Librados (C)

librados provides low-level access to the RADOS service. For an overview of RADOS, see Architecture.

Example: connecting and writing an object

To use Librados, you instantiate a rados_t variable (a cluster handle) and call rados_create() with a pointer to it:

int err;
rados_t cluster;

err = rados_create(&cluster, NULL);
if (err < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot create a cluster handle: %s\n", argv[0], strerror(-err));

Then you configure your rados_t to connect to your cluster, either by setting individual values (rados_conf_set()), using a configuration file (rados_conf_read_file()), using command line options (rados_conf_parse_argv()), or an environment variable (rados_conf_parse_env()):

err = rados_conf_read_file(cluster, "/path/to/myceph.conf");
if (err < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot read config file: %s\n", argv[0], strerror(-err));

Once the cluster handle is configured, you can connect to the cluster with rados_connect():

err = rados_connect(cluster);
if (err < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot connect to cluster: %s\n", argv[0], strerror(-err));

Then you open an “IO context”, a rados_ioctx_t, with rados_ioctx_create():

rados_ioctx_t io;
char *poolname = "mypool";

err = rados_ioctx_create(cluster, poolname, &io);
if (err < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open rados pool %s: %s\n", argv[0], poolname, strerror(-err));

Note that the pool you try to access must exist.

Then you can use the RADOS data manipulation functions, for example write into an object called greeting with rados_write_full():

err = rados_write_full(io, "greeting", "hello", 5);
if (err < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot write pool %s: %s\n", argv[0], poolname, strerror(-err));

In the end, you’ll want to close your IO context and connection to RADOS with rados_ioctx_destroy() and rados_shutdown():


Asychronous IO

When doing lots of IO, you often don’t need to wait for one operation to complete before starting the next one. Librados provides asynchronous versions of several operations:

For each operation, you must first create a rados_completion_t that represents what to do when the operation is safe or complete by calling rados_aio_create_completion(). If you don’t need anything special to happen, you can pass NULL:

rados_completion_t comp;
err = rados_aio_create_completion(NULL, NULL, NULL, &comp);
if (err < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not create aio completion: %s\n", argv[0], strerror(-err));

Now you can call any of the aio operations, and wait for it to be in memory or on disk on all replicas:

err = rados_aio_write(io, "foo", comp, "bar", 3, 0);
if (err < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not schedule aio write: %s\n", argv[0], strerror(-err));
rados_wait_for_complete(comp); // in memory
rados_wait_for_safe(comp); // on disk

Finally, we need to free the memory used by the completion with rados_aio_release():


You can use the callbacks to tell your application when writes are durable, or when read buffers are full. For example, if you wanted to measure the latency of each operation when appending to several objects, you could schedule several writes and store the ack and commit time in the corresponding callback, then wait for all of them to complete using rados_aio_flush() before analyzing the latencies:

typedef struct {
        struct timeval start;
        struct timeval ack_end;
        struct timeval commit_end;
} req_duration;

void ack_callback(rados_completion_t comp, void *arg) {
        req_duration *dur = (req_duration *) arg;
        gettimeofday(&dur->ack_end, NULL);

void commit_callback(rados_completion_t comp, void *arg) {
        req_duration *dur = (req_duration *) arg;
        gettimeofday(&dur->commit_end, NULL);

int output_append_latency(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *data, size_t len, size_t num_writes) {
        req_duration times[num_writes];
        rados_completion_t comps[num_writes];
        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_writes; ++i) {
                gettimeofday(&times[i].start, NULL);
                int err = rados_aio_create_completion((void*) &times[i], ack_callback, commit_callback, &comps[i]);
                if (err < 0) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating rados completion: %s\n", strerror(-err));
                        return err;
                char obj_name[100];
                snprintf(obj_name, sizeof(obj_name), "foo%ld", (unsigned long)i);
                err = rados_aio_append(io, obj_name, comps[i], data, len);
                if (err < 0) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Error from rados_aio_append: %s", strerror(-err));
                        return err;
        // wait until all requests finish *and* the callbacks complete
        // the latencies can now be analyzed
        printf("Request # | Ack latency (s) | Commit latency (s)\n");
        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_writes; ++i) {
                // don't forget to free the completions
                struct timeval ack_lat, commit_lat;
                timersub(&times[i].ack_end, &times[i].start, &ack_lat);
                timersub(&times[i].commit_end, &times[i].start, &commit_lat);
                printf("%9ld | %8ld.%06ld | %10ld.%06ld\n", (unsigned long) i, ack_lat.tv_sec, ack_lat.tv_usec, commit_lat.tv_sec, commit_lat.tv_usec);
        return 0;

Note that all the rados_completion_t must be freed with rados_aio_release() to avoid leaking memory.

API calls

Struct rados_pool_stat_t

struct rados_pool_stat_t

Usage information for a pool.


uint64_t num_bytes

space used in bytes

uint64_t num_kb

space used in KB

uint64_t num_objects

number of objects in the pool

uint64_t num_object_clones

number of clones of objects

uint64_t num_object_copies

num_objects * num_replicas

uint64_t num_objects_missing_on_primary
uint64_t num_objects_unfound

number of objects found on no OSDs

uint64_t num_objects_degraded

number of objects replicated fewer times than they should be (but found on at least one OSD)

uint64_t num_rd
uint64_t num_rd_kb
uint64_t num_wr
uint64_t num_wr_kb

Struct rados_cluster_stat_t

struct rados_cluster_stat_t

Cluster-wide usage information.


uint64_t kb
uint64_t kb_used
uint64_t kb_avail
uint64_t num_objects





A handle for interacting with a RADOS cluster.

It encapsulates all RADOS client configuration, including username, key for authentication, logging, and debugging. Talking different clusters – or to the same cluster with different users – requires different cluster handles.



A handle for the ceph configuration context for the rados_t cluster instance. This can be used to share configuration context/state (e.g., logging configuration) between librados instance.


The config context does not have independent reference counting. As such, a rados_config_t handle retrieved from a given rados_t is only valid as long as that rados_t.


An io context encapsulates a few settings for all I/O operations done on it:


changing any of these settings is not thread-safe - librados users must synchronize any of these changes on their own, or use separate io contexts for each thread


An iterator for listing the objects in a pool.

Used with rados_objects_list_open(),rados_objects_list_next(), andrados_objects_list_close().


The id of a snapshot.


An iterator for listing extended attrbutes on an object.

Used with rados_getxattrs(),rados_getxattrs_next(), andrados_getxattrs_end().


An iterator for listing omap key/value pairs on an object.

Used with rados_read_op_omap_get_keys(),rados_read_op_omap_get_vals(),rados_read_op_omap_get_vals_by_keys(),rados_omap_get_next(), andrados_omap_get_end().


An object write operation stores a number of operations which can be executed atomically.

For usage, see:


An object read operation stores a number of operations which can be executed atomically.

For usage, see:


Represents the state of an asynchronous operation - it contains the return value once the operation completes, and can be used to block until the operation is complete or safe.


Callbacks for asynchrous operations take two parameters:

  • cb the completion that has finished
  • arg application defined data made available to the callback function


Callback activated when a notify is received on a watched object.

Parameters are:

  • opcode undefined
  • ver version of the watched object
  • arg application-specific data


BUG: opcode is an internal detail that shouldn’t be exposed



void rados_version(int *major, int *minor, int *extra)

Get the version of librados.

