Package londiste :: Module file_read :: Class FileRead
[frames] | no frames]

Class FileRead

source code

                 object --+                    
skytools.scripting.DBScript --+                
          pgq.consumer.Consumer --+            
        pgq.consumer.SerialConsumer --+        
                    playback.Replicator --+    
                       table_copy.CopyTable --+

Reads events from file instead of db queue.

Incomplete implementation.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, args, log=None) source code
launch_copy(self, tbl) source code
Do the work loop, once (internal).
source code
Return list of (first_batch, full_filename) pairs.
source code

Inherited from table_copy.CopyTable: do_copy, init_optparse, real_copy

Inherited from playback.Replicator: change_table_state, fill_mirror_queue, flush_sql, get_table_by_name, get_table_by_state, handle_data_event, handle_events, handle_seqs, handle_system_event, interesting, load_table_state, process_remote_batch, remove_table, save_table_state, sync_from_copy_thread, sync_from_main_thread, sync_tables

Inherited from pgq.consumer.SerialConsumer: attach, clean_completed_tick, detach, dst_reset, is_batch_done, process_batch, rewind, set_batch_done, startup

Inherited from pgq.consumer.Consumer: get_batch_info, process_event, register_consumer, stat_end, stat_start, unregister_consumer

Inherited from skytools.scripting.DBScript: close_database, get_database, hook_sighup, hook_sigint, reload, reset, run, run_once, send_signal, send_stats, set_single_loop, start, stat_add, stat_increase, stat_put, stop

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

Class Variables

Inherited from playback.Replicator: cur_tick, prev_tick, sql_command

Inherited from skytools.scripting.DBScript: cf, job_name, log, service_name


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, args, log=None)

source code 
Overrides: table_copy.CopyTable.__init__

launch_copy(self, tbl)

source code 
Overrides: playback.Replicator.launch_copy


source code 
Do the work loop, once (internal).
(inherited documentation)