Gerald Brose
Institut für Informatik
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
[email protected]
This document gives an introduction to programming distributed applications with JacORB, a free Java object request broker. It is structured as follows. First, we briefly describe how to obtain and install JacORB. Section 2 gives a few examples on how to use JacORB to write distributed Java programs while section 3 contains a description of the utilities that come with JacORB.
JacORB can be obtained as a gzipped tar-archive from the JacORB home page at
You need to have a Java JDK (version 1.0 or above) and the CUP parser
generator package installed properly on your system. (The IDL compiler uses a number of classes
from the CUP package.)
To install JacORB, just gunzip and untar the archive in a directory, say JacORB. Make sure your CLASSPATH environment variable contains the path to the installation directory. Extend your search path with JacORB/jacorb/bin, so that the utilities in this directory are found. Also make sure the C-Preprocessor cpp is in your search path. You can then test your installation by typing "make" in one of the subdirectories of the jacorb/demo/ directory which contains a number of examples for using JacORB.
JacORB documentation consists of an overview paper, this document and a set of html-Files produced by javadoc which describe the Java API of the JacORB class library. All these files reside in the jacorb/doc/ subdirectory. (Warning: the API isn't documented particularly well. The most useful bit of documentation are the examples).
JacORB comes with three utilty programs. idl2j is the Idl-to-Java compiler which creates Java source code from IDL specifications. jgen is the JacORB generator and produces stubs and skeleton files from Java .class-Files, and ns is the name server. The use of these utilities is described in section 3.
The file Corba.idl contains the complete CORBA specification in IDL. The corresponding Java classes -- which were produced by running idl2j on Corba.idl, reside in the jacorb/CORBA/ directory
The complete set of IDL specifications from COSS is in Coss.idl. The IDL compiler generated the corresponding Java classes, which reside in the jacorb/COSS/ subdirectory.
The Java classes needed by the JacORB ORB are part of the package jacorb.Orb and can therefore be found in jacorb/Orb/.
The package jacorb.Generator and the corresponding directory contain the files needed by the JacORB stub generator. The main classes are and
The classes making up the IDL compiler are in package jacorb.Idl The main classes are:
The Java classes implementing the name service can be found in jacorb/Naming/
Before we go about explaining this example in detail, let's have a look at the general process of developing CORBA or distributed Java applications with JacORB. We'll follow this roadmap when working through the example (this example can be found in jacorb/demo/example1. We recommend that you look at the other examples as well).
The Steps we will generally have to take are:
This example uses a very simple server. Its interface is given in server.idl.
// File: server.idl module jacorb { module demo { module example1 { typedef sequence < string > strings; interface server { string writeMessage(in string a1); string writeMessages(in strings a1); strings arryfy(in string a1, in long a2); }; }; }; };
Feeding this file into the idl compiler
$ idl2j -d ../../.. server.idl
produces a corresponding java interface in which can then be compiled with javac.
// Automatically generated by idl2java from interface server package jacorb.demo.example1; public interface server extends CORBA.CORBject{ java.lang.String writeMessage(java.lang.String a1); java.lang.String writeMessages(java.lang.String[] a1); java.lang.String[] arryfy(java.lang.String a1, int a2); }
The class which implements that interface is called serverImpl:
// File: jacorb/demo/example1/ package jacorb.demo.example1; public class serverImpl implements server { public String writeMessage( String s ){ System.out.println("Message: " + s ); return s + " written"; } public String writeMessages( String[] s ){ for( int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) System.out.println("Message: " + s[i] ); return "string array written"; } public String[] arryfy( String s, int i ){ String result [] = new String[i]; for( int j = 0; j < i; j++ ) result[j] = s; return result; } }
A client of this server relies only on the operation signatures in server.idl or What the client actually uses is not an instance of serverImpl, but a stub that is automatically generated from the Java interface (which in turn was generated from the IDL interface). It is type-correct to use the stub in place of the server since the stub also implements the interface server.
In order to generate the stub (and the server side skeleton), all you have to do now is type:
$ jgen server.class
This produces the two files and Alternatively, you can do a make all to compile and generate everything. To build everything anew cou can do a make clean; make all.
