Berkeley DB
version 4.2.52

Uses of Class

Packages that use DbException
com.sleepycat.bdb Core database classes for defining an environment, creating data stores, and running transactions
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com.sleepycat.db Java API programming notes
[reference guide] 

Uses of DbException in com.sleepycat.bdb

Methods in com.sleepycat.bdb that throw DbException
 void worker)
          Calls the TransactionWorker.doWork() method and, for transactional environments, begins and ends a transaction.
 void PrimaryKeyAssigner.assignKey(DataBuffer keyData)
          Assigns a new primary key value into the given data buffer.
 DataView DataView.valueSetView(Object singleKey)
          Return a new value-set view for single key range.
 DataView DataView.subView(Object beginKey, boolean beginInclusive, Object endKey, boolean endInclusive, DataBinding keyBinding)
          Return a new value-set view for key range, optionally changing the key binding.
 boolean DataView.isEmpty()
          Returns whether no records are present in the view.
 int DataView.get(Object key, Object value, int flags, boolean lockForWrite, Object[] retValue)
          Performs a general database 'get' operation.
 int DataView.consume(int flags, Object[] retPrimaryKey, Object[] retValue)
          Performs a database 'get and consume' operation.
 int DataView.put(Object primaryKey, Object value, int flags, Object[] oldValue)
          Performs a database 'put' operation, optionally returning the old value.
 int DataView.addValue(DataThang primaryKeyThang, Object value, int flags)
          Adds a duplicate value for a specified key.
 int DataView.append(Object value, Object[] retPrimaryKey, Object[] retValue)
          Appends a value and returns the new key.
 void DataView.clear(Collection oldValues)
          Deletes all records in the current range, optionally returning the values for the deleted records.
 DataCursor DataView.join(DataView[] indexViews, Object[] indexKeys, boolean presorted)
          Returns a cursor for this view that reads only records having the specified index key values.
 DataCursor DataView.join(DataCursor[] indexCursors, boolean presorted)
          Returns a cursor for this view that reads only records having the index key values at the specified cursors.
 void DataStore.close()
          Closes the store and all associated indices.
 void DataDb.close()
          Closes the database.
 int DataDb.get(DataThang key, DataThang data, int flags)
          Performs a general database 'get' operation.
 int DataDb.get(Dbc cursor, DataThang key, DataThang val, int flags)
          Performs a general database 'get' operation via a cursor.
 int DataDb.put(DataThang key, DataThang data, int flags)
          Performs a general database 'put' operation.
 int DataDb.put(Dbc cursor, DataThang key, DataThang data, int flags)
          Performs a general database 'put' operation via a cursor.
 int DataDb.delete(DataThang key, int flags)
          Performs a general database 'delete' operation.
 Dbc DataDb.openCursor(boolean writeCursor)
          Opens a cursor for this database.
 Dbc DataDb.dupCursor(Dbc cursor, boolean writeCursor, int flags)
          Duplicates a cursor for this database.
 void DataDb.closeCursor(Dbc cursor)
          Closes a cursor for this database.
 void DataCursor.close()
          Closes a cursor.
 Object DataCursor.getCurrentKey()
          Returns the key object for the last record read.
 Object DataCursor.getCurrentValue()
          Returns the value object for the last record read.
 int DataCursor.getCurrentRecordNumber()
          Returns the record number for the last record read.
 int DataCursor.get(Object key, Object value, int flag, boolean lockForWrite)
          Perform a database 'get' using the given key and value.
 int DataCursor.find(Object value, boolean findFirst)
          Find the given value, using DB_GET_BOTH if possible, or a sequential search otherwise.
 int DataCursor.count()
          Return the number of duplicates for the current key.
 int DataCursor.put(Object key, Object value, int flag, Object[] oldValue)
          Perform an arbitrary database 'put' operation, optionally returning the previous value.
 int DataCursor.put(Object key, Object value, int flag, Object[] oldValue, boolean useCurrentKey)
          Perform an arbitrary database 'put' operation, optionally using the current key instead of the key parameter.
 int DataCursor.delete()
          Perform an arbitrary database 'delete' operation.
 DbTxn CurrentTransaction.beginTxn()
          Begins a new transaction for this environment and associates it with the current thread.
 DbTxn CurrentTransaction.beginTxn(boolean dirtyRead, boolean noWait)
          Begins a new transaction for this environment and associates it with the current thread.
 DbTxn CurrentTransaction.commitTxn()
          Commits the transaction that is active for the current thread for this environment and makes the parent transaction (if any) the current transaction.
 DbTxn CurrentTransaction.abortTxn()
          Aborts the transaction that is active for the current thread for this environment and makes the parent transaction (if any) the current transaction.

Constructors in com.sleepycat.bdb that throw DbException
StoredClassCatalog(DbEnv env, String file, String database, int openFlags)
          Open a catalog database.
DataCursor(DataView view, boolean writeAllowed)
          Creates a cursor for a given view.
