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Class template basic_option

boost::program_options::basic_option —


template<typename charT> 
class basic_option {
  // construct/copy/destruct
  basic_option(const std::string &, const std::vector< std::string > &);

  // public member functions

  std::string string_key;
  int position_key;
  std::vector< std::basic_string< charT > > value;
  std::vector< std::basic_string< charT > > original_tokens;
  bool unregistered;


Option found in input source. Contains a key and a value. The key, in turn, can be a string (name of an option), or an integer (position in input source) -- in case no name is specified. The latter is only possible for command line. The template parameter specifies the type of char used for storing the option's value.

basic_option construct/copy/destruct

  1. basic_option();
  2. basic_option(const std::string & string_key, 
                 const std::vector< std::string > & value);

basic_option public member functions

    Copyright © 2002-2004 Vladimir Prus
