Source for file new_phpdoc.php
Documentation is available at new_phpdoc.php
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
* Advanced Web Interface to phpDocumentor
* @deprecated in favor of docbuilder (see {@link docbuilder/config.php})
// An HTML interface for Joshua Eichorn's phpDocumentor
// phpDocumentor, a program for creating javadoc style documentation from php code
// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Joshua Eichorn
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Copyleft 2001 Juan Pablo Morales
print "phpDocumentor requires PHP version 4.1.0 or greater to function";
// set up include path so we can find all files, no matter what
// add my directory to the include path, and make it first, should fix any errors
if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN')
ini_set('include_path',$GLOBALS['_phpDocumentor_install_dir']. ';'. ini_get('include_path'));
ini_set('include_path',$GLOBALS['_phpDocumentor_install_dir']. ':'. ini_get('include_path'));
* common file information
// find the .ini directory by parsing phpDocumentor.ini and extracting _phpDocumentor_options[userdir]
if (isset ($ini['_phpDocumentor_options']['userdir']))
$configdir = $ini['_phpDocumentor_options']['userdir'];
$configdir = $_phpDocumentor_install_dir . '/user';
// allow the user to change this at runtime
if (!empty($_REQUEST['altuserdir'])) $configdir = $_REQUEST['altuserdir'];
if(!isset ($_GET['submit']) || !empty($_REQUEST['altuserdir'])) {
<script src="HTML_TreeMenu-1.1.2/TreeMenu.js" language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"></script>
function DirNode($text = false, $link = false, $icon = false, $path, $events = array())
if ($text) $options['text'] = $text;
if ($link) $options['link'] = $link;
if ($icon) $options['icon'] = $icon;
if (!$dir = opendir($path)) return;
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false)
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..')
$entry[] = "$path$pd$file";
for($i = 0; $i < count($entry); $i++ )
$anode = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => basename($path), 'link' => "javascript:setHelpVal('". $path. "');", 'icon' => 'folder.gif'));
if (!$node) $anode->addItem(new DirNode('..',"javascript:setHelp('". $result. "');",'folder.gif'),'..');
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
if (is_dir("$path$pd$file")) {
while (false){//($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
$anode->addItem(new DirNode($file,"javascript:setHelpVal('$path$pd$file');",'branchtop.gif',"$path$pd$file"));
if (!$node) $node = $anode;
// initialize recursion simulation values
// array format: path => &parent in $node itemlist
$parent_indexes = array();
$node = new DirNode(basename($path),"javascript:setHelpVal('". $path. "');",'folder.gif',$path);
$node->addItem(new DirNode('..',"javascript:setHelp('". $result. "');",'folder.gif','..'));
if ($recur++ > 120) return;
// no child files or directories
// echo "$path no child files or directories return to ";
if (isset ($parent_indexes[realpath($path)])) $parenti = $parent_indexes[realpath($path)];
// echo "$path parenti $parenti<br>";
// fancy_debug($path,$parent_indexes);
if (!isset ($parent_indexes[realpath($path)]))
while ($file !== false) {
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
if (!isset ($parent_indexes[realpath($path)])) $parent_indexes[realpath($path)] = true;
$parent[realpath("$path$pd$file")] = &$rnode;
// echo "<br>adding new ".addslashes(realpath($path.$pd.$file))." to $path<br>";
// go down the tree if possible
if (isset ($parent_indexes[realpath($path)]))
// no more children, go back up to parent
// echo "$path no more children, go back up to parent ";
if (isset ($parent_indexes[realpath($path)])) $parenti = $parent_indexes[realpath($path)];
// echo $path." parenti $parenti<br>";
// echo "$path go to next child ";
$parent_indexes[realpath($path)] = $parenti+ 1;
// debug("set parent ".$rnode->items[$parenti]->path." = ".$rnode->path.'<br>');
$rnode = &$rnode->items[$parenti];
// no children, go back up the tree to the next child
// echo "$path no children, go back up to parent ";
if (isset ($parent_indexes[realpath($path)])) $parenti = $parent_indexes[realpath($path)];
// echo "$path parenti $parenti<br>";
} while ($path && (($parenti < (count($rnode->items))) || ($parent[realpath($path)] !== false)));
foreach($tree as $key => $val)
debug($key. ' -> false<br>');
if (isset ($_GET) && isset ($_GET['fileName'])) $filename = $_GET['fileName'];
$pd = (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') ? '\\' : '/';
$test = ($pd == '/') ? '/' : 'C:\\';
if (empty($filename) || ($filename == $test))
$filename = ($pd == '/') ? '/' : 'C:\\';
// if ($pd != '/') $pd = $pd.$pd;
// recurseDir($filename,$anode);
$node = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => "Click to view $filename",'link' => "",'icon' => 'branchtop.gif'));
<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
Creates some global variables
function initializate() {
//The "platform independent" newLine
//Taken from
if (navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('Win') != -1)
/* for($a=0;$a<document.dataForm.elements.length;$a++) {
alert("The name is '"+document.dataForm.elements[$a].name+"' "+$a);
/** Sets the contents of the help box, and submits the form
document.helpForm.fileName.value = $str;;
/** Sets the contents of the help box only
function setHelpVal($str)
document.helpForm.fileName.value = $str;
/**Adds the contents of the help box as a directory
function addDirectory($object) {
$a = document.helpForm.fileName.value;
$a = myReplace($a,'\\\\','\\');