DataCursor(DataView view, boolean writeAllowed, Object singleKey)
          Creates a cursor for a given view and single key range.
DataCursor(DataView view, boolean writeAllowed, Object beginKey, boolean beginInclusive, Object endKey, boolean endInclusive)
          Creates a cursor for a given view and key range.
DataCursor(DataCursor other)
          Clones a cursor preserving the current position.

Uses of DbException in com.sleepycat.db

Subclasses of DbException in com.sleepycat.db
 class DbDeadlockException
          This information describes the DbDeadlockException class and how it is used in the Berkeley DB library.
 class DbLockNotGrantedException
          This information describes the DbLockNotGrantedException class and how it is used by the various Db* classes.
 class DbMemoryException
          This information describes the DbMemoryException class and how it is used by the various Db* classes.
 class DbRunRecoveryException
          This information describes the DbRunRecoveryException class and how it is used by the various Berkeley DB classes.

Methods in com.sleepycat.db with parameters of type DbException
 void DbPanicHandler.panic(DbEnv dbenv, DbException e)
          The DbPanicHandler interface is used by the DbEnv.setPanicHandler method.

Methods in com.sleepycat.db that throw DbException
 void DbTxn.abort()
          The DbTxn.abort method causes an abnormal termination of the transaction.
 void DbTxn.commit(int flags)
          The DbTxn.commit method ends the transaction.
 void DbTxn.discard(int flags)
          The DbTxn.discard method frees up all the per-process resources associated with the specified DbTxn handle, neither committing nor aborting the transaction.
          The method returns the unique transaction id associated with the specified transaction.
 void DbTxn.prepare(byte[] gid)
          The DbTxn.prepare method initiates the beginning of a two-phase commit.
 void DbTxn.set_timeout(long timeout, int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbTxn.setTimeout(long,int)
 void DbTxn.setTimeout(long timeout, int flags)
          The DbTxn.setTimeout method sets timeout values for locks or transactions for the specified transaction.
 int DbSecondaryKeyCreate.secondaryKeyCreate(Db secondary, Dbt key, Dbt data, Dbt result)
          The secondaryKeyCreate interface is used by the Db.associate method.
 int DbRepTransport.send(DbEnv dbenv, Dbt control, Dbt rec, DbLsn lsn, int flags, int envid)
          The DbRepTransport interface is used by the DbEnv.setReplicationTransport method.
 int DbMpoolFile.get_priority()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbMpoolFile.getPriority()
 int DbMpoolFile.getPriority()
          The DbMpoolFile.getPriority method returns the cache priority.
 void DbMpoolFile.set_priority(int priority)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbMpoolFile.setPriority(int)
 void DbMpoolFile.setPriority(int priority)
          Set the cache priority for pages from the specified file.
 int DbMpoolFile.get_flags()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbMpoolFile.getFlags()
 int DbMpoolFile.getFlags()
          The DbMpoolFile.getFlags method returns the flags.
 void DbMpoolFile.set_flags(int flags, boolean onoff)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbMpoolFile.setFlags(int,boolean)
 void DbMpoolFile.setFlags(int flags, boolean onoff)
          Configure a file in the cache.
 long DbMpoolFile.get_maxsize()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbMpoolFile.getMaxsize()
 long DbMpoolFile.getMaxsize()
          The DbMpoolFile.getMaxsize method returns the size of the cache in bytes.
 void DbMpoolFile.set_maxsize(long bytes)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbMpoolFile.setMaxsize(long)
 void DbMpoolFile.setMaxsize(long bytes)
          Set the maximum size for the file to be bytes bytes.
 int DbLsn.get_file()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLsn.getFile()
 int DbLsn.getFile()
          The DbLsn.getFile method returns the DbLsn object's file number.
 int DbLsn.get_offset()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLsn.getOffset()
 int DbLsn.getOffset()
          The DbLsn.getOffset method returns the DbLsn object's file number.
 void DbLogc.close(int flags)
          The DbLogc.close method discards the log cursor.
 int DbLogc.get(DbLsn lsn, Dbt data, int flags)
          The DbLogc.get method returns records from the log.
 void DbEnv.close(int flags)
          The DbEnv.close method closes the Berkeley DB environment, freeing any allocated resources and closing any underlying subsystems.
 void DbEnv.lock_vec(int locker, int flags, DbLockRequest[] list, int offset, int count)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.lockVector(int,int,DbLockRequest[],int,int)
 void DbEnv.lockVector(int locker, int flags, DbLockRequest[] list, int offset, int count)
          The DbEnv.lockVector method atomically obtains and releases one or more locks from the lock table.
 void db_home, int flags, int mode)
          The method opens a Berkeley DB environment.
 void DbEnv.remove(String db_home, int flags)
          The DbEnv.remove method destroys a Berkeley DB environment if it is not currently in use.