The version number is major.minor.extra. Note that this is unrelated to the Ceph version number.

TODO: define version semantics, i.e.:

  • incrementing major is for backwards-incompatible changes
  • incrementing minor is for backwards-compatible changes
  • incrementing extra is for bug fixes

  • major – where to store the major version number
  • minor – where to store the minor version number
  • extra – where to store the extra version number
int rados_create(rados_t *cluster, const char *const id)

Create a handle for communicating with a RADOS cluster.

Ceph environment variables are read when this is called, so if $CEPH_ARGS specifies everything you need to connect, no further configuration is necessary.

  • cluster – where to store the handle
  • id – the user to connect as (i.e. admin, not client.admin)

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_create2(rados_t *pcluster, const char *const clustername, const char *const name, uint64_t flags)

Extended version of rados_create.

Like rados_create, but 1) don’t assume ‘client\.’+id; allow full specification of name 2) allow specification of cluster name 3) flags for future expansion

int rados_create_with_context(rados_t *cluster, rados_config_t cct)

Initialize a cluster handle from an existing configuration.

Share configuration state with another rados_t instance.

  • cluster – where to store the handle
  • cct_ – the existing configuration to use

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_ping_monitor(rados_t cluster, const char *mon_id, char **outstr, size_t *outstrlen)

Ping the monitor with ID


asphyxiate: No renderer found for doxygen tag ‘computeroutput’

<computeroutput xmlns:xsi="">mon_id</computeroutput>, storing the resulting reply in
, storing the resulting reply in


asphyxiate: No renderer found for doxygen tag ‘computeroutput’

<computeroutput xmlns:xsi="">buf</computeroutput> (if specified) with a maximum size of
(if specified) with a maximum size of


asphyxiate: No renderer found for doxygen tag ‘computeroutput’

<computeroutput xmlns:xsi="">len</computeroutput>.

The result buffer is allocated on the heap; the caller is expected to release that memory with rados_buffer_free(). The buffer and length pointers can be NULL, in which case they are not filled in.

  • cluster – cluster handle
  • mon_id – ID of the monitor to ping
  • outstr – double pointer with the resulting reply
  • outstrlen

    pointer with the size of the reply in


    asphyxiate: No renderer found for doxygen tag ‘computeroutput’


int rados_connect(rados_t cluster)

Connect to the cluster.


BUG: Before calling this, calling a function that communicates with the cluster will crash.


The cluster handle is configured with at least a monitor address. If cephx is enabled, a client name and secret must also be set.


If this succeeds, any function in librados may be used

  • cluster – The cluster to connect to.

0 on sucess, negative error code on failure

void rados_shutdown(rados_t cluster)

Disconnects from the cluster.

For clean up, this is only necessary after rados_connect()has succeeded.


This does not guarantee any asynchronous writes have completed. To do that, you must call rados_aio_flush()on all open io contexts.


the cluster handle cannot be used again

  • cluster – the cluster to shutdown
int rados_conf_read_file(rados_t cluster, const char *path)

Configure the cluster handle using a Ceph config file.

If path is NULL, the default locations are searched, and the first found is used. The locations are:

  • $CEPH_CONF (environment variable)
  • /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
  • ~/.ceph/config
  • ceph.conf (in the current working directory)


rados_connect()has not been called on the cluster handle

  • cluster – cluster handle to configure
  • path – path to a Ceph configuration file

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_conf_parse_argv(rados_t cluster, int argc, const char **argv)

Configure the cluster handle with command line arguments.

argv can contain any common Ceph command line option, including any configuration parameter prefixed by ‘–’ and replacing spaces with dashes or underscores. For example, the following options are equivalent:

  • –mon-host
  • –mon_host
  • -m


rados_connect()has not been called on the cluster handle

  • cluster – cluster handle to configure
  • argc – number of arguments in argv
  • argv – arguments to parse

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_conf_parse_argv_remainder(rados_t cluster, int argc, const char **argv, const char **remargv)

Configure the cluster handle with command line arguments, returning any remainders.

Same rados_conf_parse_argv, except for extra remargv argument to hold returns unrecognized arguments.


rados_connect()has not been called on the cluster handle

  • cluster – cluster handle to configure
  • argc – number of arguments in argv
  • argv – arguments to parse
  • remargv – char* array for returned unrecognized arguments

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_conf_parse_env(rados_t cluster, const char *var)

Configure the cluster handle based on an environment variable.

The contents of the environment variable are parsed as if they were Ceph command line options. If var is NULL, the CEPH_ARGS environment variable is used.


rados_connect()has not been called on the cluster handle


BUG: this is not threadsafe - it uses a static buffer

  • cluster – cluster handle to configure
  • var – name of the environment variable to read

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_conf_set(rados_t cluster, const char *option, const char *value)

Set a configuration option.


rados_connect()has not been called on the cluster handle

  • cluster – cluster handle to configure
  • option – option to set
  • value – value of the option

0 on success, negative error code on failure

-ENOENT when the option is not a Ceph configuration option

int rados_conf_get(rados_t cluster, const char *option, char *buf, size_t len)

Get the value of a configuration option.

  • cluster – configuration to read
  • option – which option to read
  • buf – where to write the configuration value
  • len – the size of buf in bytes

0 on success, negative error code on failure

-ENAMETOOLONG if the buffer is too short to contain the requested value

int rados_cluster_stat(rados_t cluster, struct rados_cluster_stat_t *result)

Read usage info about the cluster.

This tells you total space, space used, space available, and number of objects. These are not updated immediately when data is written, they are eventually consistent.

  • cluster – cluster to query
  • result – where to store the results

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_cluster_fsid(rados_t cluster, char *buf, size_t len)

Get the fsid of the cluster as a hexadecimal string.

The fsid is a unique id of an entire Ceph cluster.

  • cluster – where to get the fsid
  • buf – where to write the fsid
  • len – the size of buf in bytes (should be 37)

0 on success, negative error code on failure

-ERANGE if the buffer is too short to contain the fsid

int rados_wait_for_latest_osdmap(rados_t cluster)

Get/wait for the most recent osdmap.

  • cluster – the cluster to shutdown

0 on sucess, negative error code on failure

int rados_pool_list(rados_t cluster, char *buf, size_t len)

List pools.

Gets a list of pool names as NULL-terminated strings. The pool names will be placed in the supplied buffer one after another. After the last pool name, there will be two 0 bytes in a row.

If len is too short to fit all the pool name entries we need, we will fill as much as we can.

  • cluster – cluster handle
  • buf – output buffer
  • len – output buffer length

length of the buffer we would need to list all pools

rados_config_t rados_cct(rados_t cluster)

Get a configuration handle for a rados cluster handle.

This handle is valid only as long as the cluster handle is valid.

  • cluster – cluster handle

config handle for this cluster

uint64_t rados_get_instance_id(rados_t cluster)

Get a global id for current instance.

This id is a unique representation of current connection to the cluster

  • cluster – cluster handle

instance global id

int rados_ioctx_create(rados_t cluster, const char *pool_name, rados_ioctx_t *ioctx)

Create an io context.

The io context allows you to perform operations within a particular pool. For more details see rados_ioctx_t.

  • cluster – which cluster the pool is in
  • pool_name – name of the pool
  • ioctx – where to store the io context

0 on success, negative error code on failure

void rados_ioctx_destroy(rados_ioctx_t io)

The opposite of rados_ioctx_create.

