


Bugzilla::Webservice::Bug - The API for creating, changing, and getting the details of bugs.


This part of the Bugzilla API allows you to file a new bug in Bugzilla, or get information about bugs that have already been filed.


See Bugzilla::WebService for a description of how parameters are passed, and what STABLE, UNSTABLE, and EXPERIMENTAL mean.

Utility Functions




Get information about valid bug fields, including the lists of legal values for each field.


You can pass either field ids or field names.

Note: If neither ids nor names is specified, then all non-obsolete fields will be returned.

In addition to the parameters below, this method also accepts the standard include_fields and exclude_fields arguments.

ids (array) - An array of integer field ids.
names (array) - An array of strings representing field names.

A hash containing a single element, fields. This is an array of hashes, containing the following keys:


int An integer id uniquely idenfifying this field in this installation only.


int The number of the fieldtype. The following values are defined:

0 Unknown
1 Free Text
2 Drop Down
3 Multiple-Selection Box
4 Large Text Box
5 Date/Time
6 Bug Id
7 Bug URLs ("See Also")

boolean True when this is a custom field, false otherwise.


string The internal name of this field. This is a unique identifier for this field. If this is not a custom field, then this name will be the same across all Bugzilla installations.


string The name of the field, as it is shown in the user interface.


boolean For custom fields, this is true if the field is shown when you enter a new bug. For standard fields, this is currently always false, even if the field shows up when entering a bug. (To know whether or not a standard field is valid on bug entry, see "create".)


string The name of a field that controls the visibility of this field in the user interface. This field only appears in the user interface when the named field is equal to one of the values in visibility_values. Can be null.


array of strings This field is only shown when visibility_field matches one of these values. When visibility_field is null, then this is an empty array.


string The name of the field that controls whether or not particular values of the field are shown in the user interface. Can be null.


This is an array of hashes, representing the legal values for select-type (drop-down and multiple-selection) fields. This is also populated for the component, version, and target_milestone fields, but not for the product field (you must use Product.get_accessible_products for that.

For fields that aren't select-type fields, this will simply be an empty array.

Each hash has the following keys:


string The actual value--this is what you would specify for this field in "create", etc.


int Values, when displayed in a list, are sorted first by this integer and then secondly by their name.


If value_field is defined for this field, then this value is only shown if the value_field is set to one of the values listed in this array. Note that for per-product fields, value_field is set to 'product' and visibility_values will reflect which product(s) this value appears in.


boolean For bug_status values, determines whether this status specifies that the bug is "open" (true) or "closed" (false). This item is only included for the bug_status field.


For bug_status values, this is an array of hashes that determines which statuses you can transition to from this status. (This item is only included for the bug_status field.)

Each hash contains the following items:


the name of the new status


this boolean True if a comment is required when you change a bug into this status using this transition.

51 (Invalid Field Name or Id)

You specified an invalid field name or id.

Added in Bugzilla 3.6.

DEPRECATED - Use "fields" instead.


Tells you what values are allowed for a particular field.

field - The name of the field you want information about. This should be the same as the name you would use in "create", below.
product_id - If you're picking a product-specific field, you have to specify the id of the product you want the values for.

values - An array of strings: the legal values for this field. The values will be sorted as they normally would be in Bugzilla.

106 (Invalid Product)

You were required to specify a product, and either you didn't, or you specified an invalid product (or a product that you can't access).

108 (Invalid Field Name)

You specified a field that doesn't exist or isn't a drop-down field.

Bug Information




It allows you to get data about attachments, given a list of bugs and/or attachment ids.

Note: Private attachments will only be returned if you are in the insidergroup or if you are the submitter of the attachment.


Note: At least one of ids or attachment_ids is required.


See the description of the ids parameter in the "get" method.


array An array of integer attachment ids.


A hash containing two elements: bugs and attachments. The return value looks like this:

     bugs => {
         1345 => {
             attachments => [
                 { (attachment) },
                 { (attachment) }
         9874 => {
             attachments => [
                 { (attachment) },
                 { (attachment) }


     attachments => {
         234 => { (attachment) },
         123 => { (attachment) },

The attachments of any bugs that you specified in the ids argument in input are returned in bugs on output. bugs is a hash that has integer bug IDs for keys and contains a single key, attachments. That key points to an arrayref that contains attachments as a hash. (Fields for attachments are described below.)

