
The following contexts are recommended.

smsmtrx is normally accessed by an incoming call from the SMSC. In the UK this call is from a CLI of 080058752X0 where X is the sub address. As such a typical usage in the extensions.conf at the point of handling an incoming call is:

Alternatively, if you have the correct national prefix on incoming CLI, e.g. using dahdi_hfc, you might use:

smsmorx is normally accessed by a call from a local sip device connected to a Magic Messenger. It could however by that you are operating Asterisk as a message centre for calls from outside. Either way, you look at the called number and goto smsmorx. In the UK, the SMSC number that would be dialed is 1709400X where X is the caller sub address. As such typical usage in extension.config at the point of handling a call from a sip phone is:

lmadsen 2010-01-14