This just tells librados that you no longer need to use the io context. It may not be freed immediately if there are pending asynchronous requests on it, but you should not use an io context again after calling this function on it.


This does not guarantee any asynchronous writes have completed. You must call rados_aio_flush()on the io context before destroying it to do that.

  • io – the io context to dispose of
rados_config_t rados_ioctx_cct(rados_ioctx_t io)

Get configuration hadnle for a pool handle.

  • io – pool handle

rados_config_t for this cluster

rados_t rados_ioctx_get_cluster(rados_ioctx_t io)

Get the cluster handle used by this rados_ioctx_t Note that this is a weak reference, and should not be destroyed via rados_destroy().

  • io – the io context

the cluster handle for this io context

int rados_ioctx_pool_stat(rados_ioctx_t io, struct rados_pool_stat_t *stats)

Get pool usage statistics.

Fills in a rados_pool_stat_tafter querying the cluster.

  • io – determines which pool to query
  • stats – where to store the results

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int64_t rados_pool_lookup(rados_t cluster, const char *pool_name)

Get the id of a pool.

  • cluster – which cluster the pool is in
  • pool_name – which pool to look up

id of the pool

-ENOENT if the pool is not found

int rados_pool_reverse_lookup(rados_t cluster, int64_t id, char *buf, size_t maxlen)

Get the name of a pool.

  • cluster – which cluster the pool is in
  • id – the id of the pool
  • buf – where to store the pool name
  • maxlen – size of buffer where name will be stored

length of string stored, or -ERANGE if buffer too small

int rados_pool_create(rados_t cluster, const char *pool_name)

Create a pool with default settings.

The default owner is the admin user (auid 0). The default crush rule is rule 0.

  • cluster – the cluster in which the pool will be created
  • pool_name – the name of the new pool

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_pool_create_with_auid(rados_t cluster, const char *pool_name, uint64_t auid)

Create a pool owned by a specific auid.

The auid is the authenticated user id to give ownership of the pool. TODO: document auid and the rest of the auth system

  • cluster – the cluster in which the pool will be created
  • pool_name – the name of the new pool
  • auid – the id of the owner of the new pool

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_pool_create_with_crush_rule(rados_t cluster, const char *pool_name, uint8_t crush_rule_num)

Create a pool with a specific CRUSH rule.

  • cluster – the cluster in which the pool will be created
  • pool_name – the name of the new pool
  • crush_rule_num – which rule to use for placement in the new pool1

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_pool_create_with_all(rados_t cluster, const char *pool_name, uint64_t auid, uint8_t crush_rule_num)

Create a pool with a specific CRUSH rule and auid.

This is a combination of rados_pool_create_with_crush_rule()andrados_pool_create_with_auid().

  • cluster – the cluster in which the pool will be created
  • pool_name – the name of the new pool
  • crush_rule_num – which rule to use for placement in the new pool2
  • auid – the id of the owner of the new pool

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_pool_delete(rados_t cluster, const char *pool_name)

Delete a pool and all data inside it.

The pool is removed from the cluster immediately, but the actual data is deleted in the background.

  • cluster – the cluster the pool is in
  • pool_name – which pool to delete

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_ioctx_pool_set_auid(rados_ioctx_t io, uint64_t auid)

Attempt to change an io context’s associated auid “owner.”.

Requires that you have write permission on both the current and new auid.

  • io – reference to the pool to change.
  • auid – the auid you wish the io to have.

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_ioctx_pool_get_auid(rados_ioctx_t io, uint64_t *auid)

Get the auid of a pool.

  • io – pool to query
  • auid – where to store the auid

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_ioctx_pool_requires_alignment(rados_ioctx_t io)
uint64_t rados_ioctx_pool_required_alignment(rados_ioctx_t io)
int64_t rados_ioctx_get_id(rados_ioctx_t io)

Get the pool id of the io context.

  • io – the io context to query

the id of the pool the io context uses

int rados_ioctx_get_pool_name(rados_ioctx_t io, char *buf, unsigned maxlen)

Get the pool name of the io context.

  • io – the io context to query
  • buf – pointer to buffer where name will be stored
  • maxlen – size of buffer where name will be stored

length of string stored, or -ERANGE if buffer too small

void rados_ioctx_locator_set_key(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *key)

Set the key for mapping objects to pgs within an io context.

The key is used instead of the object name to determine which placement groups an object is put in. This affects all subsequent operations of the io context - until a different locator key is set, all objects in this io context will be placed in the same pg.

This is useful if you need to do clone_range operations, which must be done with the source and destination objects in the same pg.

  • io – the io context to change
  • key – the key to use as the object locator, or NULL to discard any previously set key
void rados_ioctx_set_namespace(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *nspace)

Set the namespace for objects within an io context.

The namespace specification further refines a pool into different domains. The mapping of objects to pgs is also based on this value.

  • io – the io context to change
  • nspace – the name to use as the namespace, or NULL use the default namespace
int rados_objects_list_open(rados_ioctx_t io, rados_list_ctx_t *ctx)

Start listing objects in a pool.

  • io – the pool to list from
  • ctx – the handle to store list context in

0 on success, negative error code on failure

uint32_t rados_objects_list_get_pg_hash_position(rados_list_ctx_t ctx)

Return hash position of iterator, rounded to the current PG.

  • ctx – iterator marking where you are in the listing

current hash position, rounded to the current pg

uint32_t rados_objects_list_seek(rados_list_ctx_t ctx, uint32_t pos)

Reposition object iterator to a different hash position.

  • ctx – iterator marking where you are in the listing
  • pos – hash position to move to

actual (rounded) position we moved to

int rados_objects_list_next(rados_list_ctx_t ctx, const char **entry, const char **key)

Get the next object name and locator in the pool.

*entry and *key are valid until next call to rados_objects_list_*

  • ctx – iterator marking where you are in the listing
  • entry – where to store the name of the entry
  • key – where to store the object locator (set to NULL to ignore)

0 on success, negative error code on failure

-ENOENT when there are no more objects to list

void rados_objects_list_close(rados_list_ctx_t ctx)

Close the object listing handle.

This should be called when the handle is no longer needed. The handle should not be used after it has been closed.

  • ctx – the handle to close
int rados_ioctx_snap_create(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *snapname)

Create a pool-wide snapshot.

  • io – the pool to snapshot
  • snapname – the name of the snapshot

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_ioctx_snap_remove(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *snapname)

Delete a pool snapshot.

  • io – the pool to delete the snapshot from
  • snapname – which snapshot to delete

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_ioctx_snap_rollback(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *oid, const char *snapname)

Rollback an object to a pool snapshot.

The contents of the object will be the same as when the snapshot was taken.

  • io – the pool in which the object is stored
  • oid – the name of the object to rollback
  • snapname – which snapshot to rollback to

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_rollback(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *oid, const char *snapname)

Rollback an object to a pool snapshot *DEPRECATED*.

Deprecated interface which is not rados_ioctx_snap_rollback()This function could go away in the future

  • io – the pool in which the object is stored
  • oid – the name of the object to rollback
  • snapname – which snapshot to rollback to

0 on success, negative error code on failure

void rados_ioctx_snap_set_read(rados_ioctx_t io, rados_snap_t snap)

Set the snapshot from which reads are performed.

