in an index.
HitDetails Data stored in the index for a hit.
Hits A set of hits matching a query.
IndexSearcher Implements Searcher and HitDetailer for either a single merged index, or for a set of individual segment indexes.
NutchBean One stop shopping for search-related functionality.
OpenSearchServlet Present search results using A9's OpenSearch extensions to RSS, plus a few Nutch-specific extensions.
Query A Nutch query.
Query.Clause A query clause.
Query.Phrase A phrase query clause.
Query.Term A single-term query clause.
QueryFilters Creates and caches QueryFilter implementing plugins.
RawFieldQueryFilter Translate raw query fields to search the same-named field, as indexed by an IndexingFilter.
Summarizer Implements hit summarization.
Summary A document summary dynamically generated to match a query.
Summary.Ellipsis An ellipsis fragment within a summary.
Summary.Fragment A fragment of text within a summary.
Summary.Highlight A highlighted fragment of text within a summary.

Exception Summary

Package org.apache.nutch.searcher Description

Search API

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