 void DbEnv.set_cachesize(int gbytes, int bytes, int ncache)
          Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by DbEnv.setCacheSize(long,int)
 void DbEnv.set_errcall(DbErrcall db_errcall_fcn)
          Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by DbEnv.setErrorHandler(DbErrorHandler)
 void DbEnv.set_feedback(DbEnvFeedback feedback)
          Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by DbEnv.setFeedbackHandler(DbEnvFeedbackHandler)
 void DbEnv.set_rep_limit(int gbytes, int bytes)
          Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by DbEnv.setReplicationLimit(long)
 void DbEnv.set_tx_timestamp(Date timestamp)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setTxnTimestamp(java.util.Date)
 void DbEnv.setTxnTimestamp(Date timestamp)
          Recover to the time specified by timestamp rather than to the most current possible date.
 void DbEnv.dbremove(DbTxn txnid, String file, String database, int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.dbRemove(DbTxn,String,String,int)
 void DbEnv.dbRemove(DbTxn txnid, String file, String database, int flags)
          The DbEnv.dbRemove method removes the database specified by the file and database parameters.
 void DbEnv.dbrename(DbTxn txnid, String file, String database, String newname, int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.dbRename(DbTxn,String,String,String,int)
 void DbEnv.dbRename(DbTxn txnid, String file, String database, String newname, int flags)
          The DbEnv.dbRename method renames the database specified by the file and database parameters to newname.
 String[] DbEnv.get_data_dirs()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getDataDirs()
 String[] DbEnv.getDataDirs()
          The DbEnv.getDataDirs method returns the array of directories.
 int DbEnv.get_encrypt_flags()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getEncryptFlags()
 int DbEnv.getEncryptFlags()
          The DbEnv.getEncryptFlags method returns the encryption flags.
 int DbEnv.get_flags()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getFlags()
 int DbEnv.getFlags()
          The DbEnv.getFlags method returns the configuration flags.
 String DbEnv.get_home()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getDbEnvHome()
 String DbEnv.getDbEnvHome()
          The DbEnv.getDbEnvHome method returns the database environment home directory.
 int DbEnv.get_open_flags()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getOpenFlags()
 int DbEnv.getOpenFlags()
          The DbEnv.getOpenFlags method returns the open method flags.
 long DbEnv.get_shm_key()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getSegmentId()
 long DbEnv.getSegmentId()
          The DbEnv.getSegmentId method returns the base segment ID.
 int DbEnv.get_tas_spins()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getTestAndSetSpins()
 int DbEnv.getTestAndSetSpins()
          The DbEnv.getTestAndSetSpins method returns the test-and-set spin count.
 String DbEnv.get_tmp_dir()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getTmpDir()
 String DbEnv.getTmpDir()
          The DbEnv.getTmpDir method returns the database environment temporary file directory.
 boolean DbEnv.get_verbose(int which)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getVerbose(int)
 boolean DbEnv.getVerbose(int which)
          The DbEnv.getVerbose method returns whether the specified which parameter is currently set or not.
 void DbEnv.set_cachesize(long bytes, int ncache)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setCacheSize(long,int)
 void DbEnv.setCacheSize(long bytes, int ncache)
          Set the size of the shared memory buffer pool -- that is, the cache.
 void DbEnv.set_data_dir(String dir)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setDataDir(String)
 void DbEnv.setDataDir(String dir)
          Set the path of a directory to be used as the location of the access method database files.
 void DbEnv.set_encrypt(String passwd, int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setEncrypted(String,int)
 void DbEnv.setEncrypted(String passwd, int flags)
          Set the password used by the Berkeley DB library to perform encryption and decryption.
 void DbEnv.setErrorHandler(DbErrorHandler db_errcall_fcn)
          When an error occurs in the Berkeley DB library, an exception is thrown.
 void DbEnv.set_flags(int flags, boolean onoff)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setFlags(int,boolean)
 void DbEnv.setFlags(int flags, boolean onoff)
          Configure a database environment.
 void DbEnv.setFeedbackHandler(DbEnvFeedbackHandler db_feedback_fcn)
 void DbEnv.set_mp_mmapsize(long mp_mmapsize)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setMemoryPoolMapSize(long)
 void DbEnv.setMemoryPoolMapSize(long mp_mmapsize)
          Files that are opened read-only in the pool (and that satisfy a few other criteria) are, by default, mapped into the process address space instead of being copied into the local cache.
 void DbEnv.setPanicHandler(DbPanicHandler db_panic_fcn)
 void DbEnv.set_rpc_server(DbClient client, String host, long cl_timeout, long sv_timeout, int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setRpcServer(DbClient,String,long,long,int)
 void DbEnv.setRpcServer(DbClient client, String host, long cl_timeout, long sv_timeout, int flags)
          Establishes a connection for this dbenv to a RPC server.
 void DbEnv.set_shm_key(long shm_key)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setSegmentId(long)
 void DbEnv.setSegmentId(long shm_key)
          Specify a base segment ID for Berkeley DB environment shared memory regions created in system memory on VxWorks or systems supporting X/Open-style shared memory interfaces; for example, UNIX systems supporting shmget(2) and related System V IPC interfaces.