Subsequent reads will return data as it was at the time of that snapshot.

  • io – the io context to change
  • snap – the id of the snapshot to set, or LIBRADOS_SNAP_HEAD for no snapshot (i.e. normal operation)
int rados_ioctx_selfmanaged_snap_create(rados_ioctx_t io, rados_snap_t *snapid)

Allocate an ID for a self-managed snapshot.

Get a unique ID to put in the snaphot context to create a snapshot. A clone of an object is not created until a write with the new snapshot context is completed.

  • io – the pool in which the snapshot will exist
  • snapid – where to store the newly allocated snapshot ID

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_ioctx_selfmanaged_snap_remove(rados_ioctx_t io, rados_snap_t snapid)

Remove a self-managed snapshot.

This increases the snapshot sequence number, which will cause snapshots to be removed lazily.

  • io – the pool in which the snapshot will exist
  • snapid – where to store the newly allocated snapshot ID

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_ioctx_selfmanaged_snap_rollback(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *oid, rados_snap_t snapid)

Rollback an object to a self-managed snapshot.

The contents of the object will be the same as when the snapshot was taken.

  • io – the pool in which the object is stored
  • oid – the name of the object to rollback
  • snapid – which snapshot to rollback to

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_ioctx_selfmanaged_snap_set_write_ctx(rados_ioctx_t io, rados_snap_t seq, rados_snap_t *snaps, int num_snaps)

Set the snapshot context for use when writing to objects.

This is stored in the io context, and applies to all future writes.

  • io – the io context to change
  • seq – the newest snapshot sequence number for the pool
  • snaps – array of snapshots in sorted by descending id
  • num_snaps – how many snaphosts are in the snaps array

0 on success, negative error code on failure

-EINVAL if snaps are not in descending order

int rados_ioctx_snap_list(rados_ioctx_t io, rados_snap_t *snaps, int maxlen)

List all the ids of pool snapshots.

If the output array does not have enough space to fit all the snapshots, -ERANGE is returned and the caller should retry with a larger array.

  • io – the pool to read from
  • snaps – where to store the results
  • maxlen – the number of rados_snap_t that fit in the snaps array

number of snapshots on success, negative error code on failure

-ERANGE is returned if the snaps array is too short

int rados_ioctx_snap_lookup(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *name, rados_snap_t *id)

Get the id of a pool snapshot.

  • io – the pool to read from
  • name – the snapshot to find
  • id – where to store the result

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_ioctx_snap_get_name(rados_ioctx_t io, rados_snap_t id, char *name, int maxlen)

Get the name of a pool snapshot.

  • io – the pool to read from
  • id – the snapshot to find
  • name – where to store the result
  • maxlen – the size of the name array

0 on success, negative error code on failure

-ERANGE if the name array is too small

int rados_ioctx_snap_get_stamp(rados_ioctx_t io, rados_snap_t id, time_t *t)

Find when a pool snapshot occurred.

  • io – the pool the snapshot was taken in
  • id – the snapshot to lookup
  • t – where to store the result

0 on success, negative error code on failure

uint64_t rados_get_last_version(rados_ioctx_t io)

Return the version of the last object read or written to.

This exposes the internal version number of the last object read or written via this io context

  • io – the io context to check

last read or written object version

int rados_write(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *oid, const char *buf, size_t len, uint64_t off)

Write data to an object.


This will never return a positive value not equal to len.

  • io – the io context in which the write will occur
  • oid – name of the object
  • buf – data to write
  • len – length of the data, in bytes
  • off – byte offset in the object to begin writing at

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_write_full(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *oid, const char *buf, size_t len)

Write an entire object.

The object is filled with the provided data. If the object exists, it is atomically truncated and then written.

  • io – the io context in which the write will occur
  • oid – name of the object
  • buf – data to write
  • len – length of the data, in bytes

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_clone_range(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *dst, uint64_t dst_off, const char *src, uint64_t src_off, size_t len)

Efficiently copy a portion of one object to another.

If the underlying filesystem on the OSDsupports it, this will be a copy-on-write clone.

The src and dest objects must be in the same pg. To ensure this, the io context should have a locator key set (see rados_ioctx_locator_set_key()).

  • io – the context in which the data is cloned
  • dst – the name of the destination object
  • dst_off – the offset within the destination object (in bytes)
  • src – the name of the source object
  • src_off – the offset within the source object (in bytes)
  • len – how much data to copy

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_append(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *oid, const char *buf, size_t len)

Append data to an object.

  • io – the context to operate in
  • oid – the name of the object
  • buf – the data to append
  • len – length of buf (in bytes)

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_read(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *oid, char *buf, size_t len, uint64_t off)

Read data from an object.

The io context determines the snapshot to read from, if any was set by rados_ioctx_snap_set_read().

  • io – the context in which to perform the read
  • oid – the name of the object to read from
  • buf – where to store the results
  • len – the number of bytes to read
  • off – the offset to start reading from in the object

number of bytes read on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_remove(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *oid)

Delete an object.


This does not delete any snapshots of the object.

  • io – the pool to delete the object from
  • oid – the name of the object to delete

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_trunc(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *oid, uint64_t size)

Resize an object.

If this enlarges the object, the new area is logically filled with zeroes. If this shrinks the object, the excess data is removed.

  • io – the context in which to truncate
  • oid – the name of the object
  • size – the new size of the object in bytes

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_getxattr(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *o, const char *name, char *buf, size_t len)

Get the value of an extended attribute on an object.

  • io – the context in which the attribute is read
  • o – name of the object
  • name – which extended attribute to read
  • buf – where to store the result
  • len – size of buf in bytes

length of xattr value on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_setxattr(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *o, const char *name, const char *buf, size_t len)

Set an extended attribute on an object.

  • io – the context in which xattr is set
  • o – name of the object
  • name – which extended attribute to set
  • buf – what to store in the xattr
  • len – the number of bytes in buf

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_rmxattr(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *o, const char *name)

Delete an extended attribute from an object.

  • io – the context in which to delete the xattr
  • o – the name of the object
  • name – which xattr to delete

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_getxattrs(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *oid, rados_xattrs_iter_t *iter)

Start iterating over xattrs on an object.


iter is a valid iterator

  • io – the context in which to list xattrs
  • oid – name of the object
  • iter – where to store the iterator

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_getxattrs_next(rados_xattrs_iter_t iter, const char **name, const char **val, size_t *len)

Get the next xattr on the object.


iter is a valid iterator


name is the NULL-terminated name of the next xattr, and val contains the value of the xattr, which is of length len. If the end of the list has been reached, name and val are NULL, and len is 0.

  • iter – iterator to advance
  • name – where to store the name of the next xattr
  • val – where to store the value of the next xattr
  • len – the number of bytes in val

0 on success, negative error code on failure

void rados_getxattrs_end(rados_xattrs_iter_t iter)

Close the xattr iterator.

iter should not be used after this is called.

  • iter – the iterator to close
int rados_omap_get_next(rados_omap_iter_t iter, char **key, char **val, size_t *len)

Get the next omap key/value pair on the object.


iter is a valid iterator


key and val are the next key/value pair. key is null-terminated, and val has length len. If the end of the list has been reached, key and val are NULL, and len is 0. key and val will not be accessible after rados_omap_get_end()is called on iter, so if they are needed after that they should be copied.

