Supported platforms

System requirements for supported platforms.

Couchbase Server provides platform support for Windows 2012 and separate packages for Ubuntu 12.04 and CentOS 6.

Platform Version 32 / 64 bit Supported Recommended Version
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 64 bit Developer and Production RHEL 5.8
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 64 bit Developer and Production RHEL 6.3
CentOS 5 64 bit Developer and Production CentOS 5.8
CentOS 6 64 bit Developer and Production CentOS 6.3
Amazon Linux 2013.03 64 bit Developer and Production  
Ubuntu Linux 10.04 64 bit Developer and Production  
Ubuntu Linux 12.04 64 bit Developer and Production Ubuntu 12.04
Debian Linux 7 64 bit Developer and Production Debian 7.0
Windows 2012 R2 SP1 64 bit Developer and Production  
Windows 2008 R2 with SP1 64 bit Developer and Production Windows 2008
Windows 8   32 and 64 bit Developer only  
Windows 7   32 and 64 bit Developer only  
Mac OS 10.7 64 bit Developer only  
Mac OS 10.8 64 bit Developer only Mac OS 10.8
Important: Couchbase clusters on mixed platforms are not supported. Specifically, Couchbase Server on Mac OS X uses 64 vBuckets as opposed to the 1024 vBuckets used by other platforms. Due to this difference, if you need to move data between a Mac OS X cluster and a cluster hosted on another platform use cbbackup and cbrestore.
Important: AWS (Amazon Web Services): An explanation of installation instructions for users who want to use the Couchbase Server AMI (Amazon Machine Instances) in a direct manner without RightScale is provided in the white paper "NoSQL Database in the Cloud: Couchbase Server 2.0 on AWS" .

AWS AMI Installation