A key feature of ArgoUML are the critics, which run in parallel with the main ArgoUML tool. When they find a problem, they typically raise a to-do item, and also highlight the problem on the editing pane. The graphical techniques used for highlighting are called Clarifiers
Note icon ().
Displayed at the top left of a model element indicates a critic
of that model element. Moving the mouse over the icon will pop
up the critic headline.
Colored wavy line (
Used for critics specific to sub-components of graphical
model elements. For example to underline attributes with a
problem within a class.
Solid colored line (
Not seen in ordinary editing, but used when a to-do item is
highlighted from the to-do pane (see
Chapter 14,
The To-Do Pane
) by button 1 double
click. The solid line is used to show all the model elements
affected by the critic, for example all stimuli that are
out of order.