  • iter – iterator to advance
  • key – where to store the key of the next omap entry
  • val – where to store the value of the next omap entry
  • len – where to store the number of bytes in val

0 on success, negative error code on failure

void rados_omap_get_end(rados_omap_iter_t iter)

Close the omap iterator.

iter should not be used after this is called.

  • iter – the iterator to close
int rados_stat(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *o, uint64_t *psize, time_t *pmtime)

Get object stats (size/mtime)

TODO: when are these set, and by whom? can they be out of date?

  • io – ioctx
  • o – object name
  • psize – where to store object size
  • pmtime – where to store modification time

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_tmap_update(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *o, const char *cmdbuf, size_t cmdbuflen)

Update tmap (trivial map)

Do compound update to a tmap object, inserting or deleting some number of records. cmdbuf is a series of operation byte codes, following by command payload. Each command is a single-byte command code, whose value is one of CEPH_OSD_TMAP_*.

  • update tmap ‘header’
    • 1 byte = CEPH_OSD_TMAP_HDR
    • 4 bytes = data length (little endian)
    • N bytes = data

  • insert/update one key/value pair
    • 1 byte = CEPH_OSD_TMAP_SET
    • 4 bytes = key name length (little endian)
    • N bytes = key name
    • 4 bytes = data length (little endian)
    • M bytes = data

  • insert one key/value pair; return -EEXIST if it already exists.
    • 1 byte = CEPH_OSD_TMAP_CREATE
    • 4 bytes = key name length (little endian)
    • N bytes = key name
    • 4 bytes = data length (little endian)
    • M bytes = data

  • remove one key/value pair
    • 1 byte = CEPH_OSD_TMAP_RM
    • 4 bytes = key name length (little endian)
    • N bytes = key name


  • The HDR update must preceed any key/value updates.
  • All key/value updates must be in lexicographically sorted order in cmdbuf.
  • You can read/write to a tmap object via the regular APIs, but you should be careful not to corrupt it. Also be aware that the object format may change without notice.

  • io – ioctx
  • o – object name
  • cmdbuf – command buffer
  • cmdbuflen – command buffer length in bytes

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_tmap_put(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *o, const char *buf, size_t buflen)

Store complete tmap (trivial map) object.

Put a full tmap object into the store, replacing what was there.

The format of buf is:

  • 4 bytes - length of header (little endian)
  • N bytes - header data
  • 4 bytes - number of keys (little endian)

and for each key,

  • 4 bytes - key name length (little endian)
  • N bytes - key name
  • 4 bytes - value length (little endian)
  • M bytes - value data

  • io – ioctx
  • o – object name
  • buf – buffer
  • buflen – buffer length in bytes

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_tmap_get(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *o, char *buf, size_t buflen)

Fetch complete tmap (trivial map) object.

Read a full tmap object. See rados_tmap_put()for the format the data is returned in.

  • io – ioctx
  • o – object name
  • buf – buffer
  • buflen – buffer length in bytes

0 on success, negative error code on failure

-ERANGE if buf isn’t big enough

int rados_exec(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *oid, const char *cls, const char *method, const char *in_buf, size_t in_len, char *buf, size_t out_len)

Execute an OSDclass method on an object.

The OSDhas a plugin mechanism for performing complicated operations on an object atomically. These plugins are called classes. This function allows librados users to call the custom methods. The input and output formats are defined by the class. Classes in ceph.git can be found in src/cls subdirectories

  • io – the context in which to call the method
  • oid – the object to call the method on
  • cls – the name of the class
  • method – the name of the method
  • in_buf – where to find input
  • in_len – length of in_buf in bytes
  • buf – where to store output
  • out_len – length of buf in bytes

the length of the output, or -ERANGE if out_buf does not have enough space to store it (For methods that return data). For methods that don’t return data, the return value is method-specific.

int rados_aio_create_completion(void *cb_arg, rados_callback_t cb_complete, rados_callback_t cb_safe, rados_completion_t *pc)

Constructs a completion to use with asynchronous operations.

The complete and safe callbacks correspond to operations being acked and committed, respectively. The callbacks are called in order of receipt, so the safe callback may be triggered before the complete callback, and vice versa. This is affected by journalling on the OSDs.

TODO: more complete documentation of this elsewhere (in the RADOS docs?)


Read operations only get a complete callback.

BUG: this should check for ENOMEM instead of throwing an exception

  • cb_arg – application-defined data passed to the callback functions
  • cb_complete – the function to be called when the operation is in memory on all relpicas
  • cb_safe – the function to be called when the operation is on stable storage on all replicas
  • pc – where to store the completion


int rados_aio_wait_for_complete(rados_completion_t c)

Block until an operation completes.

This means it is in memory on all replicas.


BUG: this should be void

  • c – operation to wait for


int rados_aio_wait_for_safe(rados_completion_t c)

Block until an operation is safe.

This means it is on stable storage on all replicas.


BUG: this should be void

  • c – operation to wait for


int rados_aio_is_complete(rados_completion_t c)

Has an asynchronous operation completed?


This does not imply that the complete callback has finished

  • c – async operation to inspect

whether c is complete

int rados_aio_is_safe(rados_completion_t c)

Is an asynchronous operation safe?


This does not imply that the safe callback has finished

  • c – async operation to inspect

whether c is safe

int rados_aio_wait_for_complete_and_cb(rados_completion_t c)

Block until an operation completes and callback completes.

This means it is in memory on all replicas and can be read.


BUG: this should be void

  • c – operation to wait for


int rados_aio_wait_for_safe_and_cb(rados_completion_t c)

Block until an operation is safe and callback has completed.

This means it is on stable storage on all replicas.


BUG: this should be void

  • c – operation to wait for


int rados_aio_is_complete_and_cb(rados_completion_t c)

Has an asynchronous operation and callback completed.

  • c – async operation to inspect

whether c is complete

int rados_aio_is_safe_and_cb(rados_completion_t c)

Is an asynchronous operation safe and has the callback completed.

  • c – async operation to inspect

whether c is safe

int rados_aio_get_return_value(rados_completion_t c)

Get the return value of an asychronous operation.

The return value is set when the operation is complete or safe, whichever comes first.


The operation is safe or complete


BUG: complete callback may never be called when the safe message is received before the complete message

  • c – async operation to inspect

return value of the operation

void rados_aio_release(rados_completion_t c)

Release a completion.

Call this when you no longer need the completion. It may not be freed immediately if the operation is not acked and committed.

  • c – completion to release
int rados_aio_write(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *oid, rados_completion_t completion, const char *buf, size_t len, uint64_t off)

Write data to an object asynchronously.

Queues the write and returns. The return value of the completion will be 0 on success, negative error code on failure.

  • io – the context in which the write will occur
  • oid – name of the object
  • completion – what to do when the write is safe and complete
  • buf – data to write
  • len – length of the data, in bytes
  • off – byte offset in the object to begin writing at

0 on success, -EROFS if the io context specifies a snap_seq other than LIBRADOS_SNAP_HEAD

int rados_aio_append(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *oid, rados_completion_t completion, const char *buf, size_t len)

Asychronously append data to an object.

Queues the append and returns.

The return value of the completion will be 0 on success, negative error code on failure.

  • io – the context to operate in
  • oid – the name of the object
  • completion – what to do when the append is safe and complete
  • buf – the data to append
  • len – length of buf (in bytes)

0 on success, -EROFS if the io context specifies a snap_seq other than LIBRADOS_SNAP_HEAD

int rados_aio_write_full(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *oid, rados_completion_t completion, const char *buf, size_t len)

Asychronously write an entire object.