 void DbEnv.set_tas_spins(int tas_spins)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setTestAndSetSpins(int)
 void DbEnv.setTestAndSetSpins(int tas_spins)
          Specify that test-and-set mutexes should spin tas_spins times without blocking.
 void DbEnv.set_timeout(long timeout, int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setTimeout(long,int)
 void DbEnv.setTimeout(long timeout, int flags)
          The DbEnv.setTimeout method sets timeout values for locks or transactions in the database environment.
 void DbEnv.set_tmp_dir(String dir)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setTmpDir(String)
 void DbEnv.setTmpDir(String dir)
          Specify the path of a directory to be used as the location of temporary files.
 void DbEnv.set_tx_max(int max)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setTxnMax(int)
 void DbEnv.setTxnMax(int max)
          Configure the Berkeley DB database environment to support at least max active transactions.
 void DbEnv.set_app_dispatch(DbAppDispatch tx_recover)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setAppDispatch(DbAppDispatch)
 void DbEnv.setAppDispatch(DbAppDispatch tx_recover)
 void DbEnv.set_verbose(int which, boolean onoff)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setVerbose(int,boolean)
 void DbEnv.setVerbose(int which, boolean onoff)
          The DbEnv.setVerbose method turns specific additional informational and debugging messages in the Berkeley DB message output on and off.
 byte[][] DbEnv.get_lk_conflicts()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getLockConflicts()
 byte[][] DbEnv.getLockConflicts()
          The DbEnv.getLockConflicts method returns the conflicts array.
 int DbEnv.get_lk_detect()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getLockDetect()
 int DbEnv.getLockDetect()
          The DbEnv.getLockDetect method returns the deadlock detector configuration.
 int DbEnv.get_lk_max_locks()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getLockMaxLocks()
 int DbEnv.getLockMaxLocks()
          The DbEnv.setLockMaxLocks method returns the maximum number of locks.
 int DbEnv.get_lk_max_lockers()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getLockMaxLockers()
 int DbEnv.getLockMaxLockers()
          The DbEnv.getLockMaxLockers method returns the maximum number of lockers.
 int DbEnv.get_lk_max_objects()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getLockMaxObjects()
 int DbEnv.getLockMaxObjects()
          The DbEnv.getLockMaxObjects method returns the maximum number of locked objects.
 int DbEnv.lock_detect(int flags, int atype)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.lockDetect(int,int)
 int DbEnv.lockDetect(int flags, int atype)
          The DbEnv.lockDetect method runs one iteration of the deadlock detector.
 DbLock DbEnv.lock_get(int locker, int flags, Dbt object, int lock_mode)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.lockGet(int,int,Dbt,int)
 DbLock DbEnv.lockGet(int locker, int flags, Dbt object, int lock_mode)
          The DbEnv.lockGet method acquires a lock from the lock table, returning information about it in a DbLock object.
 int DbEnv.lock_id()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.lockId()
 int DbEnv.lockId()
          The DbEnv.lockId method returns a locker ID, which is guaranteed to be unique in the specified lock table.
 void DbEnv.lock_id_free(int id)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.lockIdFree(int)
 void DbEnv.lockIdFree(int id)
          The DbEnv.lockIdFree method frees a locker ID allocated by the DbEnv.lockId method.
 void DbEnv.lock_put(DbLock lock)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.lockPut(DbLock)
 void DbEnv.lockPut(DbLock lock)
          The DbEnv.lockPut method releases lock.
 DbLockStat DbEnv.lock_stat(int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.lockStat(int)
 DbLockStat DbEnv.lockStat(int flags)
          The DbEnv.lockStat method returns the locking subsystem statistics.
 void DbEnv.set_lk_conflicts(byte[][] conflicts)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setLockConflicts(byte[][])
 void DbEnv.setLockConflicts(byte[][] conflicts)
          Set the locking conflicts matrix.
 void DbEnv.set_lk_detect(int detect)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setLockDetect(int)
 void DbEnv.setLockDetect(int detect)
          Set if the deadlock detector is to be run whenever a lock conflict occurs, and specify what lock request(s) should be rejected.
 void DbEnv.set_lk_max_lockers(int max)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setLockMaxLockers(int)
 void DbEnv.setLockMaxLockers(int max)
          Set the maximum number of locking entities supported by the Berkeley DB environment.
 void DbEnv.set_lk_max_locks(int max)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setLockMaxLocks(int)
 void DbEnv.setLockMaxLocks(int max)
          Set the maximum number of locks supported by the Berkeley DB environment.
 void DbEnv.set_lk_max_objects(int max)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setLockMaxObjects(int)
 void DbEnv.setLockMaxObjects(int max)
          Set the maximum number of locked objects supported by the Berkeley DB environment.
 int DbEnv.get_lg_bsize()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getLogBufferSize()
 int DbEnv.getLogBufferSize()
          The DbEnv.getLogBufferSize method returns the size of the log buffer, in bytes.
