Sub address

When sending a message to a landline, you simply send to the landline number. In the UK, all of the mobile operators (bar one) understand sending messages to landlines and pass the messages to the BTText system for delivery to the landline.

The specification for landline SMS allows for the possibility of more than one device on a single landline. These can be configured with Sub addresses which are a single digit. To send a message to a specific device the message is sent to the landline number with an extra digit appended to the end. The telco can define a default sub address (9 in the UK) which is used when the extra digit is not appended to the end. When the call comes in, part of the calling line ID is the sub address, so that only one device on the line answers the call and receives the message.

Sub addresses also work for outgoing messages. Part of the number called by the device to send a message is its sub address. Sending from the default sub address (9 in the UK) means the message is delivered with the sender being the normal landline number. Sending from any other sub address makes the sender the landline number with an extra digit on the end.

Using Asterisk, you can make use of the sub addresses for sending and receiving messages. Using DDI (DID, i.e. multiple numbers on the line on ISDN) you can also make use of many different numbers for SMS.

lmadsen 2010-01-14