Berkeley DB
version 4.2.52

Uses of Class

Packages that use DbLock
com.sleepycat.db Java API programming notes
[reference guide] 

Uses of DbLock in com.sleepycat.db

Methods in com.sleepycat.db that return DbLock
 DbLock DbLockRequest.getLock()
          The DbLockRequest.getLock method returns the lock reference.
 DbLock DbLockRequest.get_lock()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLockRequest.getLock()
 DbLock DbLockNotGrantedException.getLock()
          The getLock method returns null when DbEnv.lockGet was called, and returns the lock in the failed DbLockRequest when DbEnv.lockVector was called.
 DbLock DbLockNotGrantedException.get_lock()
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLockNotGrantedException.getLock()
 DbLock DbEnv.lock_get(int locker, int flags, Dbt object, int lock_mode)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.lockGet(int,int,Dbt,int)
 DbLock DbEnv.lockGet(int locker, int flags, Dbt object, int lock_mode)
          The DbEnv.lockGet method acquires a lock from the lock table, returning information about it in a DbLock object.

Methods in com.sleepycat.db with parameters of type DbLock
 void DbLockRequest.setLock(DbLock lock)
          The DbLockRequest.setLock method sets the lock reference.
 void DbLockRequest.set_lock(DbLock lock)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbLockRequest.setLock(DbLock)
 void DbEnv.lock_put(DbLock lock)
          Deprecated. As of Berkeley DB 4.2, replaced by DbEnv.lockPut(DbLock)
 void DbEnv.lockPut(DbLock lock)
          The DbEnv.lockPut method releases lock.

Constructors in com.sleepycat.db with parameters of type DbLock
DbLockRequest(int op, int mode, Dbt obj, DbLock lock)
          The DbLockRequest constructor constructs a DbLockRequest with the specified operation, mode and lock, for the specified object.
DbLockRequest(int op, int mode, Dbt obj, DbLock lock, int timeout)
          The DbLockRequest constructor constructs a DbLockRequest with the specified operation, mode, lock and timeout for the specified object.

Berkeley DB
version 4.2.52

Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Sleepycat Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.