Berkeley DB
version 4.2.52

Uses of Class

Packages that use Dbt
com.sleepycat.bdb Core database classes for defining an environment, creating data stores, and running transactions
[reference guide] 
com.sleepycat.db Java API programming notes
[reference guide] 

Uses of Dbt in com.sleepycat.bdb

Subclasses of Dbt in com.sleepycat.bdb
 class DataThang
          (internal) An extension of a Berkeley DB thang (Dbt) that supports the DataBuffer interface for bindings and other added utilities.

Methods in com.sleepycat.bdb with parameters of type Dbt
 int DataThang.compareTo(Dbt key2)
          Returns -1 if the byte array of this thang is less than that of the given thang, 0 if they are equal, or 1 if greater.
 boolean DataThang.equals(Dbt other)
          Returns whether the byte array of this thang is equal to that of the given thang.
static void DataThang.dump(Dbt dbt, PrintStream out)
          Prints the byte array of the given thing to the given stream using toString() to convert the bytes to a string.
static String DataThang.toString(Dbt dbt)
          Converts the byte array of this thang to space-separated integers, and suffixed by the record number if applicable.

Uses of Dbt in com.sleepycat.db

Methods in com.sleepycat.db that return Dbt
 Dbt DbMemoryException.getDbt()
          The getDbt method returns the Dbt with insufficient memory to complete the operation, causing the DbMemoryException to be thrown.
 Dbt DbMemoryException.get_dbt()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbMemoryException.getDbt()
 Dbt DbLockRequest.getObj()
          The DbLockRequest.getObj method returns the object protected by this lock.
 Dbt DbLockRequest.get_obj()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLockRequest.getObj()
 Dbt DbLockNotGrantedException.getObj()
          The getObj method returns the mode parameter when returns the object parameter when DbEnv.lockGet was called, and returns the object for the failed DbLockRequest when DbEnv.lockVector was called.
 Dbt DbLockNotGrantedException.get_obj()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLockNotGrantedException.getObj()