For any attachments that you specified directly in attachment_ids, they are returned in attachments on output. This is a hash where the attachment ids point directly to hashes describing the individual attachment.

The fields for each attachment (where it says (attachment) in the diagram above) are:


dateTime The time the attachment was created.


dateTime The last time the attachment was modified.


int The numeric id of the attachment.


int The numeric id of the bug that the attachment is attached to.


string The file name of the attachment.


string The description for the attachment.


string The MIME type of the attachment.


boolean True if the attachment is private (only visible to a certain group called the "insidergroup"), False otherwise.


boolean True if the attachment is obsolete, False otherwise.


boolean True if the attachment is a URL instead of actual data, False otherwise. Note that such attachments only happen when the Bugzilla installation has at some point had the allow_attach_url parameter enabled.


boolean True if the attachment is a patch, False otherwise.


string The login name of the user that created the attachment.


This method can throw all the same errors as "get". In addition, it can also throw the following error:

304 (Auth Failure, Attachment is Private)

You specified the id of a private attachment in the attachment_ids argument, and you are not in the "insider group" that can see private attachments.

Added in Bugzilla 3.6.



This allows you to get data about comments, given a list of bugs and/or comment ids.


Note: At least one of ids or comment_ids is required.

In addition to the parameters below, this method also accepts the standard include_fields and exclude_fields arguments.


array An array that can contain both bug IDs and bug aliases. All of the comments (that are visible to you) will be returned for the specified bugs.


array An array of integer comment_ids. These comments will be returned individually, separate from any other comments in their respective bugs.


dateTime If specified, the method will only return comments newer than this time. This only affects comments returned from the ids argument. You will always be returned all comments you request in the comment_ids argument, even if they are older than this date.


Two items are returned:


This is used for bugs specified in ids. This is a hash, where the keys are the numeric ids of the bugs, and the value is a hash with a single key, comments, which is an array of comments. (The format of comments is described below.)

Note that any individual bug will only be returned once, so if you specify an id multiple times in ids, it will still only be returned once.


Each individual comment requested in comment_ids is returned here, in a hash where the numeric comment id is the key, and the value is the comment. (The format of comments is described below.)

A "comment" as described above is a hash that contains the following keys:


int The globally unique ID for the comment.


int The ID of the bug that this comment is on.


int If the comment was made on an attachment, this will be the ID of that attachment. Otherwise it will be null.


string The actual text of the comment.


string The login name of the comment's author.


dateTime The time (in Bugzilla's timezone) that the comment was added.


boolean True if this comment is private (only visible to a certain group called the "insidergroup"), False otherwise.


This method can throw all the same errors as "get". In addition, it can also throw the following errors:

110 (Comment Is Private)

You specified the id of a private comment in the comment_ids argument, and you are not in the "insider group" that can see private comments.

111 (Invalid Comment ID)

You specified an id in the comment_ids argument that is invalid--either you specified something that wasn't a number, or there is no comment with that id.

Added in Bugzilla 3.4.
attachment_id was added to the return value in Bugzilla 3.6.



Gets information about particular bugs in the database.

Note: Can also be called as "get_bugs" for compatibilty with Bugzilla 3.0 API.


An array of numbers and strings.

If an element in the array is entirely numeric, it represents a bug_id from the Bugzilla database to fetch. If it contains any non-numeric characters, it is considered to be a bug alias instead, and the bug with that alias will be loaded.

Note that it's possible for aliases to be disabled in Bugzilla, in which case you will be told that you have specified an invalid bug_id if you try to specify an alias. (It will be error 100.)


boolean Normally, if you request any inaccessible or invalid bug ids, Bug.get will throw an error. If this parameter is True, instead of throwing an error we return an array of hashes with a id, faultString and faultCode for each bug that fails, and return normal information for the other bugs that were accessible.


Two items are returned:


An array of hashes that contains information about the bugs with the valid ids. Each hash contains the following items:


string The alias of this bug. If there is no alias or aliases are disabled in this Bugzilla, this will be an empty string.


string The login name of the user to whom the bug is assigned.


string The name of the current component of this bug.


dateTime When the bug was created.


int The bug ID of the bug that this bug is a duplicate of. If this bug isn't a duplicate of any bug, this will be an empty int.


int The numeric bug_id of this bug.

internals DEPRECATED

A hash. The internals of a Bugzilla::Bug object. This is extremely unstable, and you should only rely on this if you absolutely have to. The structure of the hash may even change between point releases of Bugzilla.

