Evaluation Criteria

If the Groovy code returns Boolean.TRUE, the event is triggered and the associated task is executed. Otherwise, nothing happens.

If the Groovy code throws an exception, it is considered a coding error and the event is NOT triggered. Thus, exceptions should be properly handled in the Groovy code.

Table 24.6. Variables accessible in Groovy code

java.util.PropertiespropertiesAn empty container which may be filled with String-String key-value pairs in your Groovy code. It is passed to the task which may use them somehow. I.e. task "execute graph" passes these parameters to the executed graph.
java.util.Map<String, Object>dataAn empty container which may be filled with String-Object key-value pairs in your Groovy code. It is passed to the task which may use them somehow according to its implementation - i.e. task "execute graph" passes it to the executed graph as "dictionary entries". Note that it is not serializable, thus if the task is relying on it, it can be processed properly only on the same cluster node.
javax.servlet.ServletContextservletContextinstance of ServletContext in which CloverETL Server is running
com.cloveretl.server.api.ServerFacadeserverFacadeinstance of serverFacade usable for calling CloverETL Server core features.
java.lang.StringsessionTokensessionToken, needed for calling methods on the serverFacade