Methods in com.sleepycat.db with parameters of type Dbt
 int DbSecondaryKeyCreate.secondaryKeyCreate(Db secondary, Dbt key, Dbt data, Dbt result)
          The secondaryKeyCreate interface is used by the Db.associate method.
 int DbSecondaryKeyCreate.secondaryKeyCreate(Db secondary, Dbt key, Dbt data, Dbt result)
          The secondaryKeyCreate interface is used by the Db.associate method.
 int DbSecondaryKeyCreate.secondaryKeyCreate(Db secondary, Dbt key, Dbt data, Dbt result)
          The secondaryKeyCreate interface is used by the Db.associate method.
 int DbRepTransport.send(DbEnv dbenv, Dbt control, Dbt rec, DbLsn lsn, int flags, int envid)
          The DbRepTransport interface is used by the DbEnv.setReplicationTransport method.
 int DbRepTransport.send(DbEnv dbenv, Dbt control, Dbt rec, DbLsn lsn, int flags, int envid)
          The DbRepTransport interface is used by the DbEnv.setReplicationTransport method.
 boolean key, Dbt data)
          The method takes two Dbts, one for a key and one for a data item, that will each be filled in with a reference to a buffer, a size, and an offset that together yield the next key and data item in the original bulk retrieval buffer.
 boolean key, Dbt data)
          The method takes two Dbts, one for a key and one for a data item, that will each be filled in with a reference to a buffer, a size, and an offset that together yield the next key and data item in the original bulk retrieval buffer.
 boolean key, Dbt data)
          The method takes two Dbts, one for a key and one for a data item, that will each be filled in with a reference to a buffer, a size, and an offset that together yield the next key and data item in the original bulk retrieval buffer.
 boolean key, Dbt data)
          The method takes two Dbts, one for a key and one for a data item, that will each be filled in with a reference to a buffer, a size, and an offset that together yield the next key and data item in the original bulk retrieval buffer.
 boolean data)
          The method takes a Dbt that will be filled in with a reference to a buffer, a size, and an offset that together yield the next data item in the original bulk retrieval buffer.
 int DbLogc.get(DbLsn lsn, Dbt data, int flags)
          The DbLogc.get method returns records from the log.
 void DbLockRequest.setObj(Dbt obj)
          The DbLockRequest.setObj method sets the lock object.
 void DbLockRequest.set_obj(Dbt obj)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLockRequest.setObj(Dbt)
 DbLock DbEnv.lock_get(int locker, int flags, Dbt object, int lock_mode)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.lockGet(int,int,Dbt,int)
 DbLock DbEnv.lockGet(int locker, int flags, Dbt object, int lock_mode)
          The DbEnv.lockGet method acquires a lock from the lock table, returning information about it in a DbLock object.
 void DbEnv.log_put(DbLsn lsn, Dbt data, int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.logPut(DbLsn,Dbt,int)
 void DbEnv.logPut(DbLsn lsn, Dbt data, int flags)
          The DbEnv.logPut method appends records to the log.
 int DbEnv.rep_process_message(Dbt control, Dbt rec, DbEnv.RepProcessMessage envid, DbLsn ret_lsn)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.replicationProcessMessage(Dbt,Dbt,DbEnv.RepProcessMessage,DbLsn)
 int DbEnv.rep_process_message(Dbt control, Dbt rec, DbEnv.RepProcessMessage envid, DbLsn ret_lsn)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.replicationProcessMessage(Dbt,Dbt,DbEnv.RepProcessMessage,DbLsn)
 int DbEnv.replicationProcessMessage(Dbt control, Dbt rec, DbEnv.RepProcessMessage envid, DbLsn ret_lsn)
          The DbEnv.replicationProcessMessage method processes an incoming replication message sent by a member of the replication group to the local database environment.
 int DbEnv.replicationProcessMessage(Dbt control, Dbt rec, DbEnv.RepProcessMessage envid, DbLsn ret_lsn)
          The DbEnv.replicationProcessMessage method processes an incoming replication message sent by a member of the replication group to the local database environment.
 void DbEnv.rep_start(Dbt cdata, int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.replicationStart(Dbt,int)
 void DbEnv.replicationStart(Dbt cdata, int flags)
          The DbEnv.replicationStart method configures the database environment as a client or master in a group of replicated database environments.
 int DbDupCompare.compareDuplicates(Db db, Dbt dbt1, Dbt dbt2)
          The DbDupCompare interface is used by the Db.setDuplicatelicateCompare method.
 int DbDupCompare.compareDuplicates(Db db, Dbt dbt1, Dbt dbt2)
          The DbDupCompare interface is used by the Db.setDuplicatelicateCompare method.
 int Dbc.pget(Dbt key, Dbt pkey, Dbt data, int flags)
          Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by Dbc.get(Dbt,Dbt,Dbt,int)
 int Dbc.pget(Dbt key, Dbt pkey, Dbt data, int flags)
          Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by Dbc.get(Dbt,Dbt,Dbt,int)
 int Dbc.pget(Dbt key, Dbt pkey, Dbt data, int flags)
          Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by Dbc.get(Dbt,Dbt,Dbt,int)
