Server nodes API

The Server Nodes REST API manages nodes in a cluster.


A Couchbase Server instance, known as server node, is a physical or virtual machine running Couchbase Server. Each node is as a member of a cluster.

Table 1. Server node endpoints
HTTP method URI path Description
GET /pools/nodes Retrieves information about nodes in a cluster.
POST /controller/setRecoveryType Sets the recovery type to be performed for a node. Options are delta or full.
POST /controller/failOver Fails over nodes.
POST /controller/startGracefulFailover Sets graceful failover for a specific server node. The server node is specified with the otpNode=[node_name] parameter.
POST /settings/web Sets user names and passwords.
POST /pools/default memoryQuota The memoryQuota parameter sets the memory quota.
POST /nodes/self/controller/settings Sets the path for index files.
GET /pools/default/buckets/default/nodes/[host]:[port]/stats Retrieves statistics for a node.