
Public API Reference

csutil/regexp.h File Reference

Regular expressions support. More...

#include "csextern.h"
#include "csutil/array.h"

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struct  csRegExpMatch
 Information about (sub)expression matches. More...
class  csRegExpMatcher
 Matcher for regular expressions. More...


enum  csRegExpMatchError {
  csrxNoError, csrxNoMatch, csrxBadBraces, csrxBadPattern,
  csrxBadRepetition, csrxErrCollate, csrxErrCharType, csrxErrEscape,
  csrxErrSubReg, csrxErrBrackets, csrxErrParentheses, csrxErrBraces,
  csrxErrRange, csrxErrSpace, csrxErrUnknown
 Possible errors that can occur during matching. More...
enum  csRegExpMatchFlags { csrxIgnoreCase = 1, csrxNewLine = 2, csrxNotBOL = 4, csrxNotEOL = 8 }
 Flags for regular expression matching. More...

Detailed Description

Regular expressions support.

Definition in file regexp.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Possible errors that can occur during matching.

csrxNoError  No problems during matching.
csrxNoMatch  The pattern didn't match the string.
csrxBadBraces  There was an invalid \{.

..\} construct in the regular expression. A valid \{...\} construct must contain either a single number, or two numbers in increasing order separated by a comma.

csrxBadPattern  There was a syntax error in the regular expression.
csrxBadRepetition  A repetition operator such as ? or * appeared in a bad position (with no preceding subexpression to act on).
csrxErrCollate  The regular expression referred to an invalid collating element (one not defined in the current locale for string collation).
csrxErrCharType  The regular expression referred to an invalid character class name.
csrxErrEscape  The regular expression ended with \.
csrxErrSubReg  There was an invalid number in the \digit construct.
csrxErrBrackets  There were unbalanced square brackets in the regular expression.
csrxErrParentheses  An extended regular expression had unbalanced parentheses, or a basic regular expression had unbalanced \( and \).
csrxErrBraces  The regular expression had unbalanced \{ and \}.
csrxErrRange  One of the endpoints in a range expression was invalid.
csrxErrSpace  Out of memory.
csrxErrUnknown  Unknown error.

Definition at line 32 of file regexp.h.

Flags for regular expression matching.

csrxIgnoreCase  Ignore case when matching letters.
csrxNewLine  Treat a newline in string as dividing string into multiple lines, so that $ can match before the newline and ^ can match after.

Also, don't permit . to match a newline, and don't permit [^...] to match a newline.

Otherwise, newline acts like any other ordinary character.

csrxNotBOL  Do not regard the beginning of the specified string as the beginning of a line; more generally, don't make any assumptions about what text might precede it.
csrxNotEOL  Do not regard the end of the specified string as the end of a line; more generally, don't make any assumptions about what text might follow it.

Definition at line 100 of file regexp.h.

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