 int Dbc.get(Dbt key, Dbt data, int flags)
          The Dbc.get method retrieves key/data pairs from the database.
 int Dbc.get(Dbt key, Dbt data, int flags)
          The Dbc.get method retrieves key/data pairs from the database.
 int Dbc.get(Dbt key, Dbt pkey, Dbt data, int flags)
          The Dbc.get method retrieves key/data pairs from the database.
 int Dbc.get(Dbt key, Dbt pkey, Dbt data, int flags)
          The Dbc.get method retrieves key/data pairs from the database.
 int Dbc.get(Dbt key, Dbt pkey, Dbt data, int flags)
          The Dbc.get method retrieves key/data pairs from the database.
 int Dbc.put(Dbt key, Dbt data, int flags)
          The Dbc.put method stores key/data pairs into the database.
 int Dbc.put(Dbt key, Dbt data, int flags)
          The Dbc.put method stores key/data pairs into the database.
 int DbBtreePrefix.prefix(Db db, Dbt dbt1, Dbt dbt2)
          The DbBtreePrefix interface is used by the Db.setBtreePrefix method.
 int DbBtreePrefix.prefix(Db db, Dbt dbt1, Dbt dbt2)
          The DbBtreePrefix interface is used by the Db.setBtreePrefix method.
 int db, Dbt dbt1, Dbt dbt2)
          The DbBtreeCompare interface is used by the Db.setBtreeCompare method.
 int db, Dbt dbt1, Dbt dbt2)
          The DbBtreeCompare interface is used by the Db.setBtreeCompare method.
 void DbAppendRecno.dbAppendRecno(Db db, Dbt data, int recno)
          The DbAppendRecno interface is used by the Db.setAppendRecno method.
 int DbAppDispatch.appDispatch(DbEnv dbenv, Dbt log_rec, DbLsn lsn, int op)
          The DbAppDispatch interface is used by the DbEnv.setAppDispatch method.
 int Db.pget(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, Dbt pkey, Dbt data, int flags)
          Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by Db.get(DbTxn,Dbt,Dbt,Dbt,int)
 int Db.pget(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, Dbt pkey, Dbt data, int flags)
          Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by Db.get(DbTxn,Dbt,Dbt,Dbt,int)
 int Db.pget(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, Dbt pkey, Dbt data, int flags)
          Deprecated. Replaced in Berkeley DB 4.2 by Db.get(DbTxn,Dbt,Dbt,Dbt,int)
 int Db.del(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.delete(DbTxn,Dbt,int)
 int Db.delete(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, int flags)
          The Db.delete method removes key/data pairs from the database.
 int Db.get(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, Dbt data, int flags)
          The Db.get method retrieves key/data pairs from the database.
 int Db.get(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, Dbt data, int flags)
          The Db.get method retrieves key/data pairs from the database.
 void Db.key_range(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, DbKeyRange key_range, int flags)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by Db.keyRange(DbTxn,Dbt,DbKeyRange,int)
 void Db.keyRange(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, DbKeyRange key_range, int flags)
          The Db.keyRange method returns an estimate of the proportion of keys that are less than, equal to, and greater than the specified key.
 int Db.get(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, Dbt pkey, Dbt data, int flags)
          The Db.get method retrieves key/data pairs from the database.
 int Db.get(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, Dbt pkey, Dbt data, int flags)
          The Db.get method retrieves key/data pairs from the database.
 int Db.get(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, Dbt pkey, Dbt data, int flags)
          The Db.get method retrieves key/data pairs from the database.
 int Db.put(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, Dbt data, int flags)
          The Db.put method stores key/data pairs in the database.
 int Db.put(DbTxn txnid, Dbt key, Dbt data, int flags)
          The Db.put method stores key/data pairs in the database.

Constructors in com.sleepycat.db with parameters of type Dbt
DbMultipleRecnoDataIterator(Dbt dbt)
          The constructor takes the data Dbt returned by the call to Db.get or Dbc.get that used the Db.DB_MULTIPLE_KEY flag.
DbMultipleKeyDataIterator(Dbt dbt)
          The constructor takes the data Dbt returned by the call to Db.get or Dbc.get that used the Db.DB_MULTIPLE_KEY flag.
DbMultipleDataIterator(Dbt dbt)
          The constructor takes the data Dbt returned by the call to Db.get or Dbc.get that used the Db.DB_MULTIPLE flag.
DbLockRequest(int op, int mode, Dbt obj, DbLock lock)
          The DbLockRequest constructor constructs a DbLockRequest with the specified operation, mode and lock, for the specified object.
DbLockRequest(int op, int mode, Dbt obj, DbLock lock, int timeout)
          The DbLockRequest constructor constructs a DbLockRequest with the specified operation, mode, lock and timeout for the specified object.

Berkeley DB
version 4.2.52

Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Sleepycat Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.