Berkeley DB Java Edition
version 1.5.1

Class TransactionRunner


public class TransactionRunner
extends Object

Starts a transaction, calls TransactionWorker.doWork(), and handles transaction retry and exceptions.

Mark Hayes

Field Summary
          The default maximum number of retries.
Constructor Summary
TransactionRunner(Environment env)
          Creates a transaction runner for a given Berkeley DB environment.
TransactionRunner(Environment env, int maxRetries, TransactionConfig config)
          Creates a transaction runner for a given Berkeley DB environment and with a given number of maximum retries.
Method Summary
 boolean getAllowNestedTransactions()
          Returns whether nested transactions will be created if run() is called when a transaction is already active for the current thread.
 int getMaxRetries()
          Returns the maximum number of retries that will be performed when deadlocks are detected.
 TransactionConfig getTransactionConfig()
          Returns the transaction configuration used for calling Environment.beginTransaction(,
 void run(TransactionWorker worker)
          Calls the TransactionWorker.doWork() method and, for transactional environments, begins and ends a transaction.
 void setAllowNestedTransactions(boolean allowNestedTxn)
          Changes whether nested transactions will be created if run() is called when a transaction is already active for the current thread.
 void setMaxRetries(int maxRetries)
          Changes the maximum number of retries that will be performed when deadlocks are detected.
 void setTransactionConfig(TransactionConfig config)
          Changes the transaction configuration used for calling Environment.beginTransaction(,
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES
The default maximum number of retries.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public TransactionRunner(Environment env)
Creates a transaction runner for a given Berkeley DB environment. The default maximum number of retries (DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES) and a null (default) TransactionConfig will be used.

env - is the environment for running transactions.


public TransactionRunner(Environment env,
                         int maxRetries,
                         TransactionConfig config)
Creates a transaction runner for a given Berkeley DB environment and with a given number of maximum retries.

env - is the environment for running transactions.
maxRetries - is the maximum number of retries that will be performed when deadlocks are detected.
config - the transaction configuration used for calling Environment.beginTransaction(,, or null to use the default configuration. The configuration object is not cloned, and any modifications to it will impact subsequent transactions.
Method Detail


public int getMaxRetries()
Returns the maximum number of retries that will be performed when deadlocks are detected.


public void setMaxRetries(int maxRetries)
Changes the maximum number of retries that will be performed when deadlocks are detected. Calling this method does not impact transactions already running.


public boolean getAllowNestedTransactions()
Returns whether nested transactions will be created if run() is called when a transaction is already active for the current thread. By default this property is false.


public void setAllowNestedTransactions(boolean allowNestedTxn)
Changes whether nested transactions will be created if run() is called when a transaction is already active for the current thread. Calling this method does not impact transactions already running.


public TransactionConfig getTransactionConfig()
Returns the transaction configuration used for calling Environment.beginTransaction(,

If this property is null, the default configuration is used. The configuration object is not cloned, and any modifications to it will impact subsequent transactions.

the transaction configuration.


public void setTransactionConfig(TransactionConfig config)
Changes the transaction configuration used for calling Environment.beginTransaction(,

If this property is null, the default configuration is used. The configuration object is not cloned, and any modifications to it will impact subsequent transactions.

config - the transaction configuration.


public void run(TransactionWorker worker)
         throws DatabaseException,
Calls the TransactionWorker.doWork() method and, for transactional environments, begins and ends a transaction. If the environment given is non-transactional, a transaction will not be used but the doWork() method will still be called.

In a transactional environment, a new transaction is started before calling doWork(). This will start a nested transaction if one is already active. If DeadlockException is thrown by doWork(), the transaction will be aborted and the process will be repeated up to the maximum number of retries specified. If another exception is thrown by doWork() or the maximum number of retries has occurred, the transaction will be aborted and the exception will be rethrown by this method. If no exception is thrown by doWork(), the transaction will be committed. This method will not attempt to commit or abort a transaction if it has already been committed or aborted by doWork().

DeadlockException - when it is thrown by doWork() and the maximum number of retries has occurred. The transaction will have been aborted by this method.
Exception - when any other exception is thrown by doWork(). The exception will first be unwrapped by calling ExceptionUnwrapper.unwrap(java.lang.Exception). The transaction will have been aborted by this method.

Berkeley DB Java Edition
version 1.5.1

Copyright (c) 1996-2004 Sleepycat Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.