 String DbEnv.get_lg_dir()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getLogDir()
 String DbEnv.getLogDir()
          The DbEnv.getLogDir method returns the log directory.
 int DbEnv.get_lg_max()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getLogMax()
 int DbEnv.getLogMax()
          The DbEnv.getLogMax method returns the maximum log file size.
 int DbEnv.get_lg_regionmax()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getLogRegionMax()
 int DbEnv.getLogRegionMax()
          The DbEnv.getLogRegionMax method returns the size of the underlying logging subsystem region.
 String[] DbEnv.log_archive(int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.logArchive(int)
 String[] DbEnv.logArchive(int flags)
          The DbEnv.logArchive method returns an array of log or database filenames.
 DbLogc DbEnv.log_cursor(int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.logCursor(int)
 DbLogc DbEnv.logCursor(int flags)
          The DbEnv.logCursor method returns a created log cursor.
 String DbEnv.log_file(DbLsn lsn)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.logFile(DbLsn)
 String DbEnv.logFile(DbLsn lsn)
          The DbEnv.logFile method maps DbLsn objects to filenames, returning the name of the file containing the record named by lsn.
 void DbEnv.log_flush(DbLsn lsn)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.logFlush(DbLsn)
 void DbEnv.logFlush(DbLsn lsn)
          The DbEnv.logFlush method writes log records to disk.
 void DbEnv.log_put(DbLsn lsn, Dbt data, int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.logPut(DbLsn,Dbt,int)
 void DbEnv.logPut(DbLsn lsn, Dbt data, int flags)
          The DbEnv.logPut method appends records to the log.
 DbLogStat DbEnv.log_stat(int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.logStat(int)
 DbLogStat DbEnv.logStat(int flags)
          The DbEnv.logStat method returns the logging subsystem statistics.
 void DbEnv.set_lg_bsize(int lg_bsize)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setLogBufferSize(int)
 void DbEnv.setLogBufferSize(int lg_bsize)
          Set the size of the in-memory log buffer, in bytes.
 void DbEnv.set_lg_dir(String dir)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setLogDir(String)
 void DbEnv.setLogDir(String dir)
          The path of a directory to be used as the location of logging files.
 void DbEnv.set_lg_max(int lg_max)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setLogMax(int)
 void DbEnv.setLogMax(int lg_max)
          Set the maximum size of a single file in the log, in bytes.
 void DbEnv.set_lg_regionmax(int lg_regionmax)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setLogRegionMax(int)
 void DbEnv.setLogRegionMax(int lg_regionmax)
          Set the size of the underlying logging area of the Berkeley DB environment, in bytes.
 long DbEnv.get_cachesize()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getCacheSize()
 long DbEnv.getCacheSize()
          The DbEnv.getCacheSize method returns the size of the cache.
 int DbEnv.get_cachesize_ncache()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getCacheSizeNcache()
 int DbEnv.getCacheSizeNcache()
          The DbEnv.getCacheSizeNcache method returns the number of caches.
 long DbEnv.get_mp_mmapsize()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getMemoryPoolMapSize()
 long DbEnv.getMemoryPoolMapSize()
          The DbEnv.getMemoryPoolMapSize method returns the maximum file map size.
 DbMpoolStat DbEnv.memp_stat(int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.memoryPoolStat(int)
 DbMpoolStat DbEnv.memoryPoolStat(int flags)
          The DbEnv.memoryPoolStat method returns the memory pool (that is, the buffer cache) subsystem statistics.
 DbMpoolFStat[] DbEnv.memp_fstat(int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.memoryPoolFileStat(int)
 DbMpoolFStat[] DbEnv.memoryPoolFileStat(int flags)
          The DbEnv.memoryPoolFileStat method creates an array of DbMpoolFStat objects containing statistics for individual files in the cache.
 int DbEnv.memp_trickle(int percent)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.memoryPoolTrickle(int)
 int DbEnv.memoryPoolTrickle(int percent)
          The DbEnv.memoryPoolTrickle method ensures that a specified percent of the pages in the shared memory pool are clean, by writing dirty pages to their backing files.
 int DbEnv.get_tx_max()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getTxnMax()
 int DbEnv.getTxnMax()
          The DbEnv.getTxnMax method returns the number of active transactions.
 long DbEnv.get_tx_timestamp()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getTxnTimestamp()
 long DbEnv.getTxnTimestamp()
          The DbEnv.getTxnTimestamp method returns the recovery timestamp.
 long DbEnv.get_timeout(int flag)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getTimeout(int)
 long DbEnv.getTimeout(int flag)
          The DbEnv.getTimeout method returns a timeout value, in microseconds.
