
Public API Reference

OSXDelegate2D Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(void) - closeWindow
 Close window (destroys OpenGL context as well).
(void) - dealloc
 Deallocate object.
(void) - dispatchEvent:forView:
 Dispatch an event to the driver.
(void) - focusChanged:shouldPause:
 Change focus of window and adjust title.
(id) - initWithDriver:
 Initialize with driver.
(void) - mouseEntered:
 Handle mouse entering or leaving the tracking area.
(BOOL) - openWindow:width:height:depth:fullscreen:onDisplay:onScreen:
 Open a window if none open.
(BOOL) - setMouseCursor:
 Set the mouse cursor.
(void) - setTitle:
 Set the window's title.
(void) - startTrackingMouse
 Start/Stop tracking mouse position.

Protected Attributes

OSXDriver2D driver
 Driver that this object works with.
BOOL hideMouse
 YES if mouse is not visible.
BOOL isPaused
 Is window paused (out of focus, etc).
int lastEventType
 Last processed event type.
NSString * pausedTitle
int style
NSString * title
BOOL trackingMouse
NSTrackingRectTag trackingMouseTag
 Keep track of mouse tracking state.
NSWindow * window
 Window - created even in fullscreen mode to get events (but with a different style) Window can have one of two titles - Paused or active.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 24 of file OSXDelegate2D.h.

Member Function Documentation

- (void) closeWindow  

Close window (destroys OpenGL context as well).

- (void) dealloc  

Deallocate object.

- (void) dispatchEvent: (NSEvent *)  ev
forView: (NSView *)  view 

Dispatch an event to the driver.

- (void) focusChanged: (BOOL)  focused
shouldPause: (BOOL)  pause 

Change focus of window and adjust title.

- (id) initWithDriver: (OSXDriver2D)  drv  

Initialize with driver.

- (void) mouseEntered: (NSEvent *)  ev  

Handle mouse entering or leaving the tracking area.

- (BOOL) openWindow: (const char *)  winTitle
width: (int)  w
height: (int)  h
depth: (int)  d
fullscreen: (BOOL)  fs
onDisplay: (CGDirectDisplayID)  display
onScreen: (unsigned int)  screen 

Open a window if none open.

- (BOOL) setMouseCursor: (csMouseCursorID cursor  

Set the mouse cursor.

- (void) setTitle: (char *)  newTitle  

Set the window's title.

- (void) startTrackingMouse  

Start/Stop tracking mouse position.

Member Data Documentation

- (OSXDriver2D) driver [protected]

Driver that this object works with.

Definition at line 44 of file OSXDelegate2D.h.

- (BOOL) hideMouse [protected]

YES if mouse is not visible.

Definition at line 30 of file OSXDelegate2D.h.

- (BOOL) isPaused [protected]

Is window paused (out of focus, etc).

Definition at line 41 of file OSXDelegate2D.h.

- (int) lastEventType [protected]

Last processed event type.

Definition at line 47 of file OSXDelegate2D.h.

- (NSTrackingRectTag) trackingMouseTag [protected]

Keep track of mouse tracking state.

Definition at line 27 of file OSXDelegate2D.h.

- (NSWindow*) window [protected]

Window - created even in fullscreen mode to get events (but with a different style) Window can have one of two titles - Paused or active.

Definition at line 36 of file OSXDelegate2D.h.

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