AGL SDK Quick Setup

This tutorial explains how to quickly setup an environment suitable to building and packaging AGL Applications using the SDK and a Docker container. The current tutorial has been tested on Linux, but may work with a few adjustments for Windows or MacOS.

Step 1: install Docker

First install docker on your host, if not already done. General instructions for Linux are available on the Docker Site.

Step 2: setup persistent workspace

Docker images are pre-configured to use a particular uid:gid to enable the use of OpenEmbedded build system. They provide a dedicated user account devel which belong to uid=1664(devel) gid=1664(devel). (Note: password is devel)

The script ‘create_container’ presented below instantiates a new container and shares some volumes with the host:

  • /xdt (the build directory inside the container) is stored in ~/ssd/xdt_$ID (specific to instance ID)
  • /home/devel/mirror is stored in ~/ssd/localmirror_$ID (specific to instance ID)
  • /home/devel/share => points to ~/devel/docker/share (shared by all containers)

Those shared volumes with the host needs the proper permissions to be accessible from the contained environment.

mkdir ~/ssd ~/devel
chmod a+w ~/ssd ~/devel


  • To gain access from your host on files created within the container, your host account requires to be added to group id 1664.

Step 3: install the “Generic AGL Worker” Docker Image

Get docker image

Pre-built image

A pre-built image is available on automotivelinux download public site and can be used directly.

First, download and load the image in your local Docker instance:

wget -O - | sudo docker load;
docker images;
      REPOSITORY                              TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE   3.0                 42009148bc03        6 days ago          926.9 MB
      jenkins                                 latest              55720d63e328        5 weeks ago         711.9 MB
      hello-world                             latest              c54a2cc56cbb        5 months ago        1.848 kB

Rebuilt image

The Docker image for AGL Worker can be rebuilt using the scripts published here docker-worker-generator.

Start image

Then, use the ‘create_container’ script to start a new, fresh container based on the AGL Worker image:


  • The password for the id ‘devel’ inside the docker image is ‘devel’.
git clone;
cd docker-worker-generator;
./contrib/create_container 0;
docker ps;
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                       COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                                        NAMES
    4fb7c550ad75   "/usr/bin/wait_for_ne"   33 hours ago        Up 33 hours>22/tcp,>69/udp,>8000/tcp,>10809/tcp   agl-worker-odin-0-sdx

Step 4: install the AGL SDK for your target

Here, we assume that we just built an image ‘agl-demo-platform-crosssdk’ using the Yocto build procedure documented in the Getting Started section of the documentation.

So we can copy such file to the shared volume.

For example, we could have built the SDK from another worker container listening with SSH on port 2223:

create_container 1;
ssh -p 2223 [email protected];
... [ prepare build environment ] ...
bitbake agl-demo-platform-crosssdk;
... [ build happens in /xdt/build ] ...
cp /xdt/build/tmp/deploy/sdk/ ~/share;

then login to the first “SDK Container” and install the SDK:

ssh -p 2222 [email protected];
install_sdk ~/share/;

Step 5: build your application

First, you must source the SDK environment you wish to use (you MUST repeat this step each time you open a new shell):

source /xdt/sdk/environment-setup-<your_target>

You’re then ready to go: get the sources, run the builds …

git clone <your repo for your app>;
cd <your app>;
cmake; make; make package;