This will be disappearing in a future version of Bugzilla.


boolean Returns true (1) if this bug is open, false (0) if it is closed.


dateTime When the bug was last changed.


string The priority of the bug.


string The name of the product this bug is in.


string The current resolution of the bug, or an empty string if the bug is open.


string The current severity of the bug.


string The current status of the bug.


string The summary of this bug.


An array of hashes that contains invalid bug ids with error messages returned for them. Each hash contains the following items:


int The numeric bug_id of this bug.


c<string> This will only be returned for invalid bugs if the permissive argument was set when calling Bug.get, and it is an error indicating that the bug id was invalid.


c<int> This will only be returned for invalid bugs if the permissive argument was set when calling Bug.get, and it is the error code for the invalid bug error.

100 (Invalid Bug Alias)

If you specified an alias and either: (a) the Bugzilla you're querying doesn't support aliases or (b) there is no bug with that alias.

101 (Invalid Bug ID)

The bug_id you specified doesn't exist in the database.

102 (Access Denied)

You do not have access to the bug_id you specified.

permissive argument added to this method's params in Bugzilla 3.4.
The following properties were added to this method's return values in Bugzilla 3.4:
For bugs



Gets the history of changes for particular bugs in the database.


An array of numbers and strings.

If an element in the array is entirely numeric, it represents a bug_id from the Bugzilla database to fetch. If it contains any non-numeric characters, it is considered to be a bug alias instead, and the data bug with that alias will be loaded.

Note that it's possible for aliases to be disabled in Bugzilla, in which case you will be told that you have specified an invalid bug_id if you try to specify an alias. (It will be error 100.)


A hash containing a single element, bugs. This is an array of hashes, containing the following keys:


int The numeric id of the bug.


string The alias of this bug. If there is no alias or aliases are disabled in this Bugzilla, this will be undef.


array An array of hashes, each hash having the following keys:


dateTime The date the bug activity/change happened.


string The login name of the user who performed the bug change.


array An array of hashes which contain all the changes that happened to the bug at this time (as specified by when). Each hash contains the following items:


string The name of the bug field that has changed.


string The previous value of the bug field which has been deleted by the change.


string The new value of the bug field which has been added by the change.


int The id of the attachment that was changed. This only appears if the change was to an attachment, otherwise attachment_id will not be present in this hash.


The same as "get".

Added in Bugzilla 3.4.



Allows you to search for bugs based on particular criteria.


Unless otherwise specified in the description of a parameter, bugs are returned if they match exactly the criteria you specify in these parameters. That is, we don't match against substrings--if a bug is in the "Widgets" product and you ask for bugs in the "Widg" product, you won't get anything.

Criteria are joined in a logical AND. That is, you will be returned bugs that match all of the criteria, not bugs that match any of the criteria.

Each parameter can be either the type it says, or an array of the types it says. If you pass an array, it means "Give me bugs with any of these values." For example, if you wanted bugs that were in either the "Foo" or "Bar" products, you'd pass:

 product => ['Foo', 'Bar']

Some Bugzillas may treat your arguments case-sensitively, depending on what database system they are using. Most commonly, though, Bugzilla is not case-sensitive with the arguments passed (because MySQL is the most-common database to use with Bugzilla, and MySQL is not case sensitive).


string The unique alias for this bug. Note that you can search by alias even if the alias field is disabled in this Bugzilla, but it's likely that there won't be any aliases set on bugs, in that case.


string The login name of a user that a bug is assigned to.


string The name of the Component that the bug is in. Note that if there are multiple Compoonents with the same name, and you search for that name, bugs in all those Components will be returned. If you don't want this, be sure to also specify the product argument.


dateTime Searches for bugs that were created at this time or later. May not be an array.


int The numeric id of the bug.


dateTime Searches for bugs that were modified at this time or later. May not be an array.


int Limit the number of results returned to int records.


int Used in conjunction with the limit argument, offset defines the starting position for the search. For example, given a search that would return 100 bugs, setting limit to 10 and offset to 10 would return bugs 11 through 20 from the set of 100.