 DbTxn DbEnv.txn_begin(DbTxn parent, int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.txnBegin(DbTxn,int)
 DbTxn DbEnv.txnBegin(DbTxn parent, int flags)
          The DbEnv.txnBegin method creates a new transaction in the environment and returns a DbTxn that uniquely identifies it.
 void DbEnv.txn_checkpoint(int kbyte, int min, int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.txnCheckpoint(int,int,int)
 void DbEnv.txnCheckpoint(int kbyte, int min, int flags)
          The DbEnv.txnCheckpoint method flushes the underlying memory pool, writes a checkpoint record to the log, and then flushes the log.
 DbPreplist[] DbEnv.txn_recover(int count, int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.txnRecover(int,int)
 DbPreplist[] DbEnv.txnRecover(int count, int flags)
          The DbEnv.txnRecover method returns a list of prepared but not yet resolved transactions.
 DbTxnStat DbEnv.txn_stat(int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.txnStat(int)
 DbTxnStat DbEnv.txnStat(int flags)
          The DbEnv.txnStat method returns the transaction subsystem statistics.
 long DbEnv.get_rep_limit()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.getReplicationLimit()
 long DbEnv.getReplicationLimit()
          The DbEnv.getReplicationLimit method returns the transmit limit in bytes.
 int DbEnv.rep_elect(int nsites, int priority, int timeout)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.replicationElect(int,int,int)
 int DbEnv.replicationElect(int nsites, int priority, int timeout)
          The DbEnv.replicationElect method holds an election for the master of a replication group.
 int DbEnv.rep_process_message(Dbt control, Dbt rec, DbEnv.RepProcessMessage envid, DbLsn ret_lsn)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.replicationProcessMessage(Dbt,Dbt,DbEnv.RepProcessMessage,DbLsn)
 int DbEnv.replicationProcessMessage(Dbt control, Dbt rec, DbEnv.RepProcessMessage envid, DbLsn ret_lsn)
          The DbEnv.replicationProcessMessage method processes an incoming replication message sent by a member of the replication group to the local database environment.
 void DbEnv.rep_start(Dbt cdata, int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.replicationStart(Dbt,int)
 void DbEnv.replicationStart(Dbt cdata, int flags)
          The DbEnv.replicationStart method configures the database environment as a client or master in a group of replicated database environments.
 DbRepStat DbEnv.rep_stat(int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.replicationStat(int)
 DbRepStat DbEnv.replicationStat(int flags)
          The DbEnv.replicationStat method returns the replication subsystem statistics.
 void DbEnv.set_rep_limit(long bytes)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setReplicationLimit(long)
 void DbEnv.setReplicationLimit(long bytes)
          The DbEnv.setReplicationLimit method imposes a byte-count limit on the amount of data that will be transmitted from a site in a single call to DbEnv.replicationProcessMessage method.
 void DbEnv.set_rep_transport(int envid, DbRepTransport send)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.setReplicationTransport(int,DbRepTransport)
 void DbEnv.setReplicationTransport(int envid, DbRepTransport send)
 void Dbc.close()
          The Dbc.close method discards the cursor.
 int Dbc.pget(Dbt key, Dbt pkey, Dbt data, int flags)
          Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by Dbc.get(Dbt,Dbt,Dbt,int)
 int Dbc.count(int flags)
          The Dbc.count method returns a count of the number of data items for the key to which the cursor refers.
 int Dbc.del(int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Dbc.delete(int)
 int Dbc.delete(int flags)
          The Dbc.delete method deletes the key/data pair to which the cursor refers.
 Dbc Dbc.dup(int flags)
          The Dbc.dup method creates a new cursor that uses the same transaction and locker ID as the original cursor.
 int Dbc.get(Dbt key, Dbt data, int flags)
          The Dbc.get method retrieves key/data pairs from the database.
 int Dbc.get(Dbt key, Dbt pkey, Dbt data, int flags)
          The Dbc.get method retrieves key/data pairs from the database.
 int Dbc.put(Dbt key, Dbt data, int flags)
          The Dbc.put method stores key/data pairs into the database.
 void DbAppendRecno.dbAppendRecno(Db db, Dbt data, int recno)
          The DbAppendRecno interface is used by the Db.setAppendRecno method.
 void Db.close(int flags)
          The Db.close method flushes any cached database information to disk, closes any open cursors, frees any allocated resources, and closes any underlying files.
 DbEnv Db.get_env()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.getDbEnv()
 DbEnv Db.getDbEnv()
          The Db.getDbEnv method returns the handle for the database environment underlying the database.
 boolean Db.isEncrypted()
          The Db.isEncrypted method returns false if the underlying database files are encrypted and true if they are not.
 void txnid, String file, String database, int type, int flags, int mode)
          The method opens the database represented by the file and database parameters for both reading and writing.
 int Db.pget(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, Dbt pkey, Dbt data, int flags)
          Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by Db.get(DbTxn,Dbt,Dbt,Dbt,int)
 void Db.remove(String file, String database, int flags)
          The Db.remove method removes the database specified by the file and database parameters.
 void Db.rename(String file, String database, String newname, int flags)
          The Db.rename method renames the database specified by the file and database parameters to newname.
