Berkeley DB
version 4.2.52

Package com.sleepycat.bdb.util

General utilities used throughout DB
[reference guide]


Interface Summary
ExceptionWrapper Interface implemented by exceptions that can contain nested exceptions.

Class Summary
ExceptionUnwrapper Unwraps nested exceptions by calling the ExceptionWrapper.getDetail() method for exceptions that implement the ExceptionWrapper interface.
FastInputStream A replacement for ByteArrayInputStream that does not synchronize every byte read.
FastOutputStream A replacement for ByteArrayOutputStream that does not synchronize every byte read.
TimeUnits Common time unit definitions.
UtfOps UTF operations with more flexibility than is provided by DataInput and DataOutput.

Exception Summary
IOExceptionWrapper An IOException that can contain nested exceptions.
RuntimeExceptionWrapper A RuntimeException that can contain nested exceptions.

Package com.sleepycat.bdb.util Description

General utilities used throughout DB
[reference guide]

Berkeley DB
version 4.2.52

Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Sleepycat Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.