if ($a[$a.length - 1] == $pathdelim) $a = $a.substring(0, $a.length - 1);
if ($a.lastIndexOf('.') > 0)
$a = $a.substring(0,$a.lastIndexOf($pathdelim));
$object.value = prepareString($object.value)+$a;
/**Adds the contents of the converter box to the converters list
function addConverter($object) {
$object.value = prepareString($object.value)+document.dataForm.ConverterSetting.value;
/**Replaces the converters list with the contents of the converter box
function replaceConverter($object) {
$object.value = document.dataForm.ConverterSetting.value;
/**Adds the contents of the help box as a file to the given control
function addFile($object) {
$a = document.helpForm.fileName.value;
$a = myReplace($a,'\\\\','\\');
$object.value = prepareString($object.value)+$a;
/**Takes a given string and leaves it ready to add a new string
That is, puts the comma and the new line if needed
function prepareString($myString) {
//First verify that a comma is not at the end
if($myString.lastIndexOf(",") >= $myString.length-2) {
//We have a comma at the end
if($myString.length > 0) {
/**Do the validation needed before sending the from and return a truth value indicating if the form can be sent
//Take out all newLines and change them by nothing
//This could be done by using javascript function's replacebut that was implemented only until Navigator 4.0 and so it is better to use more backward compatible functions like substr
document.dataForm.elements[0].value= stripNewLines(document.dataForm.elements[0].value);
document.dataForm.elements[1].value= stripNewLines(document.dataForm.elements[1].value);
document.dataForm.elements[2].value= stripNewLines(document.dataForm.elements[2].value);
document.dataForm.elements[3].value= stripNewLines(document.dataForm.elements[3].value);
document.dataForm.elements[4].value= stripNewLines(document.dataForm.elements[4].value);
document.dataForm.elements[5].value= stripNewLines(document.dataForm.elements[5].value);
document.dataForm.elements[6].value= stripNewLines(document.dataForm.elements[6].value);
document.dataForm.elements[7].value= stripNewLines(document.dataForm.elements[7].value);
//By returning true we are allowing the form to be submitted
/**Takes a string and removes all the ocurrences of new lines
Could have been implemented a lot easier with replace but it's not very backwards compatible
function stripNewLines($myString) {
return myReplace($myString,$newLine,'');
function myReplace($string,$text,$by) {
// Replaces text with by in string
var $strLength = $string.length, $txtLength = $text.length;
if (($strLength == 0) || ($txtLength == 0)) return $string;
var $i = $string.indexOf($text);
if ((!$i) && ($text != $string.substring(0,$txtLength))) return $string;
if ($i == -1) return $string;
var $newstr = $string.substring(0,$i) + $by;
if ($i+$txtLength < $strLength)
$newstr += myReplace($string.substring($i+$txtLength,$strLength),$text,$by);
//Find out if we are submitting and if we are, send it
// This code originally by Joshua Eichorn on phpdoc.php
if(isset ($_GET['submit']) && empty($_REQUEST['altuserdir'])) {
echo "<body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">";
echo "<h1>Parsing Files ...</h1>";
echo "<h1>Operation Completed!!</h1>";
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" onload="javascript:initializate()">
phpDocumentor written by Joshua Eichorn<br>
Web Interface written by Juan Pablo Morales and enhanced by Greg Beaver<br>
<img src="poweredbyphpdoc.gif" alt="" width="88" height="31" border="0">
<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="60%" bgcolor=
use this to find directories and files which can be used below
<form name="helpForm" action=" <?php print $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="get"
<input size="80" type="text" name="fileName" value=" <?php print $filename;?>">
<input type="submit" name="helpdata" value="browse tree">
<div id='menuLayer'></div>
<form name="dataForm" action=" <?php print $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="GET" onsubmit=
<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" border="0" width="80%"
<b>Use a pre-created config file for form values.</b>
Normally, phpDocumentor uses the form values from this form to set up parsing. In version 1.2,
phpDocumentor allows you to "save" form values in configuration files so that you can replicate
common complicated documentation tasks with only one time. Just choose a config file below or create a
new one and refresh this page to choose it.<hr /><b>change config directory:</b><input size="20" type="text" name="altuserdir" value=""> <?php if (!empty($_REQUEST['altuserdir'])) print '<br><i>changed to <b>"'. $_REQUEST['altuserdir']. '"</b></i>'; ?>
<b>Choose a config:</b> <select name="setting[useconfig]">
<option value="" <?php if (empty($_REQUEST['altuserdir'])) print 'selected'; ?>>don't use config file</option>
if (!empty($_REQUEST['altuserdir'])) $path = $configdir . PATH_DELIMITER;
foreach($dirs as $configfile)
print '<option value="'. $path. $configfile. '"'. $sel. '>'. $configfile. ".ini</option>\n";
</select><input type="SUBMIT" value=
"Go" name="submitButton"><br>
Target is the directory where
the output produced by phpDocumentor will reside<br>
<input type="TEXT" name="setting[target]" size=
Add the directory in the help box</a>
This is a group of comma-separated names of php files
or tutorials that will be processed by phpDocumentor.<br>
<textarea rows="6" cols="80" name=
"setting[filename]"></textarea> <br>
Add the file in the help box</a>
<b>Directory to parse</b>
This is a group of comma-separated directories where php files
or tutorials are found that will be processed by phpDocumentor.
