It is possible to download/view sandbox file accessing "download servlet" by simple HTTP GET request:
http://[host]:[port]/[Clover Context]/downloadFile?[Parameters]
Server requires BASIC HTTP Authentication. Thus with linux command line HTTP client "wget" it would look like this:
wget --user=clover --password=clover http://localhost:8080/clover/downloadFile?sandbox=default\&file=data-out/data.dat
Please note, that ampersand character is escaped by back-slash. Otherwise it would be interpreted as command-line system operator, which forks processes.
URL Parameters
sandbox - Sandbox code. Mandatory parameter.
file - Path to the file relative from sandbox root. Mandatory parameter.
zip - If set to "true", file is returned as ZIP and response content type is "application/x-zip-compressed". By default it is false, so response is content of the file.