
Public API Reference

csEvent Class Reference

This class represents a system event. More...

#include <csutil/csevent.h>

Inheritance diagram for csEvent:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool AttributeExists (const char *name)
 Test whether an attribute exists.
 csEvent (csTicks iTime, csEventID iName, bool iBroadcast)
 Basic constructor.
 csEvent (csEvent const &)
 Cloning constructor.
 csEvent ()
 Empty initializer.
virtual csRef< iEventAttributeIteratorGetAttributeIterator ()
 Get an iterator for all attributes.
virtual csEventAttributeType GetAttributeType (const char *name)
 Query the type of an attribute.
const csEventID GetName ()
 Return the event's name.
virtual bool Remove (const char *name)
 Remove a specific attribute.
virtual bool RemoveAll ()
 Remove all attributes.
virtual csEventError Retrieve (const char *name, uint64 &value) const
virtual csEventError Retrieve (const char *name, int64 &value) const
virtual ~csEvent ()


class csEventAttributeIterator

Detailed Description

This class represents a system event.

Events can be generated by hardware (keyboard, mouse) as well as by software. There are so much constructors of this class as much different types of events exists.

Definition at line 54 of file csevent.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

csEvent::csEvent (  ) 

Empty initializer.

csEvent::csEvent ( csEvent const &   ) 

Cloning constructor.

Note that for command style events, this performs only a shallow copy of the `Info' attribute.

csEvent::csEvent ( csTicks  iTime,
csEventID  iName,
bool  iBroadcast 

Basic constructor.

virtual csEvent::~csEvent (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

virtual bool csEvent::AttributeExists ( const char *  name  )  [virtual]

Test whether an attribute exists.

Implements iEvent.

virtual csRef<iEventAttributeIterator> csEvent::GetAttributeIterator (  )  [virtual]

Get an iterator for all attributes.

Implements iEvent.

virtual csEventAttributeType csEvent::GetAttributeType ( const char *  name  )  [virtual]

Query the type of an attribute.

Implements iEvent.

const csEventID csEvent::GetName (  )  [virtual]

Return the event's name.

Implements iEvent.

virtual bool csEvent::Remove ( const char *  name  )  [virtual]

Remove a specific attribute.

Implements iEvent.

virtual bool csEvent::RemoveAll (  )  [virtual]

Remove all attributes.

Implements iEvent.

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