
Public API Reference

iConsoleOutput Struct Reference

This is the Crystal Space Console interface. More...

#include <ivaria/conout.h>

Inheritance diagram for iConsoleOutput:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void AutoUpdate (bool autoUpdate)=0
 Enable or disable automatic console updates.
virtual void Clear (bool wipe=false)=0
 Clear console.
virtual void Draw2D (csRect *oRect=0)=0
 Display the console and return the dirty rectangle.
virtual void Draw3D (csRect *oRect=0)=0
 Update the 3D part of the console on the window.
virtual int GetCursorStyle () const =0
 Retrieve the cursor style.
virtual iFontGetFont () const =0
 Gets the current font.
virtual const char * GetLine (int line=-1) const =0
 Return a line from the buffer.
virtual int GetMaxLineWidth ()=0
 Query maximal line width in characters.
virtual int GetTopLine () const =0
 Get the current top line being displayed.
virtual bool GetTransparency () const =0
 Retrieve the transparency setting.
virtual bool GetVisible ()=0
 Query whether the console is visible or hidden.
virtual bool PerformExtension (const char *command,...)=0
 Implement simple extension commands.
virtual bool PerformExtensionV (const char *command, va_list)=0
 Implement simple extension commands.
virtual void PutText (const char *text,...)=0
 Put some text to the console.
virtual void PutTextV (const char *text, va_list args)=0
 Var_args version of PutText.
virtual void RegisterWatcher (iConsoleWatcher *)=0
 Tell console that this object should be notified when console visibility status changes.
virtual void ScrollTo (int topLine, bool snap=true)=0
 Set the current top line, or use of the constants above for scrolling.
virtual void SetBufferSize (int maxLines)=0
 Set the buffer size in lines.
virtual void SetCursorPos (int charNo)=0
 Set cursor horizontal position (-1 == follow output).
virtual void SetCursorStyle (int style)=0
 Assign the cursor style.
virtual void SetFont (iFont *font)=0
 Sets the font.
virtual void SetTransparency (bool transp)=0
 Set transparency.
virtual void SetVisible (bool show)=0
 Show/hide the console.

Detailed Description

This is the Crystal Space Console interface.

It is an output only system. It can be used in conjunction with the iConsoleInput interface to form an interactive console.

Main creators of instances implementing this interface:

Main ways to get pointers to this interface:

Main users of this interface:

Definition at line 79 of file conout.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void iConsoleOutput::AutoUpdate ( bool  autoUpdate  )  [pure virtual]

Enable or disable automatic console updates.

When the console is in console auto-update mode, it automatically calls BeginDraw/Console->Draw methods on every PutText call. Otherwise it is your responsability to call Draw() at appropiate times. Initially this mode is enabled.

Note that some implementations of the output consoles may be thread-safe. But in that case you MUST use AutoUpdate(false) because access to graphics is not thread-safe.

virtual void iConsoleOutput::Clear ( bool  wipe = false  )  [pure virtual]

Clear console.

wipe If true then the buffer is completely cleared. Else (default) the top line is moved to the current line.

virtual void iConsoleOutput::Draw2D ( csRect oRect = 0  )  [pure virtual]

Display the console and return the dirty rectangle.

The graphics driver should be in 2D draw mode. Only call this function from the same thread that maintains the graphics subsystem!

oRect will be set to the dirty rectangle so you can choose to update only that part of the screen. You can also supply 0 (default) if you are not interested in that.

virtual void iConsoleOutput::Draw3D ( csRect oRect = 0  )  [pure virtual]

Update the 3D part of the console on the window.

The graphics driver should be in 3D draw mode. Only call this function from the same thread that maintains the graphics subsystem!

oRect will be set to the dirty rectangle so you can choose to update only that part of the screen. You can also supply 0 (default) if you are not interested in that.

virtual int iConsoleOutput::GetCursorStyle (  )  const [pure virtual]

Retrieve the cursor style.

virtual iFont* iConsoleOutput::GetFont (  )  const [pure virtual]

Gets the current font.

virtual const char* iConsoleOutput::GetLine ( int  line = -1  )  const [pure virtual]

Return a line from the buffer.

line is the line to get or -1 (default) for the current line.

virtual int iConsoleOutput::GetMaxLineWidth (  )  [pure virtual]

Query maximal line width in characters.

virtual int iConsoleOutput::GetTopLine (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the current top line being displayed.

virtual bool iConsoleOutput::GetTransparency (  )  const [pure virtual]

Retrieve the transparency setting.

virtual bool iConsoleOutput::GetVisible (  )  [pure virtual]

Query whether the console is visible or hidden.

virtual bool iConsoleOutput::PerformExtension ( const char *  command,
) [pure virtual]

Implement simple extension commands.

virtual bool iConsoleOutput::PerformExtensionV ( const char *  command,
) [pure virtual]

Implement simple extension commands.

virtual void iConsoleOutput::PutText ( const char *  text,
) [pure virtual]

Put some text to the console.

Console acts like a simple TTY and should interpret basical symbols like '\n' and '\b'. The '\r' character has a special meaning: it sets a flag that tells console to clear the current line before next character is output. That is, you can emmit non-persistent messages this way: PutText ("some text@\r"); This message will disappear as soon as any other message will be sent to console.

Remember that if you are not using the printf-style functionality, and the string may include '' signs, you should do PutText("%s", str) instead of PutText(str).

See also:
Notes about string formatting in Crystal Space

virtual void iConsoleOutput::PutTextV ( const char *  text,
va_list  args 
) [pure virtual]

Var_args version of PutText.

virtual void iConsoleOutput::RegisterWatcher ( iConsoleWatcher  )  [pure virtual]

Tell console that this object should be notified when console visibility status changes.

virtual void iConsoleOutput::ScrollTo ( int  topLine,
bool  snap = true 
) [pure virtual]

Set the current top line, or use of the constants above for scrolling.

topLine is the new top line.
snap If true the console returns to the very bottom of the display when a new line is printed.

virtual void iConsoleOutput::SetBufferSize ( int  maxLines  )  [pure virtual]

Set the buffer size in lines.

virtual void iConsoleOutput::SetCursorPos ( int  charNo  )  [pure virtual]

Set cursor horizontal position (-1 == follow output).

virtual void iConsoleOutput::SetCursorStyle ( int  style  )  [pure virtual]

Assign the cursor style.

virtual void iConsoleOutput::SetFont ( iFont font  )  [pure virtual]

Sets the font.

virtual void iConsoleOutput::SetTransparency ( bool  transp  )  [pure virtual]

Set transparency.

virtual void iConsoleOutput::SetVisible ( bool  show  )  [pure virtual]

Show/hide the console.

In 'hidden' state console should not display anything at all (when Draw() is called) or draw some minimal information

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated for Crystal Space by doxygen 1.4.7