Uses of Class

Packages that use MimeType

Uses of MimeType in org.apache.nutch.util.mime

Methods in org.apache.nutch.util.mime that return MimeType
 MimeType MimeTypes.getMimeType(File file)
          Find the Mime Content Type of a file.
 MimeType MimeTypes.getMimeType(URL url)
          Find the Mime Content Type of a document from its URL.
 MimeType MimeTypes.getMimeType(String name)
          Find the Mime Content Type of a document from its name.
 MimeType MimeTypes.getMimeType(byte[] data)
          Find the Mime Content Type of a stream from its content.
 MimeType MimeTypes.getMimeType(String name, byte[] data)
          Find the Mime Content Type of a document from its name and its content.

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