string The "Operating System" field of a bug.


string The Platform (sometimes called "Hardware") field of a bug.


string The Priority field on a bug.


string The name of the Product that the bug is in.


string The login name of the user who reported the bug.


string The current resolution--only set if a bug is closed. You can find open bugs by searching for bugs with an empty resolution.


string The Severity field on a bug.


string The current status of a bug (not including its resolution, if it has one, which is a separate field above).


string Searches for substrings in the single-line Summary field on bugs. If you specify an array, then bugs whose summaries match any of the passed substrings will be returned.

Note that unlike searching in the Bugzilla UI, substrings are not split on spaces. So searching for foo bar will match "This is a foo bar" but not "This foo is a bar". ['foo', 'bar'], would, however, match the second item.


string The Target Milestone field of a bug. Note that even if this Bugzilla does not have the Target Milestone field enabled, you can still search for bugs by Target Milestone. However, it is likely that in that case, most bugs will not have a Target Milestone set (it defaults to "---" when the field isn't enabled).


string The login name of the bug's QA Contact. Note that even if this Bugzilla does not have the QA Contact field enabled, you can still search for bugs by QA Contact (though it is likely that no bug will have a QA Contact set, if the field is disabled).


string The "URL" field of a bug.


string The Version field of a bug.


int Searches for bugs with this many votes or greater. May not be an array.


string Search the "Status Whiteboard" field on bugs for a substring. Works the same as the summary field described above, but searches the Status Whiteboard field.


The same as "get".

Note that you will only be returned information about bugs that you can see. Bugs that you can't see will be entirely excluded from the results. So, if you want to see private bugs, you will have to first log in and then call this method.


Currently, this function doesn't throw any special errors (other than the ones that all webservice functions can throw). If you specify an invalid value for a particular field, you just won't get any results for that value.

Added in Bugzilla 3.4.

Bug Creation and Modification




This allows you to create a new bug in Bugzilla. If you specify any invalid fields, they will be ignored. If you specify any fields you are not allowed to set, they will just be set to their defaults or ignored.

You cannot currently set all the items here that you can set on enter_bug.cgi.

The WebService interface may allow you to set things other than those listed here, but realize that anything undocumented is UNSTABLE and will very likely change in the future.


Some params must be set, or an error will be thrown. These params are marked Required.

Some parameters can have defaults set in Bugzilla, by the administrator. If these parameters have defaults set, you can omit them. These parameters are marked Defaulted.

Clients that want to be able to interact uniformly with multiple Bugzillas should always set both the params marked Required and those marked Defaulted, because some Bugzillas may not have defaults set for Defaulted parameters, and then this method will throw an error if you don't specify them.

The descriptions of the parameters below are what they mean when Bugzilla is being used to track software bugs. They may have other meanings in some installations.

product (string) Required - The name of the product the bug is being filed against.
component (string) Required - The name of a component in the product above.
summary (string) Required - A brief description of the bug being filed.
version (string) Required - A version of the product above; the version the bug was found in.
description (string) Defaulted - The initial description for this bug. Some Bugzilla installations require this to not be blank.
op_sys (string) Defaulted - The operating system the bug was discovered on.
platform (string) Defaulted - What type of hardware the bug was experienced on.
priority (string) Defaulted - What order the bug will be fixed in by the developer, compared to the developer's other bugs.
severity (string) Defaulted - How severe the bug is.
alias (string) - A brief alias for the bug that can be used instead of a bug number when accessing this bug. Must be unique in all of this Bugzilla.
assigned_to (username) - A user to assign this bug to, if you don't want it to be assigned to the component owner.
cc (array) - An array of usernames to CC on this bug.
qa_contact (username) - If this installation has QA Contacts enabled, you can set the QA Contact here if you don't want to use the component's default QA Contact.
status (string) - The status that this bug should start out as. Note that only certain statuses can be set on bug creation.
target_milestone (string) - A valid target milestone for this product.

In addition to the above parameters, if your installation has any custom fields, you can set them just by passing in the name of the field and its value as a string.


A hash with one element, id. This is the id of the newly-filed bug.

51 (Invalid Object)

The component you specified is not valid for this Product.

