Retrieving documents

You can retrieve documents by using regular reads or replica reads.

Regular reads

You perform regular reads by using the get() method. Regular reads enable you to retrieve a previously stored document from your active data set.

The following example shows a regular read:

var myBucket = myCluster.openBucket();
myBucket.get(‘document_name’, function(err, res) {
  if (err) {
    console.log(‘operation failed’, err);
    operation failed { [Error: The key already exists in the server.] code: 12 }
  console.log(‘success!’, res);  

Sample output from the example:

success! { cas: { '0': 2565341184, '1': 3756057754 } }

Replica reads

You perform replica reads by using the getReplica() method. Replica reads enable you to retrieve a previously stored document by querying the replica copies of this document rather than the active one. This is not guaranteed to be consistent, but does permit a level of recovery in case the primary server is not reachable.