Set Up and Run a Cluster Node

This is a page of general guidelines for setting up a production BigchainDB node. Before continuing, make sure you’ve read the pages about production node assumptions, components and requirements.

Note: These are just guidelines. You can modify them to suit your needs. For example, if you want to initialize the MongoDB replica set before installing BigchainDB, you can do that. If you’d prefer to use Docker and Kubernetes, you can (and we have a template). We don’t cover all possible setup procedures here.

Security Guidelines

There are many articles, websites and books about securing servers, virtual machines, networks, etc. Consult those. There are some notes on BigchainDB-specific firewall setup in the Appendices.

Sync Your System Clock

A BigchainDB node uses its system clock to generate timestamps for blocks and votes, so that clock should be kept in sync with some standard clock(s). The standard way to do that is to run an NTP daemon (Network Time Protocol daemon) on the node.

MongoDB also recommends having an NTP daemon running on all MongoDB nodes.

NTP is a standard protocol. There are many NTP daemons implementing it. We don’t recommend a particular one. On the contrary, we recommend that different nodes in a cluster run different NTP daemons, so that a problem with one daemon won’t affect all nodes.

Please see the notes on NTP daemon setup in the Appendices.

Set Up Storage for MongoDB

We suggest you set up a separate storage device (partition, RAID array, or logical volume) to store the data in the MongoDB database. Here are some questions to ask:

  • How easy will it be to add storage in the future? Will I have to shut down my server?
  • How big can the storage get? (Remember that RAID can be used to make several physical drives look like one.)
  • How fast can it read & write data? How many input/output operations per second (IOPS)?
  • How does IOPS scale as more physical hard drives are added?
  • What’s the latency?
  • What’s the reliability? Is there replication?
  • What’s in the Service Level Agreement (SLA), if applicable?
  • What’s the cost?

There are many options and tradeoffs.

Consult the MongoDB documentation for its recommendations regarding storage hardware, software and settings, e.g. in the MongoDB Production Notes.

Install and Run MongoDB

Install BigchainDB Server

Install BigchainDB Server Dependencies

Before you can install BigchainDB Server, you must install its OS-level dependencies and you may have to install Python 3.4+.

How to Install BigchainDB Server with pip

BigchainDB is distributed as a Python package on PyPI so you can install it using pip. First, make sure you have an up-to-date Python 3.4+ version of pip installed:

pip -V

If it says that pip isn’t installed, or it says pip is associated with a Python version less than 3.4, then you must install a pip version associated with Python 3.4+. In the following instructions, we call it pip3 but you may be able to use pip if that refers to the same thing. See the pip installation instructions.

On Ubuntu 16.04, we found that this works:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

That should install a Python 3 version of pip named pip3. If that didn’t work, then another way to get pip3 is to do sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools followed by sudo easy_install3 pip.

You can upgrade pip (pip3) and setuptools to the latest versions using:

pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools
pip3 -V

Now you can install BigchainDB Server using:

pip3 install bigchaindb

(If you’re not in a virtualenv and you want to install bigchaindb system-wide, then put sudo in front.)

Note: You can use pip3 to upgrade the bigchaindb package to the latest version using pip3 install --upgrade bigchaindb.

How to Install BigchainDB Server from Source

If you want to install BitchainDB from source because you want to use the very latest bleeding-edge code, clone the public repository:

git clone [email protected]:bigchaindb/bigchaindb.git
cd bigchaindb
python install

Configure BigchainDB Server

Start by creating a default BigchainDB config file for a MongoDB backend:

bigchaindb -y configure mongodb

(There’s documentation for the bigchaindb command is in the section on the BigchainDB Command Line Interface (CLI).)

Edit the created config file by opening $HOME/.bigchaindb (the created config file) in your text editor:

  • Change "server": {"bind": "localhost:9984", ... } to "server": {"bind": "", ... }. This makes it so traffic can come from any IP address to port 9984 (the HTTP Client-Server API port).
  • Change "keyring": [] to "keyring": ["public_key_of_other_node_A", "public_key_of_other_node_B", "..."] i.e. a list of the public keys of all the other nodes in the cluster. The keyring should not include your node’s public key.
  • Ensure that and database.port are set to the hostname and port of your MongoDB instance. (The port is usually 27017, unless you changed it.)

For more information about the BigchainDB config file, see the page about the BigchainDB configuration settings.

Get All Other Nodes to Update Their Keyring

All other BigchainDB nodes in the cluster must add your new node’s public key to their BigchainDB keyring. Currently, the only way to get BigchainDB Server to “notice” a changed keyring is to shut it down and start it back up again (with the new keyring).

Maybe Update the MongoDB Replica Set

If this isn’t the first node in the BigchainDB cluster, then someone with an existing BigchainDB node (not you) must add your MongoDB instance to the MongoDB replica set. They can do so (on their node) using:

bigchaindb add-replicas your-mongod-hostname:27017

where they must replace your-mongod-hostname with the actual hostname of your MongoDB instance, and they may have to replace 27017 with the actual port.

Start BigchainDB

Warning: If you’re not deploying the first node in the BigchainDB cluster, then don’t start BigchainDB before your MongoDB instance has been added to the MongoDB replica set (as outlined above).

# See warning above
bigchaindb start