Class EmbeddedJettyServer

  extended bynet.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.web.EmbeddedJettyServer

public class EmbeddedJettyServer
extends java.lang.Object

Provides functionality to run an embedded Jetty Server from within the CruiseControl instance. The embedded Jetty server serves the CruiseControl web application on contexts / and /cruisecontrol.

Field Summary
static org.apache.log4j.Logger LOG
          the logger instance for this class.
Constructor Summary
EmbeddedJettyServer(int webPort, java.lang.String webappPath)
          Deprecated. Use constructor that also sets up new dashboard
EmbeddedJettyServer(int webPort, java.lang.String webappPath, java.lang.String newWebappPath, java.lang.String configFileName, int jmxPort, int rmiPort)
          Creates a new embeded Jetty server with the given listen port and the given webapp path.
Method Summary
 void start()
          Starts the embedded Jetty server.
 void stop()
          Stops the embedded Jetty Server.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final org.apache.log4j.Logger LOG
the logger instance for this class.

Constructor Detail


public EmbeddedJettyServer(int webPort,
                           java.lang.String webappPath)
Deprecated. Use constructor that also sets up new dashboard

Creates a new embeded Jetty server with the given listen port and the given webapp path.

webPort - the port the embedded Jetty server will listen on.
webappPath - the path to the CruiseControl web application served by the embedded server.


public EmbeddedJettyServer(int webPort,
                           java.lang.String webappPath,
                           java.lang.String newWebappPath,
                           java.lang.String configFileName,
                           int jmxPort,
                           int rmiPort)
Creates a new embeded Jetty server with the given listen port and the given webapp path.

webPort - the port the embedded Jetty server will listen on.
webappPath - the path to the CruiseControl web application served by the embedded server.
newWebappPath -
configFileName - the name of the config file
Method Detail


public void start()
Starts the embedded Jetty server.


public void stop()
Stops the embedded Jetty Server.