 void Db.verify(String file, String database, OutputStream outfile, int flags)
          The Db.verify method verifies the integrity of all databases in the file specified by the file parameter, and optionally outputs the databases' key/data pairs to the file stream specified by the outfile parameter.
 void Db.set_cachesize(int gbytes, int bytes, int ncache)
          Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by Db.setCacheSize(long,int)
 void Db.setErrorHandler(DbErrorHandler db_errcall_fcn)
          When an error occurs in the Berkeley DB library, an exception is thrown.
 void Db.set_feedback(DbFeedback feedback)
          Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by Db.setFeedbackHandler(DbFeedbackHandler)
 void Db.setPanicHandler(DbPanicHandler db_panic_fcn)
          Errors can occur in the Berkeley DB library where the only solution is to shut down the application and run recovery (for example, if Berkeley DB is unable to allocate heap memory).
 void Db.associate(DbTxn txnid, Db secondary, DbSecondaryKeyCreate callback, int flags)
 Dbc Db.cursor(DbTxn txnid, int flags)
          The Db.cursor method returns a created database cursor.
 int Db.del(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.delete(DbTxn,Dbt,int)
 int Db.delete(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, int flags)
          The Db.delete method removes key/data pairs from the database.
 int Db.get(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, Dbt data, int flags)
          The Db.get method retrieves key/data pairs from the database.
 boolean Db.get_byteswapped()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.isByteSwapped()
 boolean Db.isByteSwapped()
          The Db.isByteSwapped method returns false if the underlying database files were created on an architecture of the same byte order as the current one, and true if they were not (that is, big-endian on a little-endian machine, or vice versa).
 long Db.get_cachesize()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.getCacheSize()
 long Db.getCacheSize()
          The Db.getCacheSize method returns the size of the cache.
 int Db.get_cachesize_ncache()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.getCacheSizeNcache()
 int Db.getCacheSizeNcache()
          The DbEnv.getCacheSizeNcache method returns the number of caches.
 String Db.get_filename()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.getFileName()
 String Db.getFileName()
          The Db.getFileName method returns the current filename.
 String Db.get_dbname()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.getDatabaseName()
 String Db.getDatabaseName()
          The Db.getDatabaseName method returns the current database name.
 int Db.get_encrypt_flags()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.getEncryptFlags()
 int Db.getEncryptFlags()
          The Db.getEncryptFlags method returns the encryption flags.
 int Db.get_flags()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.getFlags()
 int Db.getFlags()
          The Db.getFlags method returns the current flags.
 int Db.get_lorder()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.getByteOrder()
 int Db.getByteOrder()
          The Db.getByteOrder method returns the database byte order; a byte order of 4,321 indicates a big endian order, and a byte order of 1,234 indicates a little endian order.
 DbMpoolFile Db.get_mpf()
          The Db.get_mpf method returns the handle for the cache file underlying the database.
 int Db.get_open_flags()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.getOpenFlags()
 int Db.getOpenFlags()
          The Db.getOpenFlags method returns the current open method flags.
 int Db.get_pagesize()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.getPageSize()
 int Db.getPageSize()
          The Db.getPageSize method returns the page size.
 int Db.get_bt_minkey()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.getBtreeMinKey()
 int Db.getBtreeMinKey()
          The Db.getBtreeMinKey method returns the minimum number of key/data pairs intended to be stored on any single Btree leaf page.
 int Db.get_h_ffactor()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.getHashFillFactor()
 int Db.getHashFillFactor()
          The Db.getHashFillFactor method returns the hash table density.
 int Db.get_h_nelem()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.getHashNumElements()
 int Db.getHashNumElements()
          The Db.getHashNumElements method returns the estimate of the final size of the hash table.
 int Db.get_re_delim()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.getRecordDelimiter()
 int Db.getRecordDelimiter()
          The Db.getRecordDelimiter method returns the delimiting byte.
 int Db.get_re_len()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.getRecordLength()
 int Db.getRecordLength()
          The Db.getRecordLength method returns the record length.
 int Db.get_re_pad()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.getRecordPad()
 int Db.getRecordPad()
          The Db.getRecordPad method returns the pad character.
 String Db.get_re_source()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.getRecordSource()
 String Db.getRecordSource()
          The Db.getRecordSource method returns the source file.
 int Db.get_q_extentsize()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.getQueueExtentSize()
 int Db.getQueueExtentSize()
          The Db.getQueueExtentSize method returns the number of pages in an extent.
 int Db.get_flags_raw()
 boolean Db.get_transactional()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.isTransactional()
 boolean Db.isTransactional()
          The Db.isTransactional method returns true if the Db handle has been opened in a transactional mode.
 int Db.get_type()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.getDbType()
 int Db.getDbType()
          The Db.getDbType method returns the type of the underlying access method (and file format).