103 (Invalid Alias)

The alias you specified is invalid for some reason. See the error message for more details.

104 (Invalid Field)

One of the drop-down fields has an invalid value, or a value entered in a text field is too long. The error message will have more detail.

105 (Invalid Component)

You didn't specify a component.

106 (Invalid Product)

Either you didn't specify a product, this product doesn't exist, or you don't have permission to enter bugs in this product.

107 (Invalid Summary)

You didn't specify a summary for the bug.

504 (Invalid User)

Either the QA Contact, Assignee, or CC lists have some invalid user in them. The error message will have more details.

Before 3.0.4, parameters marked as Defaulted were actually Required, due to a bug in Bugzilla.



This allows you to add a comment to a bug in Bugzilla.

id (int) Required - The id or alias of the bug to append a comment to.
comment (string) Required - The comment to append to the bug. If this is empty or all whitespace, an error will be thrown saying that you did not set the comment parameter.
is_private (boolean) - If set to true, the comment is private, otherwise it is assumed to be public.
work_time (double) - Adds this many hours to the "Hours Worked" on the bug. If you are not in the time tracking group, this value will be ignored.

A hash with one element, id whose value is the id of the newly-created comment.

54 (Hours Worked Too Large)

You specified a work_time larger than the maximum allowed value of 99999.99.

100 (Invalid Bug Alias)

If you specified an alias and either: (a) the Bugzilla you're querying doesn't support aliases or (b) there is no bug with that alias.

101 (Invalid Bug ID)

The id you specified doesn't exist in the database.

108 (Bug Edit Denied)

You did not have the necessary rights to edit the bug.

113 (Can't Make Private Comments)

You tried to add a private comment, but don't have the necessary rights.

114 (Comment Too Long)

You tried to add a comment longer than the maximum allowed length (65,535 characters).

Added in Bugzilla 3.2.
Modified to return the new comment's id in Bugzilla 3.4
Modified to throw an error if you try to add a private comment but can't, in Bugzilla 3.4.
Before Bugzilla 3.6, the is_private argument was called private, and you can still call it private for backwards-compatibility purposes if you wish.
Before Bugzilla 3.6, error 54 and error 114 had a generic error code of 32000.



Adds or removes URLs for the "See Also" field on bugs. These URLs must point to some valid bug in some Bugzilla installation or in Launchpad.


Array of ints or strings. The ids or aliases of bugs that you want to modify.


Array of strings. URLs to Bugzilla bugs. These URLs will be added to the See Also field. They must be valid URLs to show_bug.cgi in a Bugzilla installation or to a bug filed at launchpad.net.

If the URLs don't start with http:// or https://, it will be assumed that http:// should be added to the beginning of the string.

It is safe to specify URLs that are already in the "See Also" field on a bug--they will just be silently ignored.


Array of strings. These URLs will be removed from the See Also field. You must specify the full URL that you want removed. However, matching is done case-insensitively, so you don't have to specify the URL in exact case, if you don't want to.

If you specify a URL that is not in the See Also field of a particular bug, it will just be silently ignored. Invaild URLs are currently silently ignored, though this may change in some future version of Bugzilla.

NOTE: If you specify the same URL in both add and remove, it will be added. (That is, add overrides remove.)


changes, a hash where the keys are numeric bug ids and the contents are a hash with one key, see_also. see_also points to a hash, which contains two keys, added and removed. These are arrays of strings, representing the actual changes that were made to the bug.

Here's a diagram of what the return value looks like for updating bug ids 1 and 2:

   changes => {
       1 => {
           see_also => {
               added   => (an array of bug URLs),
               removed => (an array of bug URLs),
       2 => {
           see_also => {
               added   => (an array of bug URLs),
               removed => (an array of bug URLs),

This return value allows you to tell what this method actually did. It is in this format to be compatible with the return value of a future Bug.update method.


This method can throw all of the errors that "get" throws, plus:

108 (Bug Edit Denied)

You did not have the necessary rights to edit the bug.

112 (Invalid Bug URL)

One of the URLs you provided did not look like a valid bug URL.

115 (See Also Edit Denied)

You did not have the necessary rights to edit the See Also field for this bug.

Added in Bugzilla 3.4.
Before Bugzilla 3.6, error 115 had a generic error code of 32000.
