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Class variables_map

boost::program_options::variables_map —


class variables_map
  :  : public boost::program_options::abstract_variables_map
  // construct/copy/destruct
  variables_map(const abstract_variables_map *);

  // public member functions
  const variable_value & operator[](const std::string &) const;

  // private member functions
  const variable_value & get(const std::string &) const;


Concrete variables map which store variables in real map.

variables_map construct/copy/destruct

  1. variables_map();
  2. variables_map(const abstract_variables_map * next);

variables_map public member functions

  1. const variable_value & operator[](const std::string & name) const;

    Obtains the value of variable 'name', from *this and possibly from the chain of variable maps.

    • if there's no value in *this.

      • if there's next variable map, returns value from it

      • otherwise, returns empty value

    • if there's defaulted value

      • if there's next varaible map, which has a non-defauled value, return that

      • otherwise, return value from *this

    • if there's a non-defauled value, returns it.

variables_map private member functions

  1. const variable_value & get(const std::string & name) const;

    Implementation of abstract_variables_map::get which does 'find' in *this.

Copyright © 2002-2004 Vladimir Prus
