Modify voicemail.conf

The following directives have been added to voicemail.conf:

The "imapfolder" can be used to specify an alternative folder on your IMAP server to store voicemails in. If not specified, the default folder 'INBOX' will be used.

The "imapgreetings" parameter can be enabled in order to store voicemail greetings on the IMAP server. If disabled, then they will be stored on the local file system as normal.

The "greetingsfolder" can be set to store greetings on the IMAP server when "imapgreetings" is enabled in an alternative folder than that set by "imapfolder" or the default folder for voicemails.

The "expungeonhangup" flag is used to determine if the voicemail system should expunge all messages marked for deletion when the user hangs up the phone.

Each mailbox definition should also have imapuser=$<$imap username$>$. For example:

The directives "authuser" and "authpassword" are not needed when using Kerberos. They are defined to allow Asterisk to authenticate as a single user that has access to all mailboxes as an alternative to Kerberos.

lmadsen 2010-01-14