Graph Event Listeners

Graph Event Listeners allow you to define a task that the Server will execute as a reaction to the success, failure or other event of a specific job (a transformation graph).

Each listener is bound to a specific graph and is evaluated no matter whether the graph was executed manually, scheduled, or via an API call, etc.

You can use listeners to chain multiple jobs (creating a success listener that starts the next job in a row). However, we recommend using Jobflows to automate complex processes because of its better development and monitoring capabilities.

Graph Event Listeners are similar to Jobflow Event Listeners (Jobflow Event Listeners) – for CloverETL Server both are simply “jobs”.

In the Cluster, the event and the associated task are executed on the same node the job was executed on by default. If the graph is distributed, the task will be executed on the master worker node. However, you can override where the task will be executed by explicitly specifying a Node IDs in the task definition.