Finding data with views

You can index and query JSON documents by using views. Views are functions written in JavaScript that can serve several purposes in your application. You can use them to:

  • Find all the documents in your database that you need for a particular process

  • Create a copy of data in a document and present it in a specific order

  • Create an index to efficiently find documents by a particular value or by a particular structure in the document

  • Represent relationships between documents

  • Perform calculations on data contained in documents. For example, if you use documents to represent users and user points in your application, you can use a view to find the ten users that have the top scores.

This chapter will describe how you can do the following using Couchbase SDKs and view functions:

  • Extract and order specific data,

  • Creating an index and use it to perform efficient document lookups,

  • Retrieve a range of entries, and

  • Perform a reduce function, which computes a value based on entry values.

For additional information about views, see Views and indexes.