
New Features in 3.0.2

This chapter presents the new features added to the development 3.0.2 versions to be released as Bacula version 3.0.2 in july 2009.

Full restore from a given JobId

This feature allows selecting a JobId and having Bacula automatically select all other jobs that comprise a full backup up to and including the selected JobId.

Assume we start with the following jobs:

| jobid | client       | starttime           | level | jobfiles | jobbytes   |
| 6     | localhost-fd | 2009-07-15 11:45:49 | I     | 2        | 0          |
| 5     | localhost-fd | 2009-07-15 11:45:45 | I     | 15       | 44143      |
| 3     | localhost-fd | 2009-07-15 11:45:38 | I     | 1        | 10         |
| 1     | localhost-fd | 2009-07-15 11:45:30 | F     | 1527     | 44143073   |

Below is an example of selecting this new feature (which is number 12 in the menu).

* restore
To select the JobIds, you have the following choices:
     1: List last 20 Jobs run
     2: List Jobs where a given File is saved
    12: Select full restore to a specified JobId
    13: Cancel

Select item:  (1-13): 12
Enter JobId to restore: 5
You have selected the following JobIds: 1,3,5

Building directory tree for JobId(s) 1,3,5 ...  +++++++++++++++++++
1,444 files inserted into the tree.

This project was funded by Bacula Systems.

Source Address

A feature has been added which allows the administrator to specify the address from which the director and file daemons will attempt connections from. This may be used to simplify system configuration overhead when working in complex networks utilizing multi-homing and policy-routing.

To accomplish this, two new configuration directives have been implemented:

FileDaemon {
  FDSourceAddress=    # Always initiate connections from this address

Director {
  DirSourceAddress=   # Always initiate connections from this address

Simply adding specific host routes would have an undesirable side-effect: any application trying to contact the destination host would be forced to use the more specific route, possibly diverting management traffic onto a backup VLAN. Instead of adding host routes for each client connected to a multi-homed backup server (for example where there are management and backup VLANs), one can use the new directives to specify a specific source address at the application level.

Additionally, this allows the simplification and abstraction of firewall rules when dealing with a Hot-Standby director or storage daemon configuration. The Hot-standby pair may share a CARP address, which connections must be sourced from, while system services listen and act from the unique interface addresses.

This project was funded by Collaborative Fusion, Inc.

Show volume availability when doing restore

When doing a restore the restore selection dialog ends by displaying this screen:

  The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
   *000741L3                  LTO-4                     LTO3 
   *000866L3                  LTO-4                     LTO3 
   *000765L3                  LTO-4                     LTO3 
   *000764L3                  LTO-4                     LTO3 
   *000756L3                  LTO-4                     LTO3 
   *001759L3                  LTO-4                     LTO3 
   *001763L3                  LTO-4                     LTO3 
    001762L3                  LTO-4                     LTO3 
    001767L3                  LTO-4                     LTO3 

Volumes marked with ``*'' are online.

This should help getting large restores through minimizing the time spent waiting for operator to drop by and change tapes in the library.

This project was funded by Bacula Systems.

Accurate estimate command

The estimate command can now use the accurate code to detect changes and give a better estimation.

You can set the accurate behavior on command line using accurate=yes/no or use the Job setting as default value.

* estimate listing accurate=yes level=incremental job=BackupJob

This project was funded by Bacula Systems.

Kern Sibbald 2009-08-09