phpDocumentor automatically parses subdirectories<br>
<textarea rows="6" cols="80" name="setting[directory]"></textarea> <br>
Add the directory in the help box</a>
A list of files (full path or filename), and patterns
to ignore. Patterns may use wildcards * and ?. To
ignore all subdirectories named "test" for example,
using "test/" To ignore all files and directories
with test in their name use "*test*"
<textarea rows="6" cols="80" name="setting[ignore]"></textarea> <br>
Add the directory in the help box</a>
<b>Generated Documentation Title</b>
Choose a title for the generated documentation<br>
<input type="TEXT" name="setting[title]" size=
"80" value="Generated Documentation"><br>
<b>Default Package Name</b>
Choose a name for the default package<br>
<input type="TEXT" name="setting[defaultpackagename]" size=
"80" value="default"><br>
Custom Tags is a comma-separated list of tags
you want phpDocumentor to include as valid tags
in this parse. An example would be "value, size"
to allow @value and @size tags.
<input type="TEXT" name="setting[customtags]" size=
The parameter packages is a group of comma
separated names of abstract packages that will
be processed by phpDocumentor. All package names must be
<textarea rows="3" cols="80" name=
"setting[packageoutput]"></textarea> <br>
<b>Output Information</b>
may be HTML, XML, PDF, or CHM (case-sensitive) in version 1.2. There is only one Converter
for both CHM and PDF, <b>default</b>. There are 2 HTML Converters,
<b>frames</b> and <b>Smarty</b>. <b>frames templates</b> may be any of:<br><br>
<b>default, l0l33t,, phphtmllib, phpedit, DOM/default, DOM/l0l33t, or DOM/</b>.
<b>Smarty templates</b> may be any of:<br><br>
<b>default or PHP</b>.<br>
There is only 1 template for all other Converters, <b>default</b>
<br>Output type:Converter name:template name <input type=
"TEXT" name="setting[output]" value=
"HTML:Smarty:default" size="80"><br>
<select name="ConverterSetting">
<option value="HTML:frames:default">HTML:frames:default</option>
<option value="HTML:frames:l0l33t">HTML:frames:l0l33t</option>
<option value=""></option>
<option value="HTML:frames:phphtmllib">HTML:frames:phphtmllib</option>
<option value="HTML:frames:phpedit">HTML:frames:phpedit</option>
<option value="HTML:frames:DOM/default">HTML:frames:DOM/default</option>
<option value="HTML:frames:DOM/l0l33t">HTML:frames:DOM/l0l33t</option>
<option value="HTML:frames:DOM/">HTML:frames:DOM/</option>
<option value="HTML:Smarty:default" SELECTED>HTML:Smarty:default</option>
<option value="PDF:default:default">PDF:default:default</option>
<option value="CHM:default:default">CHM:default:default</option>
<option value="XML:DocBook/peardoc2:default">XML:DocBook/peardoc2:default</option>
Add the converter in the help box</a> <br>
Use ONLY the converter in the help box</a>
<b>Parse @access private</b>
The parameter Parse @access private tells phpDocumentor
whether to parse elements with an "@access private" tag in their docblock<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="setting[parseprivate]" value="on">Parse private <br>
<b>JavaDoc-compliant Description parsing.</b>
Normally, phpDocumentor uses several rules to determine the short description. This switch
asks phpDocumentor to simply search for the first period (.) and use it to delineate the short
description. In addition, the short description will not be separated from the long description<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="setting[javadocdesc]" value="on">JavaDoc-compliant Description <br>
<input type="HIDDEN" name="interface" value="web"> <input type=
"HIDDEN" name="submit" value="true"> <input type="SUBMIT" value=
"Create Documentation" name="submitButton">
Juan Pablo Morales <a href=
If you have any problems with phpDocumentor, please visit the website: <a
href=''></a> and
<!-- Created: Tue Jun 26 18:52:40 MEST 2001 -->
Last modified: $Date: 2005/10/17 18:15:16 $
Revision: $Revision: 1.1 $
<?php } //End the else that prints all code