Testing and monitoring

You can test the effectiveness of PLC and the new jitterbuffer's detection of loss by using the new CLI command "iax2 test losspct $<$n$>$". This will simulate n percent packet loss coming _in_ to chan_iax2. You should find that with PLC and the new JB, 10 percent packet loss should lead to just a tiny amount of distortion, while without PLC, it would lead to silent gaps in your audio.

"iax2 show netstats" shows you statistics for each iax2 call you have up. The columns are "RTT" which is the round-trip time for the last PING, and then a bunch of s tats for both the local side (what you're receiving), and the remote side (what the other end is telling us they are seeing). The remote stats may not be complete if the remote end isn't using the new jitterbuffer.

The stats shown are:

lmadsen 2010-01-14