To actually start a serverImpl object which can be accessed remotely you have to instantiate it in a main method of some other class and initialize a skeleton for it. This skeleton was generated at the same time we generated the stub, so we can use it without further ado. Here is the class which does all that is necessary to activate a serverImpl object (the server code itself remains unchanged):
// File: jacorb/demo/example1/ package jacorb.demo.example1; import jacorb.*; public class remoteServer{ public static serverImpl s = new serverImpl(); public static serverSkeleton st = new serverSkeleton( s ); public static void main( String[] args ){ try{ st.skeleton_init("server", new URL ("")); } catch (IOException e ){ e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Finally, let's have a look at the client which uses the stub:
// File: jacorb/demo/example1/ package jacorb.demo.example1; public class Client{ // use the stub instead of the real thing public static server s = new serverStub(); public static void main( String[] args ){ try{ ((serverStub)s).bind("server", new URL("")); System.out.println( s.writeMessage( args[0] )); String a[] = s.arryfy( args[0],5 ); System.out.println( s.writeMessages( a )); for( int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) System.out.println("From example1: " + a[i] + " " + i ); } catch (IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } }
After compiling everything we're now ready to actually run the server and the client on different (virtual) machines. Make sure the name server is running before starting either the server or the client. If it isn't, type something like:
$ ns ~/public_html/ServiceLog
where ~/public_html/ServiceLog
is the name of a locally writable file
which can be read by using the URL given in both the remote client and
server code. (This is to avoid using a well-known address for the name
server, so both client and server look up the location of the nameserver
via the URL and later communicate with it directly.)
You can now launch the server:
$ java jacorb.demo.example1.remoteServer
The client can be invoked on any machine you like:
$ java jacorb.demo.example1.Client hello
Running the client using the server stub after starting the server remotely produces the following output, which is exactly the same as if the server object was local:
Message: hello hello written From example1: hello 0 From example1: hello 1 From example1: hello 2 From example1: hello 3 From example1: hello 4
The IDL compiler parses IDL specifications and maps these to a set of Java classes. IDL interfaces are translated into Java interfaces, and typedefs, structs, const declarations etc. are mapped onto "equivalent" Java classes. For a description of the Java language mapping please see [1]
idl2j [-syntax] [-d <Output Directory>] file.idl
Invoking idl2j with the -syntax option allows you to check your IDL specification for syntactic errors without producing code. Without -syntax, the compiler creates directories according to the Java package structure.
Compiling a file with a module ModuleX and an interface InterfaceY in it will result in a subdirectory ModuleX with in it (and possibly more .java-files). By default, the root directory for all of the files created during the process is the current directory. You can, however, provide a different directory in which these files are to be placed by using the -d option. Using the -d option when you are only checking the syntax of an IDL file has no effect.
To generate stub and skeleton code after the IDL-to-Java translation step, you will have to run the JacORB generator on the relevant Java interface files that were produced in this step.
The parser was generated with Scott Hudson's CUP parser generator. The LALR grammar for the CORBA IDL is in the file jacorb/Idl/parser.cup.
The generator will take a .class-file (which can be compiled from a regular class or from an interface) and automatically construct Java source code for a client and a server stub class from it.
It can also be used to derive a class's interface from its implementation or produce informative interface output about the class on stdout. It does more than the javap disassembler in that it traverses the whole inheritance graph of a class in order to list every method of your class -- the inherited ones as well as the ones defined in the class itself. There is one exception to this: methods inherited from class Object are not listed.
jgen [ options ] <file.class>
The JacORB generator, when used without command line options, produces two files containing the Java source code for a client stub and a server skeleton.
$ jgen Game.class
generates and which you can then compile and use.
$ jgen -i Game.class
generates a file You can check that it is ok by adding implements GameInterface to your class definition Game in and recompile.
In the produced interface file, every inherited method has a comment to it which indicates where it was inherited from, e.g.:
public void repaint(int, int, int, int);
// from java.awt.Component
Any method which is not accessible to the class the interface is derived from is commented out, so that the interface will compile correctly.
$ jgen -f jacorb/demo/cardgame/PlayerApp.class
(The -f means "flatten the inheritance structure").
JacORB provides a service for mapping names to network references. The name server itself is written in Java like the rest of the package and is a straightforward implementation of the CORBA "Naming Service" from Common Object Services Spec., Vol.1 [2]. The IDL interfaces are mapped to Java according to our Java mapping.
ns <filename>
ns ~/public_html/ServiceLog
The name server does not use a well known port for its service and there is no way to direct it to a specific port. Since clients cannot (and need not) know in advance where the name service will be provided, we use a bootstrap file in which the name server records an opaque object reference to itself (its Interoperable Object Reference or IOR). The name of this bootstrap file has to be given as an argument to the ns command. This bootstrap file has to be available to clients networkwide, so we demand that it be reachable via a URL -- that is, there must be an appropriately configured HTTP server in your network domain which allows read access to the bootstrap file over a HTTP connection. After locating the name service through this mechanism, clients will connect to the name server directly, so the only HTTP overhead is in the first lookup of the server.
The name bindings in the server's database are mirrored in the bootstrap file, so you have a network wide readable log of which names are already in use.
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An Introduction to Programming with JacORB
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