An array of options which you can pass to change the way this node looks/acts. This can consist of:
text The title of the node, defaults to blank
link The link for the node, defaults to blank
icon The icon for the node, defaults to blank
class The CSS class for this node, defaults to blank
expanded The default expanded status of this node, defaults to false
This doesn't affect non dynamic presentation types
isDynamic If this node is dynamic or not. Only affects
certain presentation types.
ensureVisible If true this node will be made visible despite the expanded
settings, and client side persistence. Will not affect
some presentation styles, such as Listbox. Default is false
An array of javascript events and the corresponding event handlers. Additionally to the standard javascript events you can specify handlers for the 'onexpand', 'oncollapse' and 'ontoggle' events which will be fired whenever a node is collapsed and/or expanded.