The object is filled with the provided data. If the object exists, it is atomically truncated and then written. Queues the write_full and returns.

The return value of the completion will be 0 on success, negative error code on failure.

  • io – the io context in which the write will occur
  • oid – name of the object
  • completion – what to do when the write_full is safe and complete
  • buf – data to write
  • len – length of the data, in bytes

0 on success, -EROFS if the io context specifies a snap_seq other than LIBRADOS_SNAP_HEAD

int rados_aio_remove(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *oid, rados_completion_t completion)

Asychronously remove an object.

Queues the remove and returns.

The return value of the completion will be 0 on success, negative error code on failure.

  • io – the context to operate in
  • oid – the name of the object
  • completion – what to do when the remove is safe and complete

0 on success, -EROFS if the io context specifies a snap_seq other than LIBRADOS_SNAP_HEAD

int rados_aio_read(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *oid, rados_completion_t completion, char *buf, size_t len, uint64_t off)

Asychronously read data from an object.

The io context determines the snapshot to read from, if any was set by rados_ioctx_snap_set_read().

The return value of the completion will be number of bytes read on success, negative error code on failure.


only the ‘complete’ callback of the completion will be called.

  • io – the context in which to perform the read
  • oid – the name of the object to read from
  • completion – what to do when the read is complete
  • buf – where to store the results
  • len – the number of bytes to read
  • off – the offset to start reading from in the object

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_aio_flush(rados_ioctx_t io)

Block until all pending writes in an io context are safe.

This is not equivalent to calling rados_aio_wait_for_safe()on all write completions, since this waits for the associated callbacks to complete as well.


BUG: always returns 0, should be void or accept a timeout

  • io – the context to flush

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_aio_flush_async(rados_ioctx_t io, rados_completion_t completion)

Schedule a callback for when all currently pending aio writes are safe.

This is a non-blocking version of rados_aio_flush().

  • io – the context to flush
  • completion – what to do when the writes are safe

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_aio_stat(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *o, rados_completion_t completion, uint64_t *psize, time_t *pmtime)

Asynchronously get object stats (size/mtime)

  • io – ioctx
  • o – object name
  • psize – where to store object size
  • pmtime – where to store modification time

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_watch(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *o, uint64_t ver, uint64_t *handle, rados_watchcb_t watchcb, void *arg)

Register an interest in an object.

A watch operation registers the client as being interested in notifications on an object. OSDs keep track of watches on persistent storage, so they are preserved across cluster changes by the normal recovery process. If the client loses its connection to the primary OSDfor a watched object, the watch will be removed after 30 seconds. Watches are automatically reestablished when a new connection is made, or a placement group switches OSDs.


BUG: watch timeout should be configurable

BUG: librados should provide a way for watchers to notice connection resets

BUG: the ver parameter does not work, and -ERANGE will never be returned (


asphyxiate: No renderer found for doxygen tag ‘ulink’

<ulink xmlns:xsi="" url=""></ulink>)

  • io – the pool the object is in
  • o – the object to watch
  • ver – expected version of the object
  • handle – where to store the internal id assigned to this watch
  • watchcb – what to do when a notify is received on this object
  • arg – application defined data to pass when watchcb is called

0 on success, negative error code on failure

-ERANGE if the version of the object is greater than ver

int rados_unwatch(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *o, uint64_t handle)

Unregister an interest in an object.

Once this completes, no more notifies will be sent to us for this watch. This should be called to clean up unneeded watchers.

  • io – the pool the object is in
  • o – the name of the watched object
  • handle – which watch to unregister

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_notify(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *o, uint64_t ver, const char *buf, int buf_len)

Sychronously notify watchers of an object.

This blocks until all watchers of the object have received and reacted to the notify, or a timeout is reached.


BUG: the timeout is not changeable via the C API

BUG: the bufferlist is inaccessible in a rados_watchcb_t

  • io – the pool the object is in
  • o – the name of the object
  • ver – obsolete - just pass zero
  • buf – data to send to watchers
  • buf_len – length of buf in bytes

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_set_alloc_hint(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *o, uint64_t expected_object_size, uint64_t expected_write_size)

Set allocation hint for an object.

This is an advisory operation, it will always succeed (as if it was submitted with a LIBRADOS_OP_FLAG_FAILOK flag set) and is not guaranteed to do anything on the backend.

  • io – the pool the object is in
  • o – the name of the object
  • expected_object_size – expected size of the object, in bytes
  • expected_write_size – expected size of writes to the object, in bytes

0 on success, negative error code on failure

rados_write_op_t rados_create_write_op()

Create a new rados_write_op_t write operation.

This will store all actions to be performed atomically. You must call rados_release_write_op when you are finished with it.

Returns:non-NULL on success, NULL on memory allocation error.
void rados_release_write_op(rados_write_op_t write_op)

Free a rados_write_op_t, must be called when you’re done with it.

  • write_op – operation to deallocate, created with rados_create_write_op
void rados_write_op_set_flags(rados_write_op_t write_op, int flags)

Set flags for the last operation added to this write_op.

At least one op must have been added to the write_op.

  • flags – see librados.h constants beginning with LIBRADOS_OP_FLAG
void rados_write_op_assert_exists(rados_write_op_t write_op)

Ensure that the object exists before writing.

  • write_op – operation to add this action to
void rados_write_op_cmpxattr(rados_write_op_t write_op, const char *name, uint8_t comparison_operator, const char *value, size_t value_len)

Ensure that given xattr satisfies comparison.

  • write_op – operation to add this action to
  • name – name of the xattr to look up
  • comparison_operator – currently undocumented, look for LIBRADOS_CMPXATTR_OP_EQ in librados.h
  • value – buffer to compare actual xattr value to
  • value_len – length of buffer to compare actual xattr value to
void rados_write_op_omap_cmp(rados_write_op_t write_op, const char *key, uint8_t comparison_operator, const char *val, size_t val_len, int *prval)

Ensure that the an omap value satisfies a comparison, with the supplied value on the right hand side (i.e.

for OP_LT, the comparison is actual_value < value.

  • write_op – operation to add this action to
  • key – which omap value to compare
  • val – value to compare with
  • val_len – length of value in bytes
  • prval – where to store the return value from this action
void rados_write_op_setxattr(rados_write_op_t write_op, const char *name, const char *value, size_t value_len)

Set an xattr.

  • write_op – operation to add this action to
  • name – name of the xattr
  • value – buffer to set xattr to
  • value_len – length of buffer to set xattr to
void rados_write_op_rmxattr(rados_write_op_t write_op, const char *name)

Remove an xattr.

  • write_op – operation to add this action to
  • name – name of the xattr to remove
void rados_write_op_create(rados_write_op_t write_op, int exclusive, const char *category)

Create the object.

  • write_op – operation to add this action to
  • exclusive – set to either LIBRADOS_CREATE_EXCLUSIVE or LIBRADOS_CREATE_IDEMPOTENT will error if the object already exists.
void rados_write_op_write(rados_write_op_t write_op, const char *buffer, size_t len, uint64_t offset)

Write to offset.

  • write_op – operation to add this action to
  • offset – offset to write to
  • buffer – bytes to write
  • len – length of buffer
void rados_write_op_write_full(rados_write_op_t write_op, const char *buffer, size_t len)

Write whole object, atomically replacing it.

