Berkeley DB Java Edition
version 1.5.1

Package com.sleepycat.bind.tuple

Bindings that use sequences of primitive fields, or tuples.


Interface Summary
MarshalledTupleEntry A marshalling interface implemented by key, data or entity classes that are represented as tuples.
MarshalledTupleKeyEntity A marshalling interface implemented by entity classes that represent keys as tuples.

Class Summary
BooleanBinding A concrete TupleBinding for a Boolean primitive wrapper or a boolean primitive.
ByteBinding A concrete TupleBinding for a Byte primitive wrapper or a byte primitive.
CharacterBinding A concrete TupleBinding for a Character primitive wrapper or a char primitive.
DoubleBinding A concrete TupleBinding for a Double primitive wrapper or a double primitive.
FloatBinding A concrete TupleBinding for a Float primitive wrapper or a float primitive.
IntegerBinding A concrete TupleBinding for a Integer primitive wrapper or an int primitive.
LongBinding A concrete TupleBinding for a Long primitive wrapper or a long primitive.
ShortBinding A concrete TupleBinding for a Short primitive wrapper or a short primitive.
StringBinding A concrete TupleBinding for a simple String value.
TupleBinding An abstract EntryBinding that treats a key or data entry as a tuple; it includes predefined bindings for Java primitive types.
TupleInput An InputStream with DataInput-like methods for reading tuple fields.
TupleInputBinding A concrete EntryBinding that uses the TupleInput object as the key or data object.
TupleMarshalledBinding A concrete TupleBinding that delegates to the MarshalledTupleEntry interface of the data or key object.
TupleOutput An OutputStream with DataOutput-like methods for writing tuple fields.
TupleTupleBinding An abstract EntityBinding that treats an entity's key entry and data entry as tuples.
TupleTupleKeyCreator An abstract key creator that uses a tuple key and a tuple data entry.
TupleTupleMarshalledBinding A concrete TupleTupleBinding that delegates to the MarshalledTupleEntry and MarshalledTupleKeyEntity interfaces of the entity class.
TupleTupleMarshalledKeyCreator A concrete key creator that works in conjunction with a TupleTupleMarshalledBinding.

Package com.sleepycat.bind.tuple Description

Bindings that use sequences of primitive fields, or tuples.

See Also:
[Getting Started Guide]

Berkeley DB Java Edition
version 1.5.1

Copyright (c) 1996-2004 Sleepycat Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.