CloverETL Server

Table of Contents

I. CloverETL Server
1. What is CloverETL Server?
II. Installation Instructions
2. System Requirements for CloverETL Server
3. Installing
Evaluation Server
Production Server
Apache Tomcat
IBM WebSphere
GlassFish / Sun Java System Application Server
JBoss Application Server
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
Oracle WebLogic Server
CloverETL Server Activation
CloverETL Server Activation Alternatives
IBM InfoSphere MDM Plugin Installation
Installation into Server
Possible Issues during Installation
4. Postinstallation Configuration
Memory Settings
Maximum Number of Open Files
Firewall Exceptions
5. Upgrading Server to Newer Version
III. Configuration
6. Configuration Sources and Their Priorities
Configuration Sources
Environment Variables
System Properties
Properties File on Default Location
Properties File on Specified Location
Modification of Context Parameters in web.xml
Context Parameters (Available on Apache Tomcat)
Priorities of Configuration Sources
7. Setup
Using Setup
Setup Tabs
8. Examples of DB Connection Configuration
Embedded Apache Derby
Creating database
CloverETL setup
Creating database
DB2 on Linux/Windows
DB2 on AS/400
Creating database
CloverETL setup
Microsoft SQL Server
Creating database
CloverETL setup
Postgre SQL
Creating database
CloverETL setup
JNDI DB DataSource
Encrypted JNDI
9. List of Properties
10. Secure Configuration Properties
11. Logging
IV. Administration
12. Temp Space Management
13. Secure Parameters
14. Users and Groups
LDAP Authentication
15. Server Side Job Files - Sandboxes
Referencing Files from the ETL Graph or Jobflow
Sandbox Content Security and Permissions
Sandbox Content
Job Config Properties
WebDAV Access to Sandboxes
WebDAV Clients
WebDAV Authentication/Authorization
16. CloverETL Server Monitoring
Standalone Server Detail
Cluster Overview
Node Detail
Server Logs
17. Server Configuration Migration
Server Configuration Export
Server Configuration Import
18. Diagnostics
V. Using Graphs
19. Graph/Jobflow Parameters
Parameters by Execution Type
Executed from Web GUI
Executed by Launch Service Invocation
Executed by HTTP API Run Graph Operation Invocation
Executed by RunGraph Component
Executed by WS API Method executeGraph Invocation
Executed by Task "graph execution" by Scheduler
Executed from JMS Listener
Executed by Task "Start a graph" by Graph/Jobflow Event Listener
Executed by Task "graph execution" by File Event Listener
Adding Another Graph Parameters
Additional "Graph Config Parameters"
Task "execute_graph" Parameters
20. Tasks
Send an Email
Execute Shell Command
Start a Graph
Start a Jobflow
Start a Profiler Job
Abort job
Archive Records
Send a JMS Message
Execute Groovy Code
21. Manual Task Execution
22. Scheduling
Timetable Setting
Allocations of Scheduled Task on Nodes
Scheduling the Tasks - Examples
23. Viewing Job Runs - Executions History
Filtering and ordering
24. Listeners
Graph Event Listeners
Graph Events
Use Cases
Jobflow Event Listeners
Jobflow Events
JMS Messages Listeners
Universal Event Listeners
Evaluation Criteria
File Event Listeners (remote and local)
Cluster environment
Supported filesystems and protocols
Observed file
File Events
Check Interval, Task and Use Cases
Task Failure Listeners
Task Choice
Task Failed E-mail Template
25. API
JMX mBean
JMX Configuration
SOAP WebService API
SOAP WS Client
SOAP WS API Authentication/Authorization
Launch Services
Launch Services Authentication
Sending the Data to Launch Service
Results of the Graph Execution
CloverETL Server API Extensibility
Groovy Code API
26. Recommendations for Transformations Developers
27. Extensibility - CloverETL Engine Plugins
28. Troubleshooting
VI. Cluster
29. Clustering Features
High Availability
Transformation Requests
Parallel Data Processing
Graph Allocation Examples
Example of Distributed Execution
Details of the Example Transformation Design
Scalability of the Example Transformation
30. Cluster Configuration
Mandatory Properties
Optional Properties
Example of 2 Node Cluster Configuration
Basic 2-nodes Cluster Configuration
2-nodes Cluster with Proxied Access to Database
2-nodes cluster with load balancer
Jobs Load Balancing Properties
Running More Clusters
Cluster Reliability in Unreliable Network Environment
NodeA Cannot Establish HTTP Connection to NodeB
NodeA Cannot Establish TCP Connection (Port 7800 by Default) to NodeB
NodeB is Killed or It Cannot Connect to the Database
Auto-Resuming in Unreliable Network
Long-Term Network Malfunction May Cause Jobs to Hang on
31. Recommendations for Cluster Deployment
32. Multiple CloverServer Instances on the same Host
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Examples