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Class template wrapping_int

boost::date_time::wrapping_int — A wrapping integer used to support time durations.


template<typename int_type_, int_type_ wrap_val> 
class wrapping_int {
  // types
  typedef int_type_ int_type;

  // construct/copy/destruct

  // public member functions
  int_type as_int() const;
  operator int_type() const;
  int_type add(int_type) ;
  int_type subtract(int_type) ;

  // public static functions
  int_type wrap_value() ;


In composite date and time types this type is used to wrap at the day boundary.

wrapping_int construct/copy/destruct

  1. wrapping_int(int_type v);

wrapping_int public member functions

  1. int_type as_int() const;
  2. operator int_type() const;
  3. int_type add(int_type v) ;
  4. int_type subtract(int_type v) ;

wrapping_int public static functions

  1. int_type wrap_value() ;
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