 Dbc Db.join(Dbc[] curslist, int flags)
          The Db.join method creates a specialized join cursor for use in performing equality or natural joins on secondary indices.
 void Db.key_range(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, DbKeyRange key_range, int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.keyRange(DbTxn,Dbt,DbKeyRange,int)
 void Db.keyRange(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, DbKeyRange key_range, int flags)
          The Db.keyRange method returns an estimate of the proportion of keys that are less than, equal to, and greater than the specified key.
 int Db.get(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, Dbt pkey, Dbt data, int flags)
          The Db.get method retrieves key/data pairs from the database.
 int Db.put(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, Dbt data, int flags)
          The Db.put method stores key/data pairs in the database.
 void Db.set_append_recno(DbAppendRecno db_append_recno_fcn)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.setAppendRecno(DbAppendRecno)
 void Db.setAppendRecno(DbAppendRecno db_append_recno_fcn)
 void Db.set_bt_compare(DbBtreeCompare bt_compare_fcn)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.setBtreeCompare(DbBtreeCompare)
 void Db.setBtreeCompare(DbBtreeCompare bt_compare_fcn)
 void Db.set_bt_maxkey(int maxkey)
 void Db.set_bt_minkey(int bt_minkey)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.setBtreeMinKey(int)
 void Db.setBtreeMinKey(int bt_minkey)
          Set the minimum number of key/data pairs intended to be stored on any single Btree leaf page.
 void Db.set_bt_prefix(DbBtreePrefix bt_prefix_fcn)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.setBtreePrefix(DbBtreePrefix)
 void Db.setBtreePrefix(DbBtreePrefix bt_prefix_fcn)
 void Db.set_cachesize(long bytes, int ncache)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.setCacheSize(long,int)
 void Db.setCacheSize(long bytes, int ncache)
          Set the size of the shared memory buffer pool -- that is, the cache.
 void Db.set_dup_compare(DbDupCompare dup_compare_fcn)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.setDuplicateCompare(DbDupCompare)
 void Db.setDuplicateCompare(DbDupCompare dup_compare_fcn)
 void Db.set_encrypt(String passwd, int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.setEncrypted(String,int)
 void Db.setEncrypted(String passwd, int flags)
          Set the password used by the Berkeley DB library to perform encryption and decryption.
 void Db.setFeedbackHandler(DbFeedbackHandler db_feedback_fcn)
 void Db.set_flags(int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.setFlags(int)
 void Db.setFlags(int flags)
          Configure a database.
 void Db.set_h_ffactor(int h_ffactor)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.setHashFillFactor(int)
 void Db.setHashFillFactor(int h_ffactor)
          Set the desired density within the hash table.
 void Db.set_h_hash(DbHash h_hash_fcn)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.setHash(DbHash)
 void Db.setHash(DbHash h_hash_fcn)
 void Db.set_h_nelem(int h_nelem)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.setHashNumElements(int)
 void Db.setHashNumElements(int h_nelem)
          Set an estimate of the final size of the hash table.
 void Db.set_lorder(int lorder)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.setByteOrder(int)
 void Db.setByteOrder(int lorder)
          Set the byte order for integers in the stored database metadata.
 void Db.set_pagesize(long pagesize)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.setPageSize(long)
 void Db.setPageSize(long pagesize)
          Set the size of the pages used to hold items in the database, in bytes.
 void Db.set_re_delim(int re_delim)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.setRecordDelimiter(int)
 void Db.setRecordDelimiter(int re_delim)
          Set the delimiting byte used to mark the end of a record in the backing source file for the Recno access method.
 void Db.set_re_len(int re_len)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.setRecordLength(int)
 void Db.setRecordLength(int re_len)
          For the Queue access method, specify that the records are of length re_len.
 void Db.set_re_pad(int re_pad)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.setRecordPad(int)
 void Db.setRecordPad(int re_pad)
          Set the padding character for short, fixed-length records for the Queue and Recno access methods.
 void Db.set_re_source(String source)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.setRecordSource(String)
 void Db.setRecordSource(String source)
          Set the underlying source file for the Recno access method.
 void Db.set_q_extentsize(int extentsize)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.setQueueExtentSize(int)
 void Db.setQueueExtentSize(int extentsize)
          Set the size of the extents used to hold pages in a Queue database, specified as a number of pages.
 Object Db.stat(int flags)
          The Db.stat method creates a statistical structure and fills it with statistics for the database.
 void Db.sync(int flags)
          The Db.sync method flushes any cached information to disk.
 int Db.truncate(DbTxn txnid, int flags)
          The Db.truncate method empties the database, discarding all records it contains.
 void Db.upgrade(String file, int flags)
          The Db.upgrade method upgrades all of the databases included in the file file, if necessary.

Constructors in com.sleepycat.db that throw DbException
DbLsn(int file, int offset)
          The DbLsn constructor constructs a DbLsn with the specified file and offset.
DbEnv(int flags)
          The constructor creates the DbEnv object.
Db(DbEnv dbenv, int flags)
          The constructor creates a Db object that is the handle for a Berkeley DB database.

Berkeley DB
version 4.2.52

Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Sleepycat Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.