  • write_op – operation to add this action to
  • buffer – bytes to write
  • len – length of buffer
void rados_write_op_append(rados_write_op_t write_op, const char *buffer, size_t len)

Append to end of object.

  • write_op – operation to add this action to
  • buffer – bytes to write
  • len – length of buffer
void rados_write_op_remove(rados_write_op_t write_op)

Remove object.

  • write_op – operation to add this action to
void rados_write_op_truncate(rados_write_op_t write_op, uint64_t offset)

Truncate an object.

  • write_op – operation to add this action to Offset to truncate to
void rados_write_op_zero(rados_write_op_t write_op, uint64_t offset, uint64_t len)

Zero part of an object.

  • write_op – operation to add this action to Offset to zero length to zero
void rados_write_op_exec(rados_write_op_t write_op, const char *cls, const char *method, const char *in_buf, size_t in_len, int *prval)

Execute an OSDclass method on an object Seerados_exec()for general description.

  • write_op – operation to add this action to
  • cls – the name of the class
  • method – the name of the method
  • in_buf – where to find input
  • in_len – length of in_buf in bytes
  • prval – where to store the return value from the method
void rados_write_op_omap_set(rados_write_op_t write_op, char const *const *keys, char const *const *vals, const size_t *lens, size_t num)

Set key/value pairs on an object.

  • write_op – operation to add this action to
  • keys – array of null-terminated char arrays representing keys to set
  • vals – array of pointers to values to set
  • lens – array of lengths corresponding to each value
  • num – number of key/value pairs to set
void rados_write_op_omap_rm_keys(rados_write_op_t write_op, char const *const *keys, size_t keys_len)

Remove key/value pairs from an object.

  • write_op – operation to add this action to
  • keys – array of null-terminated char arrays representing keys to remove
  • keys_len – number of key/value pairs to remove
void rados_write_op_omap_clear(rados_write_op_t write_op)

Remove all key/value pairs from an object.

  • write_op – operation to add this action to
void rados_write_op_set_alloc_hint(rados_write_op_t write_op, uint64_t expected_object_size, uint64_t expected_write_size)

Set allocation hint for an object.

  • write_op – operation to add this action to
  • expected_object_size – expected size of the object, in bytes
  • expected_write_size – expected size of writes to the object, in bytes
int rados_write_op_operate(rados_write_op_t write_op, rados_ioctx_t io, const char *oid, time_t *mtime, int flags)

Perform a write operation synchronously.

  • write_op – operation to perform the ioctx that the object is in the object id the time to set the mtime to, NULL for the current time flags to apply to the entire operation (LIBRADOS_OPERATION_*)
int rados_aio_write_op_operate(rados_write_op_t write_op, rados_ioctx_t io, rados_completion_t completion, const char *oid, time_t *mtime, int flags)

Perform a write operation asynchronously.

  • write_op – operation to perform the ioctx that the object is in
  • completion – what to do when operation has been attempted the object id the time to set the mtime to, NULL for the current time flags to apply to the entire operation (LIBRADOS_OPERATION_*)
rados_read_op_t rados_create_read_op()

Create a new rados_read_op_t write operation.

This will store all actions to be performed atomically. You must call rados_release_read_op when you are finished with it (after it completes, or you decide not to send it in the first place).

Returns:non-NULL on success, NULL on memory allocation error.
void rados_release_read_op(rados_read_op_t read_op)

Free a rados_read_op_t, must be called when you’re done with it.

  • read_op – operation to deallocate, created with rados_create_read_op
void rados_read_op_set_flags(rados_read_op_t read_op, int flags)

Set flags for the last operation added to this read_op.

At least one op must have been added to the read_op.

  • flags – see librados.h constants beginning with LIBRADOS_OP_FLAG
void rados_read_op_assert_exists(rados_read_op_t read_op)

Ensure that the object exists before reading.

  • read_op – operation to add this action to
void rados_read_op_cmpxattr(rados_read_op_t read_op, const char *name, uint8_t comparison_operator, const char *value, size_t value_len)

Ensure that the an xattr satisfies a comparison.

  • read_op – operation to add this action to
  • name – name of the xattr to look up
  • comparison_operator – currently undocumented, look for LIBRADOS_CMPXATTR_OP_EQ in librados.h
  • value – buffer to compare actual xattr value to
  • value_len – length of buffer to compare actual xattr value to
void rados_read_op_getxattrs(rados_read_op_t read_op, rados_xattrs_iter_t *iter, int *prval)

Start iterating over xattrs on an object.

  • read_op – operation to add this action to
  • iter – where to store the iterator
  • prval – where to store the return value of this action
void rados_read_op_omap_cmp(rados_read_op_t read_op, const char *key, uint8_t comparison_operator, const char *val, size_t val_len, int *prval)

Ensure that the an omap value satisfies a comparison, with the supplied value on the right hand side (i.e.

for OP_LT, the comparison is actual_value < value.

  • read_op – operation to add this action to
  • key – which omap value to compare
  • val – value to compare with
  • val_len – length of value in bytes
  • prval – where to store the return value from this action
void rados_read_op_stat(rados_read_op_t read_op, uint64_t *psize, time_t *pmtime, int *prval)

Get object size and mtime.

  • read_op – operation to add this action to
  • psize – where to store object size
  • pmtime – where to store modification time
  • prval – where to store the return value of this action
void rados_read_op_read(rados_read_op_t read_op, uint64_t offset, size_t len, char *buf, size_t *bytes_read, int *prval)

Read bytes from offset into buffer.

prlen will be filled with the number of bytes read if successful. A short read can only occur if the read reaches the end of the object.

  • read_op – operation to add this action to
  • offset – offset to read from
  • buffer – where to put the data
  • len – length of buffer
  • prval – where to store the return value of this action
  • bytes_read – where to store the number of bytes read by this action
void rados_read_op_exec(rados_read_op_t read_op, const char *cls, const char *method, const char *in_buf, size_t in_len, char **out_buf, size_t *out_len, int *prval)

Execute an OSDclass method on an object Seerados_exec()for general description.

The output buffer is allocated on the heap; the caller is expected to release that memory with rados_buffer_free(). The buffer and length pointers can all be NULL, in which case they are not filled in.

  • read_op – operation to add this action to
  • cls – the name of the class
  • method – the name of the method
  • in_buf – where to find input
  • in_len – length of in_buf in bytes
  • out_buf – where to put librados-allocated output buffer
  • out_len – length of out_buf in bytes
  • prval – where to store the return value from the method
void rados_read_op_exec_user_buf(rados_read_op_t read_op, const char *cls, const char *method, const char *in_buf, size_t in_len, char *out_buf, size_t out_len, size_t *used_len, int *prval)

Execute an OSDclass method on an object Seerados_exec()for general description.

If the output buffer is too small, prval will be set to -ERANGE and used_len will be 0.

  • read_op – operation to add this action to
  • cls – the name of the class
  • method – the name of the method
  • in_buf – where to find input
  • in_len – length of in_buf in bytes
  • out_buf – user-provided buffer to read into
  • out_len – length of out_buf in bytes
  • used_len – where to store the number of bytes read into out_buf
  • prval – where to store the return value from the method
void rados_read_op_omap_get_vals(rados_read_op_t read_op, const char *start_after, const char *filter_prefix, uint64_t max_return, rados_omap_iter_t *iter, int *prval)

Start iterating over key/value pairs on an object.

