
Couchbase C Client Library

The C client library (libcouchbase) enables you to interface with a Couchbase Cluster from within a C or C++ application.


Table 1. Couchbase Server and SDK Supported Version Matrix
Feature Server 1.8 Server 2.0 Server 2.5 Server 3.0
Basic Features
CRUD Operations Yes
MapReduce Views No Partial (Via HTTP transport API)
Advanced Features
N1QL Querying No
Fast (CCCP) Bootstrapping No Since 2.3.0
Secure Connections (SSL) No Since 2.4.0
Administrative Features
Management Operations Partial (Via HTTP transport API)


Couchbase welcomes community contributions to the C SDK. The C SDK source code is available on GitHub. If you would like to contribute code, read the CONTRIBUTING.md file within the repository.