They will be returned sorted by key.

  • read_op – operation to add this action to
  • start_after – list keys starting after start_after
  • filter_prefix – list only keys beginning with filter_prefix max_return list no more than max_return key/value pairs
  • iter – where to store the iterator
  • prval – where to store the return value from this action
void rados_read_op_omap_get_keys(rados_read_op_t read_op, const char *start_after, uint64_t max_return, rados_omap_iter_t *iter, int *prval)

Start iterating over keys on an object.

They will be returned sorted by key, and the iterator will fill in NULL for all values if specified.

  • read_op – operation to add this action to
  • start_after – list keys starting after start_after max_return list no more than max_return keys
  • iter – where to store the iterator
  • prval – where to store the return value from this action
void rados_read_op_omap_get_vals_by_keys(rados_read_op_t read_op, char const *const *keys, size_t keys_len, rados_omap_iter_t *iter, int *prval)

Start iterating over specific key/value pairs.

They will be returned sorted by key.

  • read_op – operation to add this action to
  • keys – array of pointers to null-terminated keys to get
  • keys_len – the number of strings in keys
  • iter – where to store the iterator
  • prval – where to store the return value from this action
int rados_read_op_operate(rados_read_op_t read_op, rados_ioctx_t io, const char *oid, int flags)

Perform a read operation synchronously.

  • read_op – operation to perform the ioctx that the object is in the object id flags to apply to the entire operation (LIBRADOS_OPERATION_*)
int rados_aio_read_op_operate(rados_read_op_t read_op, rados_ioctx_t io, rados_completion_t completion, const char *oid, int flags)

Perform a read operation asynchronously.

  • read_op – operation to perform the ioctx that the object is in
  • completion – what to do when operation has been attempted the object id flags to apply to the entire operation (LIBRADOS_OPERATION_*)
int rados_lock_exclusive(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *o, const char *name, const char *cookie, const char *desc, struct timeval *duration, uint8_t flags)

Take an exclusive lock on an object.

  • io – the context to operate in
  • oid – the name of the object
  • name – the name of the lock
  • cookie – user-defined identifier for this instance of the lock
  • desc – user-defined lock description
  • duration – the duration of the lock. Set to NULL for infinite duration.
  • flags – lock flags

0 on success, negative error code on failure

-EBUSY if the lock is already held by another (client, cookie) pair

-EEXIST if the lock is already held by the same (client, cookie) pair

int rados_lock_shared(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *o, const char *name, const char *cookie, const char *tag, const char *desc, struct timeval *duration, uint8_t flags)

Take a shared lock on an object.

  • io – the context to operate in
  • o – the name of the object
  • name – the name of the lock
  • cookie – user-defined identifier for this instance of the lock
  • tag – The tag of the lock
  • desc – user-defined lock description
  • duration – the duration of the lock. Set to NULL for infinite duration.
  • flags – lock flags

0 on success, negative error code on failure

-EBUSY if the lock is already held by another (client, cookie) pair

-EEXIST if the lock is already held by the same (client, cookie) pair

int rados_unlock(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *o, const char *name, const char *cookie)

Release a shared or exclusive lock on an object.

  • io – the context to operate in
  • o – the name of the object
  • name – the name of the lock
  • cookie – user-defined identifier for the instance of the lock

0 on success, negative error code on failure

-ENOENT if the lock is not held by the specified (client, cookie) pair

ssize_t rados_list_lockers(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *o, const char *name, int *exclusive, char *tag, size_t *tag_len, char *clients, size_t *clients_len, char *cookies, size_t *cookies_len, char *addrs, size_t *addrs_len)

List clients that have locked the named object lock and information about the lock.

The number of bytes required in each buffer is put in the corresponding size out parameter. If any of the provided buffers are too short, -ERANGE is returned after these sizes are filled in.

  • io – the context to operate in
  • o – the name of the object
  • name – the name of the lock
  • exclusive – where to store whether the lock is exclusive (1) or shared (0)
  • tag – where to store the tag associated with the object lock
  • tag_len – number of bytes in tag buffer
  • clients – buffer in which locker clients are stored, separated by ‘\0’
  • clients_len – number of bytes in the clients buffer
  • cookies – buffer in which locker cookies are stored, separated by ‘\0’
  • cookies_len – number of bytes in the cookies buffer
  • addrs – buffer in which locker addresses are stored, separated by ‘\0’
  • addrs_len – number of bytes in the clients buffer

number of lockers on success, negative error code on failure

-ERANGE if any of the buffers are too short

int rados_break_lock(rados_ioctx_t io, const char *o, const char *name, const char *client, const char *cookie)

Releases a shared or exclusive lock on an object, which was taken by the specified client.

  • io – the context to operate in
  • o – the name of the object
  • name – the name of the lock
  • client – the client currently holding the lock
  • cookie – user-defined identifier for the instance of the lock

0 on success, negative error code on failure

-ENOENT if the lock is not held by the specified (client, cookie) pair

-EINVAL if the client cannot be parsed

int rados_mon_command(rados_t cluster, const char **cmd, size_t cmdlen, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen, char **outbuf, size_t *outbuflen, char **outs, size_t *outslen)

Send monitor command.


Takes command string in carefully-formatted JSON; must match defined commands, types, etc.

The result buffers are allocated on the heap; the caller is expected to release that memory withrados_buffer_free(). The buffer and length pointers can all be NULL, in which case they are not filled in.

  • cluster – cluster handle
  • cmd – an array of char *’s representing the command
  • cmdlen – count of valid entries in cmd
  • inbuf – any bulk input data (crush map, etc.)
  • outbuf – double pointer to output buffer
  • outbuflen – pointer to output buffer length
  • outs – double pointer to status string
  • outslen – pointer to status string length

0 on success, negative error code on failure

int rados_mon_command_target(rados_t cluster, const char *name, const char **cmd, size_t cmdlen, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen, char **outbuf, size_t *outbuflen, char **outs, size_t *outslen)

Send monitor command to a specific monitor.


Takes command string in carefully-formatted JSON; must match defined commands, types, etc.

The result buffers are allocated on the heap; the caller is expected to release that memory withrados_buffer_free(). The buffer and length pointers can all be NULL, in which case they are not filled in.

  • cluster – cluster handle
  • name – target monitor’s name
  • cmd – an array of char *’s representing the command
  • cmdlen – count of valid entries in cmd
  • inbuf – any bulk input data (crush map, etc.)
  • outbuf – double pointer to output buffer
  • outbuflen – pointer to output buffer length
  • outs – double pointer to status string
  • outslen – pointer to status string length

0 on success, negative error code on failure

void rados_buffer_free(char *buf)

free a rados-allocated buffer

Release memory allocated by librados calls like rados_mon_command().

  • buf – buffer pointer
int rados_osd_command(rados_t cluster, int osdid, const char **cmd, size_t cmdlen, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen, char **outbuf, size_t *outbuflen, char **outs, size_t *outslen)
int rados_pg_command(rados_t cluster, const char *pgstr, const char **cmd, size_t cmdlen, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen, char **outbuf, size_t *outbuflen, char **outs, size_t *outslen)
int rados_monitor_log(rados_t cluster, const char *level, rados_log_callback_t cb, void *arg)